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Tikz. How to draw arcs between nodes?

How to draw arcs. How to add the blue arcs in a simple way? Or in a simple line with 3 nodes. I have problem with the final lines \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[...
Mika Ike's user avatar
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Completing the loop in tikz

I am trying to complete my cyclic diagram, but my last bit of tikz code reverses my arrow direction and does not complete the diagram. I know that only my last arc is wrong, but I do not know how to ...
Pyro1368's user avatar
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How to place a node in the middle of an arc?

I think it is a simple question, but I didn't find the answer yet. The code I'm using is the following: \draw[->](1,0) arc(0:-30:1) node[midway]{$30$}; But in this way the node is placed at the ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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