I created a flowchart which looks like the Image I left atacched.I tried these codes but the flowchart does not fit in the page, probably because I set specific margins in my document.
\usepackage[lmargin=1.3in, rmargin=1in, tmargin=1in, bmargin=1in]{geometry}
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
These are the lines of code I used for the flowchart:
\newcommand \bhead[1]{\textcolor{blue!50!gray}{\textbf{#1}}}
common/.style={text centered,draw=black,font=\sffamily,thick},
process/.style={rounded corners, text width=5cm, minimum height=2cm, common, draw=blue!50!gray},
arrow/.style={ultra thick,blue!50!gray,shorten >=2.5mm,shorten <=2.5mm,-Triangle},
input/.style={text width=2.25cm, minimum height=2.5cm, common,draw=blue!50!gray},
no/.style={circle,fill=blue!50!gray,text=white,font=\sffamily,minimum size=2.5mm,anchor=center},
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
\node (design) [process] {Design\\(e.g., microprocessor design)};
\node (fabrication) [process, right=of design] {\bhead{Fabrication}\\(e.g., processed wafers)};
\node (assembly) [process, right=of fabrication] {\bhead{Assembly \& Test}\\(e.g., packaged microprocessor units)};
\node (designsw) [input, below=of design.south west,anchor=north west]{\bhead{Design Software}\\(e.g., electronic design automation)};
\node (intellectual) [input, below=of design.south east,anchor=north east]{\bhead{Intellectual Property}\\(e.g., licensed ARM architecture)};
\node (materials) [input, below=of fabrication.south west,anchor=north west] {\bhead{Materials \& Chemicals}\\(e.g., raw silicon wafers, neon)};
\node (equipment) [input, below=of fabrication.south east,anchor=north east] {\bhead{Manufacturing Equipment}\\(e.g.,\\lithography tools)};
\draw [arrow] (design) -- (fabrication);
\draw [arrow] (fabrication) -- (assembly);
\draw [arrow] (designsw) -- (design.south -| designsw);
\draw [arrow] (intellectual) -- (design.south -| intellectual);
\draw [arrow] (materials) -- (fabrication.south -| materials);
\draw [arrow] (equipment) -- (fabrication.south -| equipment);
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {design,fabrication,assembly}
\node [no] at (\i.north west) {\j};
I would like to have a blue sky as a color if it is possible. Thanks in advance
is to get consistency. (Or a large part of the point.) You can change the colours to whatever you wish. Just alter the definitions in\tikzset{}
. E.g.blue!50!cyan
or whatever.standalone
, and in your main document including it via packagegraphicx
. See here for an example: tex.stackexchange.com/a/701698/245790