I'm using the listings package liberally in an article. However, I want to show some code listings side-by-side and for those i use the subfigure package:


The problem here is that this is a figure, consequently the caption will be prefixed with "Figure X:" and LaTeX will use the figure environment's float counter rather than the listing environment's counter.

How do I fix this? I want LaTeX to treat the above code as essentially one (floating) listing.

  • 2
    start by showing a small but complete example that can be used to test the issue and solutions. Commented Jun 24 at 12:25
  • Since lstlisting supports float and caption options, it must create its own float type. The problem with a "one environment does everyting" approach is separating the float from the display. IIRC, they used to have separate listing and lstlisting environments. Commented Jun 24 at 13:33
  • Right, I'm using listings's builtin floats for simple listings. But the environment is insufficient for side-by-side code listings. Commented Jun 24 at 14:31

1 Answer 1


I tried using the built in lstlisting float type (\@float{lstlisting}[#1]) but could not get it to work with subcaptions. Specifically, every lstlisting increments the lstlisting counter, reseting the subcounter. So instead I created a separate float type for listing.

Note that this causes \lstlistoflistings to stop working.


\DeclareFloatingEnvironment[fileext=lst, listname={List of Listings}]{listing}


\begin{sublisting}{\dimexpr 0.5\textwidth-0.5\columnsep}
  left listing
\begin{sublisting}{\dimexpr 0.5\textwidth-0.5\columnsep}
  right listing


Of course, if you don't want subcaptions, the original solution works fine.




\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr 0.5\textwidth-0.5\columnsep}
  \begin{lstlisting}[caption=Test A]
  left listing
\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr 0.5\textwidth-0.5\columnsep}
  \begin{lstlisting}[caption=Test B]
  right listing


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