Lately I've been making some diagrams, I started with Tikz package but I don't know how to start with this:
I've tried with this:
[every node/.style={text depth=0pt}] % align node text
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (3,0);
\coordinate (C) at (15,0);
node at (A) [above=5pt] {$1$}
node at (A) [below=5pt] {$0$}
node at (B) [above=5pt] {$(1+R_{i,\tau-1})^\tau-1$}
node at (B) [below=5pt] {$i+\tau-1$};
node at (C) [above=5pt] {$(1+R_{i,\tau-1})^{\tau-1}(1+F_{i,\tau})^{\tau}$}
node at (C) [below=5pt] {$i+\tau$};
Thanks in advance.
), how to draw arrows from one node to another, and how to make a timeline-like thing. Given those examples you've been given previously, where do you get stuck?