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Package caption Error: The nonfloat package is incompatible to the(caption) so try \usepackage{caption}[=v1] instead. \begin{document}

When I run textstudio I get the following error message (Package caption Error: The nonfloat package is incompatible to the(caption) so try \usepackage{caption}[=v1] instead. \begin{document}) , the ...
user2196539's user avatar
4 votes
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How to add subcaption to tikz

I need to place three tikz pictures side by side, and assign one caption to the triple and a subcaption to each tikz. I currently use subcaption package and it works well. However, I need migrate to ...
user3813057's user avatar
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Subcaption incompatible with babel-farsi

I am trying to use some farsi words in my text. I also have to use subcaption for my pics. But I am getting the following error: ! Package caption Error: The `subcaption' package does not work ...
Phima's user avatar
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How to solve subcaption package compatibility issue when using babel package with arabic option?

I am trying to include some Arabic text but I am getting the following error: ! Package caption Error: The `subcaption' package does not work correctly (caption) in compatibility mode. ...
Salah's user avatar
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Workaround for refcheck with subcaptions

This question mentions a conflict between refcheck, subcaption and hyperref, and proposes a patch to help deal with some issues due to hyperref. I would like to know if there is a workaround for the ...
anol's user avatar
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conflict refcheck/subcaption packages for label with underscores

I found a conflict between the hyperref/subcaption/refcheck packages. I was using figures with subfigures and subcaptions, enabling the hyperref package for cross referencing in the document without ...
HeXor's user avatar
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Incompatibility issues within classicthesis

I'm using classicthesis.sty to write my master's thesis. In this style the tocloft is set up with the subfig package, which is now deprecated, so i'm using instead the subcaption package, the problem ...
Tina's user avatar
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Caption package incompatibility with \@makecaption in custom report class [closed]

My university has a recommended thesis class based on the report class. Unfortunately, it is incompatible with the caption package; for example, when I include the subcaption package, I get the ...
Mike's user avatar
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Subcaption compatibility with ACM document class

I'm currently working on a paper for an ACM conference and they require me to use the sigplanconf.cls I want to use subcaption, but if I add \usepackage{caption} \usepackage{subcaption} then I get ...
Lexiel's user avatar
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Is there an incompatibility between the packages breqn and subcaption [closed]

When I try to typeset with both the packages subcaption and breqn, I get the following error: ! Package caption Error: The `subcaption' package does not work correctly(caption) in compatibility ...
Kirbies's user avatar
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12 votes
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Are subcaption and tabularx incompatible?

I know that isn't the forum for bug-reporting, but I have a bit of a problem and I'm looking for a technical workaround. The following MWE produces odd labels: \documentclass{article} \...
Ben Lerner's user avatar
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49 votes
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Subcaption package: compatibility issue

There is a compatibility problem between the CIFA document class and the subcaption package. When I compile the following example (with PDFLaTex): \documentclass{cifa} \usepackage{subcaption} \begin{...
Leonardo's user avatar
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How to hyperref a pageref in second half of an algorithm, independent of first half

I'm struggling with something that seems pretty complicated to me, but maybe there's a way better solution already out there. If not, I'd really appreciate any help with getting the following problem ...
SSilk's user avatar
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memoir class with subcaption and hyperref packages

This is similar to this question about using subfigures in memoir class and this one about using subfigure memoir and hyperref together Is it possible to use memoir class with sucaption package? I ...
pmav99's user avatar
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