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3D graph - issues filling space between curves and xy-plane

So I have a bunch of datasets stored in several .dat files that I have drawn on a 3D graph to show the data evolution according to a third parameter. In order to make the graph prettier, I would like ...
Marck's user avatar
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Merging 2 hemispheres using tikz

I am trying to reproduce this complicated figure using tikz : this consists of 2 merging hemisphere as shown below : I don't know if this is really difficult in latex but I have tried to inspire ...
Waxler's user avatar
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Z-X-Z Angles TikZ-picture 3d :

I'm willing to create a similar graph as this one: I've tried the first figure rotation, and the result was pretty cool: Here's its code: \documentclass[tikz,border=10mm]{standalone} \usepackage{...
Echelle-courte's user avatar
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Stereographic projection of graph from sphere to plane - tikz

I want to create a tikz-picture to map a planar graph from the sphere to the plane. While this has already been done for similar purposes I didn't find any picture that included the edges of the graph....
Felix's user avatar
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Octahedra+tetrahedra space-filling tessellations in 3D

This is called the quasiregular space-filling tessellations in 3D: formed by Octahedra in RED and tetrahedra in YELLOW Are there any smart ways to do a LaTex figure drawing this?
wonderich's user avatar
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Draw the polyhedra tessellation in the 3-dimensional-space

Consider a polyhedron composed by 24 vertices (4×6) 14 faces (contain 6 squares and 8 hexagons) 36 edges (4×6+6×82=36). This polyhedron can pack and tessellate the 3-dimensional-space like this. ...
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Auxiliary drawing tools [duplicate]

I am a beginner, drawing with tikz is a bit difficult for me. Is there an auxiliary drawing tool that is suitable for beginners? Especially drawing three-dimensional graphics.
King.Max's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

best way to draw planes in 2d?

I would like to replicate the following image and I would like to know how to represent the third state into the page by using the tikz-3dplot package, maybe starting from the answer to a previous ...
Nenne's user avatar
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Drawing a curve (not necessarily an arc) in tikz-3dplot

I'm trying to draw a curve in tikz-3dplot that isn't the arc of a circle. I would like for it to specified by control points, similar to how tikz has (0,0) to [controls=+(45:1) and +(135:1)] (1,0). I ...
Jānis Lazovskis's user avatar
3 votes
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Draw the three cylindrical sections

I want to draw the three conic sections (circle, ellipse and rectangle) where the cylinder and cross sections are colored: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{animate} \...
Samuel Diaz's user avatar
8 votes
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Draw the four conic sections

I want to draw the four conic sections (circumference, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola) as shown in the picture: MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pst-plot} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{...
Samuel Diaz's user avatar
13 votes
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Sphere packing in a sphere diagrams

Inspired by How to create nice-looking nuclei in TikZ?, I am trying to draw arrangements of spheres, in particular the sphere packing in a sphere problem. From Wikipedia - "Sphere packing in a sphere ...
Milo's user avatar
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How to create consistent 3D images in Tikz

I would like to create images similar to these ones: However I would like to be able to do so in a coordinate system specific way so that I don't have to think about how the 2D projection of the ...
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