I'm struggling with the proper location of three angles. Here is the picture I want to draw: vectors and angles

And here is what I have so far:




axis lines=middle,

%\draw [line width=.5pt,color=yellow,fill=yellow,fill opacity=0.11] (0,0) -- (0.:0.3) arc (0.:34:0.7) -- cycle;

\draw [shift={(-2,-2)},line width=.5pt,color=brown,fill=brown,fill opacity=0.11] (0,0) -- (0.:0.3) arc (0.:72:0.3) -- cycle;

\draw [shift={(-2,-2)},line width=.5pt,color=magenta,fill=magenta,fill opacity=0.11] (0,0) -- (33:0.3) arc (33:72:.4) -- cycle;

\draw [-latex] (0.,0.) -- (1.84,1.24);
\draw [-latex] (0.,0.) -- (0.82,2.54);

\draw[color=black] (0.7,0.8) node {$\vec{u}$};
\draw[color=black] (0.3,1.52) node {$\vec{v}$};
%\draw[color=teal] (0.3,0.09) node {$\alpha$};
%\draw[color=red] (0.2,0.2) node {$\beta$};
%\draw[color=blue] (0.2,0.1) node {$\gamma$};

which renders this:

desired pic

I know that all three angles have the same center (point [0;0]) but different radius. How can I achieve that? Thanks a lot!

3 Answers 3


The angles library is designed for this. It is helpful to also use the quotes library to make the syntax simpler:

enter image description here

\usetikzlibrary {angles, quotes}


\coordinate (o) at (0,0);
\coordinate (u) at (1.84,1.24);
\coordinate (v) at (0.82,2.54);
\coordinate (x) at (2,0);

\draw [-latex] (o) -- (u);
\draw [-latex] (o) -- (v);
\draw [-latex] (o) -- (x);

\path pic[draw=blue, angle radius=8mm, "$\alpha$", blue, angle eccentricity=.8]{angle=x--o--u};
\path pic[draw=red, angle radius=9mm, "$\beta$", red, angle eccentricity=.7]{angle=u--o--v};
\path pic[draw=teal, angle radius=10mm, "$\gamma$", below right, teal, angle eccentricity=1.1]{angle=x--o--v};



Like this:

enter image description here

Code (the angle are calculated separetly):


\sisetup{round-mode = places, round-precision = 1} % fix # of decimal places

        \draw[gray!20,step=.5] (-1,-1) grid (3,3);
        \draw[thin,-latex] (-1,0)--(3,0) node[right] () {$x$};
        \draw[thin,-latex] (0,-1)--(0,3) node[above] () {$y$};
        \foreach \i in {-1,-.5,.5,1,...,3}{
            \draw (\i,0)--(\i,-.1) node[below] () {\num{\j}};
        \foreach \i in {-1,-.5,.5,1,...,3}{
            \draw (0,\i)--(-.1,\i) node[left] () {\num{\j}};
        \draw[line width=2pt,-latex] (0,0)--(1.84,1.24);
        \draw[line width=2pt,-latex] (0,0)--(.82,2.54);
        \draw[red] (1,0)  arc(0:33.98:1) node[midway,fill=white] {\bfseries $\alpha$};
        \draw[blue] (33.98:1.2) arc(33.98:72.11:1.2) node[midway,fill=white] {\bfseries $\beta$};   

If You want also the legends for the two vectors, modify thi two lines:

\draw[line width=2pt,-latex] (0,0)--(1.84,1.24) node[above] {$\vec{u}$};
\draw[line width=2pt,-latex] (0,0)--(.82,2.54) node[above] {$\vec{v}$};

New output:

enter image description here


An alternative with tkz-base and tkz-euclide

The code

    \tkzDrawSegments[vector style](O,A O,B)
    \tkzLabelSegment[above left=-0.5ex,pos=.5](O,B){$\vec{v}$}

enter image description here

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