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Questions tagged [tikz-3d]

For questions about projections using {tikz-pgf} including PGF's `3d` library.

5 votes
1 answer

3D Chip Design using TikZ

I'm trying to reproduce a 3D design of a chip using TikZ in LaTeX. The design I'm aiming for resembles a multi-layered chip concept, similar to the image below (showing different components stacked on ...
Yusef Hamdellah's user avatar
6 votes
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Drawing the Steinmetz solid with TikZ

I want to draw the Steinmetz solid, the volume enclosed by two cilinder of same radius intersecting orthogonaly. I have so far been able to draw the circles in 3D and the lines till their ...
TeX Apprentice's user avatar
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how can get 3d axis labels in latex tikzpicture?

I am trying to draw the latex picture as same as shown in the given image. Almost all I have done but I am unable to draw the axis label as shown in the image. Please anyone can help me? \...
Samia Rani's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to achieve one point perspective for a given tikz-3dplot?

I am trying to replicate this drawing with tikz-3dplot: I have already done the main drawing (above, second image), but I cannot achieve the perspective. I tried with the perspective library and some ...
Lorenzo Carozzo's user avatar
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Shifting Origin of Coordinate Systems with Custom Axes

I want to draw a second coordinate system at position (0,0,2). Here is my code: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.8} \begin{document} \begin{...
Dude's user avatar
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Placing multiple Coordinate Systems in one Image

I want to visualize two coordinate systems in one image. Minimal working example: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.8} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{...
Dude's user avatar
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2 votes
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Node at intersections not rendering in tikz-3dplot

I just started using tikz-3dplot. I'm having an issue that I created two arcs and I want to place a labeled node at their intersection. For some reason I keep getting an error that the name of the ...
Coenraad van Schoor's user avatar
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Draw an arc in 3dtools

I've been trying to figure out how to use 3dtools to draw celestial diagrams. I have an issue in that I'm unsure on the correct syntax to use to draw part of an arc lying on a sphere. For example, in ...
Coenraad van Schoor's user avatar
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Sphere with a randomly marked region and an equatorial circle

I'm working with spheres in 3D and would like to draw a sphere with an open region $U$ with color green and enclosed closed region $E$ filled with color red such that $E \subset U$. And a vector $x$ ...
hteica's user avatar
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TikZ pgfplot 3d graph number positioning

Can you see the x-axis ticks (r_{AB})? There are two lines: I would like to make sure that the numbers lie underneath in the line that goes downwards. \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{tikz} ...
user3204810's user avatar
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The method of drawing 3D shapes that stack each other allows the shapes to be rotated without overlapping lines [duplicate]

I'm trying to draw adjacent cubes like this: When I rotate the shape I just drew, it gets distorted due to the order of drawing the cubes. The lines of the later shapes overlap the earlier ones. Is ...
trong vox's user avatar
0 votes
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How to build the 3d cartesian coordinate system like this and add this graph

When I used the pgfplots or tikz3d I have a problem that the x,y,z axis doesn't like this. They always incline from it should be like the below image. How to set the x,y,z axis that x-axis is towards ...
sukmudmaisus's user avatar
5 votes
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Add arrow to Helix code

Based on the question Helix question, I would like to be able to add an arrow at the end of these, at the beginning or at the end, how could I do it in the simplest way? One of the answer codes is the ...
Alejandro Munoz Ossa's user avatar
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How to draw and color a spherical cap of arbitrary radius at a given point in a sphere using Tikz

I was wondering if there was an easy way of drawing and coloring a spherical cap centred at a certain point in a sphere. I have seen relationed questions like this one, but the spherical cap cannot be ...
Rober's user avatar
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Have sides of translucent cylinder appear

This is a very simple answer probably, but I want/need the sides of this cylinder to appear. The goal is to have it be for volumes of rotation by cylindrical shells. The goal is to have something like ...
Ally's user avatar
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