I have created a MWE where one can picture my issue.

    left   =0cm,
    right  =0cm,
    top    =0cm,
    bottom =0cm,
    paperwidth  = 521pt,
    paperheight = 384pt
\usepackage[skins, breakable, theorems]{tcolorbox}


    arc = 0pt,
    boxrule = 0pt,
    colback = blue,
    colupper = white,
    top= 2pt,
    bottom = 1pt


    Some small upper text.


    Some small lower text.



In the previous image, one can see that the top tcolorbox sticks perfectly to the top but the bottom one is not (quite). How can I fix this? Note the unusual geometry.

The geometry package does not show any other spacing than bottom so I should be able to reach the bottom of the page. Is that a flaw of the \vfill then?

PS: I do not want to work with fancyhdr here since I want something far more simple.

  • Ok so the problem actually come from tcolorbox and the option after=0pt should be added to Mybox and this solves the problem. If any admin is around, should I delete my question then? Commented May 24 at 17:20
  • 2
    I think it's better that you answer your own question.
    – jlab
    Commented May 24 at 17:58
  • (1) If you are trying to do presentations without know Beamer, take a look to this package. (2) You do not need the asterisk in \vspace in this case here, and instead of \vspace{\fill} you can use simply \vfill (3) If beamer is not option, maybe fancyhdr to place boxes as header and footers? (4) You can also have a perfect bottom box without dealing with spaces with options float, floatplacement=b. This option is only suitable if you have a good understanding of how floats behave.
    – Fran
    Commented May 25 at 9:00
  • @Fran [thanks for the comment] (1) This question comes as a detail in the full class for presentation I am building. I'm avoiding Beamer because it is either too constraining or too difficult to use. (2) I corrected that in my answer. (3) I did not manage to make fancyhdr work with tcolorbox. Furthermore, I am not using complicated headers/footers so that I find my environments more convinient. (4) I did not thought of using floats and that could be a good idea! All the more that tcolorbox allows one to treat the box as floats if one asks for it. Commented May 25 at 19:12

1 Answer 1


My issue was actually caused by a spacing specific to tcolorbox (that one can find in their documentation, page 11). Therefore, to solve my issue one just need to add after=0pt as option for the tcolorbox.

    left   =0cm,
    right  =0cm,
    top    =0cm,
    bottom =0cm,
    paperwidth  = 521pt,
    paperheight = 384pt
\usepackage[skins, breakable, theorems]{tcolorbox}


    arc = 0pt,
    boxrule = 0pt,
    colback = blue,
    colupper = white,
    top= 2pt,
    bottom = 1pt,
    after = 0pt


    Some small upper text.


    Some small lower text.


I also changed \vspace*{\fill} to \vfill, as suggested by Fran.

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