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Questions tagged [fourier]

{fourier} is for questions addressing issues related to the Fourier-GUTen­berg typefaces.

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Using TikZ to Plot the Fourier Transform with Magnitude and Argument Coloring

I would like to use TikZ to draw the function graph of the Fourier transform 𝐹(𝜔) of 𝑒^𝑡 sin(𝑡)𝑢(𝑡). The x-axis represents 𝜔, the y-axis represents the magnitude of 𝐹(𝜔), and different ...
蘇賢晉's user avatar
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breqn package in beamer turns \Omega into a dot

I'm compiling a beamer presentation with the fourier font set, and the result shows a dot instead of the greek character \Omega. I have found that other people had the same problem here and here, but ...
aaragon's user avatar
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Problem with parentheses and mathastext

I'll motivate my problem quickly: I make flashcards on my computer using latex, and am in need of certain formatting for this. I've wanted a. computer-readable unified look, which uses non-slanted ...
studying mathematics 's user avatar
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\boldsymbol does not boldify \cdot

Here is the code: \documentclass[a4paper,twoside,12pt]{article} \usepackage[margin=1.5cm]{geometry} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[italian]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsmath}...
Federico's user avatar
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Style fourier with esint

I like the fourier package but I'd like to use integrals from esint package. I try to use esint after fourier and the \int and \oint have forms from esint, but \iint and \oiint have forms from fourier ...
nail's user avatar
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What are these mathfrak/mathcal/mathbb fonts?

I recently came across this preprint of Pierre Berthelot, and became a little obsessed with the very pretty typesetting. I determined that the text font is New Century Schoolbook or something very ...
jakehuryn's user avatar
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This error appears when I try to compile my document "Command \widering already defined."

My document doesn't compile. I don't know if a package is missing or I mistyped a word. I can't find the error
albert robles's user avatar
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fourier-otf and texlive 2022 with xelatex

The following code with xelatex : \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fourier-otf} \begin{document} Test \end{document} fails on Texlive 2022 on linux up to date (18/08/2022). If i change the line 49 ...
Manuel Cart's user avatar
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fourier-otf, verdana, babel-french no longer work correctly together with texlive2022

On Windows 10, LuaHBTeX, Version 1.15.0 (TeX Live 2022), erewthon-math 0.53 babel-french 3.5n % !TeX program = lualatex \documentclass[french,11pt]{article} \usepackage[math-style=french,bold-style=...
pascal974's user avatar
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Symbol of Fourier transform

Hello. Is there any command that allows to write the Fourier transform like in the picture? The command $\widehat()$ leaves it this way, but I would like the symbol to appear in the spot of the ...
eraldcoil's user avatar
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Adjust / and \backslash symbols in Fourier

In Fourier, the non-sized slashes / and \backslash are, in my opinion, too small and does not tilt enough compared to their sized version. For example, writing a / b and a \big/ b, we obtain something ...
aahlback's user avatar
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Bad underbrace with fourier-otf

As per the title, \underbrace looks bad with fourier-otf. I'm not sure how to explain it with words, so here's a picture of a MWE: I think the best way to describe it might be that the underbrace &...
PurpleMyst's user avatar
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Degree symbol missing with fourier-otf

I am currently writing my dissertation in TeX and am compiling with lualatex. I was intending to use the Utopia font as provided by the fourier-otf package. However, I noticed that the ° symbol does ...
flurble's user avatar
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Drop-in replacement for ``fouriernc`` for LuaLaTeX

I have been using fouriernc for a while now, despite compiling with LuaLaTeX, and I very much like to look of the produced pdf files. However, upon compiling the following warning is thrown: Package ...
FlorianL's user avatar
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Incompatibilty between hyperref and FourierOrns?

Consider this file to be compiled with lualatex or xelatex: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage{fourier-otf} %\usepackage[pdftitle={My title},pdfauthor={Me}]{hyperref} \begin{document} \...
Daniel Flipo's user avatar
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