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How to center the out arrow of a box?

I use a code from Izaak Neutelings ( and adapted it for my thesis. But when I write a bigger sentence the middle arrow in "Simulações" is not centred. ...
allan's user avatar
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3 answers

recreate a figure with TikZ from an entrance exam

Could anyone help me recreate this image on tikz? I don't really know where to start
Willian's user avatar
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complex tree/forest scenario-tree [closed]

I have tried to play around with different tree-structures and looked through some threads here but i cant even get close to what i want: The difficulties: how to draw the "generator" term....
karl henriksson's user avatar
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shaped node in tree

I want to create this tree that each node have its own shape. for example each nodes be circle and leaves be square. this code perfectly work but I want to use tree in my code. \begin{tikzpicture} ...
Erfan Riahi's user avatar
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How do I insert blank leaves on a probability tree diagram using TikZ?

I have the below code that generates a basic probability tree. \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ grow=right, level distance=3cm, level 1/.style = {...
DiamondPenguin's user avatar
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Forest package - Drop nodes to lowest possible layer

I have the following forest code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[linguistics]{forest} \begin{document} \begin{forest} for tree={ if n children=0{ font=\scshape, ...
Mew's user avatar
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How do I make this forest tree shorter without making it wider by adjusting the angles?

I'm having some trouble with this forest tree, my goal is to get it shorter without making it any wider, by adjusting the angles under CP and VP to be wider. When I try using the calign=fixed angles, ...
vmariani's user avatar
1 vote
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Forest: change depth of a sibling

\usepackage[linguistics]{forest} \begin{document} \begin{forest} [A[B[C]][D]] \end{forest} \end{document} Here A has two children: B and D. I would like to place D just right of C. How do I ...
Terrarium's user avatar
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Drawing (upward facing, potentially unlabelled) binary trees and forests in LaTeX?

I'm trying to figure out how to draw (forests of) potentially undecorated binary trees in Latex. So far, I've looked at the "forest" package, which I couldn't get to work with what I want. I'...
MathFrak96's user avatar
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How to return/realign/reunite a branch of a tree structure to the original parent lineage using the forest package?

I am drawing etymological trees using forest and I am wondering if I can reunite my forked-off branches back with the main "line" somehow. Essentially the question could also be: Can one ...
Devouring Radiant Light's user avatar
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2 answers

Tree Diagram with Filesystem Branches

I am trying to draw this tree diagram exactly: I edited my code and it looks better, but still needs more work. Here is the code and result: \usetikzlibrary {trees} \tikz [font=\footnotesize,grow=...
Ali 's user avatar
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Trouble drawing an ellipse around two elements of a forest environment

I have seen some questions about the same topic in the forum, but I've been unable to reproduce the same output in my code, so I would start by saying sorry for posting similar questions but here we ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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How to draw picture like this in Latex?

How can I draw picture like this in Latex? Any pointers welcome.
Exploring's user avatar
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Dimension too large error using forest package

One forest in my document produces some weird problems. This is the problematic excerpt: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{forest} \...
bdkNic21's user avatar
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Arrow diagrams using packages

Is there a way to draw a diagram like such using only default provided packages? The part that I'm trying to figure out is creating an arrow that points above an element, like the right-most arrow in ...
Peter's user avatar
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