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Questions tagged [books]

{books} is for questions which deal with books about TeX, LaTeX and other topics of this site. For questions regarding design and layout of books use {book-design} instead.

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Bentham Science Book Chapter Template (editable) required? [closed]

I need a word/latex template against Bentham Science Book Chapter. I have searched ant didn't get that. If any one has please share.
No Replay's user avatar
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How can we create a customized table of contents (ToC) of incomplete chapters in a large document?

I am writing a large document containing many chapters, sections and subsections. Some of the chapters/sections are not yet complete. In order to remind me of incomplete sections, I want to create a ...
Solidification's user avatar
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gray framed box around text and math in springer book style [duplicate]

I am looking for a library in latex that allows me to create a gray box, like the one seen in a springer book, to describe definitions and theorems
Gianni Spear's user avatar
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new versions of fancyhdr break caesar_book class

When I compile caesar_example.tex, the page numbers do not appear. They only show up if I use an older version of fancyhdr (e.g., this one). I am using TeX Live 2022 on Debian. Is this issue related ...
scaramouche's user avatar
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To remove the section title at the end of the article

The problem is shown in the picture. I want to remove the title section 1.1 above the next section. I don't know the reason in this book class template as I am new to TeX. Below is the code in the ...
Hexarhy's user avatar
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Text on one side of the page should be printed in the same location as the line on the other side of the page

I want to duplex print on very thin paper, and ensure vertical alignment of the paragraph text between the front and back of the paper. If they are not aligned, the text of the back will show-through ...
LaTeXQSEx's user avatar
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End-to-end numeration of exercises in book

I want to do end-to-end numeration for exercises in LaTeX. The solution that I found: \chapter{Chapter 1} \begin{enumerate} \item First exercise \item Second exercise \end{enumerate} \chapter{...
nyekitka's user avatar
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Scale from A4 to A5 for documentclass book

Original question: I found the answer from Simon Dispa with the following proposal: % !TeX TS-program = pdflatex \mag=1414 % added <<<<< \PassOptionsToPackage{usegeometry, paper=a5, ...
Thomas J's user avatar
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Two bibliographies of different styles in one document separated after one another [duplicate]

I have a book-document where I write a lot of chapters and have a bibliography of a certain style at the end of the chapters. Then I add an appendix. After some sections in the appendix, I have a new ...
edgar's user avatar
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Include all chapters, but compile only one?

Instead of one big tex file, I put the chapters into separate tex files for faster compilation. My main tex file now looks like this: \include{ch-abstract} \include{ch-acknowledgments} \include{ch-...
Blau's user avatar
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Customizing Chapter Style (\usepackage[Bjornstrup]{fncychap}) for different chapter or sections

Im trying to adapt a modification of the chapter style but I found some minor problems that Im not able to solve. Im working from the code found in the topic: How can I get a color gradient of the ...
Desenfunda's user avatar
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using aux file for multiple volumes [duplicate]

I'm writing multi-volume book for a publisher who has an in-house LaTeX support person but I'm a little confused about some of his suggestions on how to handle links from one volume to another. They ...
Chip Brock's user avatar
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Printing Question, then Question and Solutions at end of chapter in book class

My question is almost answered in other posts: I suspect exsheets is part of the answer. I am writing a book and have exam-style questions in the body with their solutions at the end of the chapter. I ...
Squigglevoid's user avatar
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The commands openany and oneside in the book document class

I have the following code \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,oneside,openany]{book} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[left=1in,right=1in,top=1.25in,bottom=1.25in,headsep=30pt,heightrounded] {...
Hussein Eid's user avatar
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In the book class, add a full-page image in the even page preceding a new chapter

I'm making a template for a friend who's been writing a fiction book for years, struggling with his time commitment (family happens). My goal is to completely separate format from content (hence LaTeX)...
phollox's user avatar
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