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How to avoid page breaks before or after 'figure' environments

I was trying to reference some pictures in my document but something went wrong. Here is the code : main.tex: \documentclass[french, 12pt, twoside, openany]{book} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \...
Gigi's user avatar
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Label Numbering problem

Im trying to use subfigure command like that: \begin{figure} \centering \caption{Problema com 7 nós e 9 veículos} \subfigure[Custo]{\label{fig17}\includegraphics[scale=.5]{part5-figuras/...
Igor Matsumoto's user avatar
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How can I reference a picture that consists of two images, (a) and (b), but the file already has both images?

I need a picture in my document, which in one file already has the two images. I just need to reference the figure as Figure 1a and Figure 1b in the text. I tried to do this with the subfig package, ...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
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Place braces on subfigure intext reference (e.g. Fig. 1(a) instead of Fig. 1a )

I would like to reference a subfigure as "Fig. 3 (a)" using \ref{fig:figure3a} but instead I am getting "Fig. 3a". How would I add the braces to a subfigure reference? Where the ...
user4933's user avatar
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Figure number is missing in cleveref

Figure number is missing in subcaption references, when using cleveref. How can I get a subcaption reference as Fig.1(a), instead of Fig. (a)? \documentclass[12pt]{extarticle} \RequirePackage{...
user227870's user avatar
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Link text and figures including subplots

I have a figure with many subplots created and labeled in Matlab. In the text of the tex file, I need to refer to each subplot separately e.g. 1a) 1b)..., nevertheless I can obviously link only the ...
mickeymar's user avatar
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How to change subfloat caption label name?

The \autoref command is not giving me a "Figure" label name for subfigures made inside subfloats. There are answers how to control the label numbering but the label name I was not lucky to find an ...
Mazen's user avatar
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What is tabularx doing with subfig in this example?

This is a simplified version of an environment that I use to hide a figure, showing only the caption. One of the challenges was that I wanted to not only ignore \includegraphics, but ignore the whole ...
bers's user avatar
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References to subfigures which appear more than once in the document not in right order

I have two figures A and B consisting of subfigures. Some subfigures appear in both of these figures. When I try to refer to the subfigures, the references appear in wrong order. For example: \begin{...
Hessu's user avatar
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subfig package not referencing sub fig labels correctly

I am using the subfig package to display two plots using the code below: \begin{figure}[!ht] \subfloat[Singular Terms\label{secondring:subfig-1}]{% \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth] {...
Dominic's user avatar
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Adding space to subreference

Consider this example: \documentclass{report} \usepackage{subfig} \begin{document} See Figure~\subref*{sf1} for more information. \begin{figure} \centering \subfloat[Subfig 1]{\label{sf1} Contents of ...
Viesturs's user avatar
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figref with subfigure and parentheses

I use IEEEtran with subfigure and \figref. \begin{figure} \centering \subfloat[Foo.\label{fig:test-foo}]{\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{foo}} \\ \subfloat[Bar.\label{fig:...
divB's user avatar
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Problem with label and references and subfig/subcaption

Dear stackexchange users, I want to use subfigures in my document but the solution I got so far scrambles my ability to use labels and references in my documents. \documentclass{scrartcl} \...
JakobJakobson13's user avatar
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How can I get multiple sub-references to appear as a range in the caption and preserving other sub-references?

I have 2 plots which in turn have 4 plots each, which I label as shown in the MWE. The code is modified (link) such that the caption of the figure reads: Figure 1: (a)-(d) XYZ and (e)-(h) PQR But ...
nxkryptor's user avatar
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How can I get multiple sub-references to appear as a range in the caption?

I have 2 plots which in turn have 4 plots each, which I label as shown in the MWE. I am trying to get the caption of the figure to read: Figure 1: (a)-(d) XYZ and (e)-(h) PQR In the MWE I am doing ...
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