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Questions tagged [intersections]

For questions about calculating intersections using {tikz-pgf} or {pgfplots}, including PGF's `intersections` library.

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Why does `yshift` crash the compilation when I switch the intersection order

Consider this MWE \documentclass[varwidth=true, border=2pt]{standalone} % \documentclass[beamer,crop]{standalone} % for Beamer \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,positioning} \tikzset{ ar/....
Rubem Pacelli's user avatar
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How can i make the intersections library remember the "total" macro outside the specific path? [duplicate]

When defining the intersection coordinates of two paths (via the intersections library), I can store the number of found intersections in a macro for later use, i.e. foreach: \draw[name path=A] (0,0) -...
LuisLohse's user avatar
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Node at intersections not rendering in tikz-3dplot

I just started using tikz-3dplot. I'm having an issue that I created two arcs and I want to place a labeled node at their intersection. For some reason I keep getting an error that the name of the ...
Coenraad van Schoor's user avatar
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2 answers

Filling between two paths (using intersections)

I've been playing with sketching plots using tikz's \draw plot command, rather than using pgfplots (mainly as these are quick-and-dirty notes for students, rather than anything mission-critical). It's ...
Dave's user avatar
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How to horizontally align the dashed lines to the intersection point?

Edit: Solution has been found using the syntax I borrowed. It just involves changing the code pertaining to the horizontal line to \draw[dashed, line width=0.5mm] (0,0|-A) -- (A);. It's a simple ...
Atex's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to fix the color regions of this tikz figure?

I am trying to fix the blue region in the figure below but the white part is not completely filled yet. Here are the following Latex codes for the standalone figure: \documentclass{standalone} \...
OGC's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

how to draw circle touching two other circles near intersection

I want to draw a circle with a given radius so that it touches two other bigger circles near their intersection. I am using the tkz-euclide package but could not figure out this case. The code below ...
Thierry Blanc's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

TikZ how to temporarily discontinue line at intersection of two lines

I am working in TikZ and I am trying to make one line stop, then start again before and after the intersection with another line. I have attempted to put a node at the intersection point and filled it ...
vali.b's user avatar
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pgfplots: find the intersection point of two curves and determine the y value of the intersection point

Thank you for reading my question! Introduction Now I want to draw a picture, in which I need to calculate the intersection point of the two curves and determine whether the y value of the ...
BqBPdx's user avatar
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LuaLatex and intersection segments: Error only with Lua

I need to use LuaLatex with my document and somehow run into an error while compiling a plot. I reduced my document to the following MWE: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{shellesc} \usepackage{...
AcademicCoder's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Importing two symbols from stix2

I want to import two math symbols from stix2 package: \rdiagovfdiag and \fdiagovrdiag which look like this: I want to do this, because adding the whole package changes style of my article which I don'...
Mogget's user avatar
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Drawing a simplex/diagram with crossings [closed]

I'm trying to come up with a way of drawing a simplex and handling crossings via loops in the most naive way possible: for every possible pair of lines, find the intersection point draw the first ...
J Wells's user avatar
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3 votes
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Intersection between tangent and circle

I am trying to define the tangent line of a circle at a given azimuth then use this intersection to define segment. The MWE here shows that intersection seems badly computed using [turn]90: command to ...
Sigmun's user avatar
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Intersection coordinates change when I change values for domain

I'm trying to plot a function using Tikz/Pgfplots. Am still new to using Tikz/Pgfplots. I've created the code using various sources. Here's a MWE: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots,tikz}...
Ram's user avatar
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Fill between 4 circle and arc

I need to fill a zone defined by 4 arcs for which I know there centers and radius. I didn't manage to create the contour of this area and fill it. Here is my MWE with circle but the size of the ...
Sigmun's user avatar
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