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Resident Evil Village Guide

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Resident Evil Village: Castle's Courtyard - walkthrough, Dimitrescu Castle Resident Evil Village guide, walkthrough

Last update: 14 June 2021

On this page of the Resident Evil Village game guide, you will find a walkthrough for exploration of the Courtyard and surrounding locations. The following walkthrough explains, among others, how to complete the puzzles in the castle, where to find the masks, how to escape Lady Dimitrescu and how to defeat the second and third vampire daughters.

Solving the Hall of Ablution Statues puzzle

Ethan will reach the Courtyard by using the Courtyard Key on the door in the Dining Room - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Ethan will reach the Courtyard by using the Courtyard Key on the door in the Dining Room. You can optionally explore the Courtyard or head straight to the passage on the south (you can't open the north door yet).

As you explore the new corridors, you will hear Lady Dimitrescu, but you don't have to hide from her. There will be a Castle Map Main hanging on one of the walls - it may help you explore the castle, although it does not reveal it entirely.

You will reach the Hall of Ablution, where you have to solve a puzzle with 4 statues that can be rotated left or right - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

You will reach the Hall of Ablution, where you have to solve a puzzle with 4 statues that can be rotated left or right. The clue to solving the puzzle is an inscription on a large painting hanging on the wall. Here's the solution to the puzzle:

  1. Turn the statue of a woman with a hat(point 1 in the picture) to the left, i.e. towards the hooded figure.
  2. Turn the beggars statue (point 2 in the picture) to the right, i.e. towards the figure on the horse.
  3. Turn the statue of a hooded woman (point 3 in the picture) to the right, i.e. towards the woman with the hat.

You can already use the stairs leading to the dungeon.

Passing through the distillery

While exploring the partially flooded basement and Distillery, watch out for monsters hiding in the water - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

While exploring the partially flooded basement and Distillery, watch out for monsters hiding in the water. You can try noticing them from a distance by seeing the distortion of the water surface (example in the picture). This will allow you to prepare for the monster's blow or to attack in advance.

It is best to move slowly and eliminate more opponents as you go. You should find enough supplies in plain sight and hidden in crates, so you don't need to worry about running out of ammo. Ultimately, you have to reach the ladder that allows you to leave the basement.

Reaching the chambers of Lady Dimitrescu

You will arrive at Terrace, which is adjacent to Lady Dimitrescu's Chambers - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

You will arrive at Terrace, which is adjacent to Lady Dimitrescu's Chambers. On the way there, stop in the room with the typewriter to save the game.

When you approach Lady Dimitrescu's chambers, a cut-scene about overhearing the large vampire will play.

The main purpose of visiting Lady Dimitrescu 's chambers is to find Dimitrescu's Key - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

The main purpose of visiting Lady Dimitrescu 's chambers is to find Dimitrescu's Key. It's pretty well hidden - it's hung from the candlestick shown in the picture above.

When trying to exit the chamber, Lady Dimitrescu will appear and throw the main character into the Dungeon during a cut-scene.

Escape from the dungeon and getting the first mask

The first walk through the Dungeon does not feature any exciting moments, but the situation will change once you reach the second lever shown in the picture - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

The first walk through the Dungeon does not feature any exciting moments, but the situation will change once you reach the second lever shown in the picture. If you try to use it, you will be attacked by Lady Dimitrescu, who will start hunting for the main character.

Don't try to attack Lady Dimitrescu, because you will fail regardless - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Don't try to attack Lady Dimitrescu, because you will fail regardless. Unlike her daughters, attacking the main vampire will not stop her or slow her down. It will just be a waste of ammo.

Your first task is to reach the lever again, where Lady Dimitrescu attack you before after you pulled it. Back off and wait for the vampire to arrive at this location. Run in the other direction quickly to get to the lever. The big takeaway is that Lady Dimitrescu deals damage only in hand-to-hand combat. You don't need to fear her ranged attacks.

The bars won't open right away, and while waiting for the passage to unlock, you must again make sure Lady Dimitrescu doesn't get too close to the main protagonist - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

The bars won't open right away, and while waiting for the passage to unlock, you must again make sure Lady Dimitrescu doesn't get too close to the main protagonist. You can run around the poles and count on the vampiress to slowly follow Ethan.

Once the pathway by the lever unlocks, run down the new hallway. The only path leads down the stairs. Ethan will eventually reach the door, where he must use the Dimitrescu's Key, which he previously obtained in the vampire's chambers.

You will reach the altar shown in the picture in the Hall of Sorrow with the Mask of Sorrow - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

You will reach the altar shown in the picture in the Hall of Sorrow with the Mask of Sorrow. You must take it because it is required to solve one of the puzzles in the castle (you have to find three other masks).

Taking the mask will trigger the elevator and the chase will end. The hero will reach the Courtyard.

Reaching the Hall of Pleasure and getting the second mask

1 - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide
You need to be on your guard - from this point on monsters will start appearing in the Courtyard - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

You need to be on your guard - from this point on monsters will start appearing in the Courtyard. You can fight them or take advantage of the fact that it is a wide location with side passages and avoid enemies to save ammunition.

You now have two new passages to choose from. To explore the first, head to the Hall of Pleasure located on the first floor south of the Main Hall. Along the way, the main character must again avoid Lady Dimitrescu's vampire daughter, and, as before, it is best to drive her off with a firearm and quickly reach the door. To open the door leading to the Hall of Pleasure, you have to use Dimitrescu's Key, which you found earlier in Lady Dimitrescu's chambers.

In the Hall of Pleasure, you will find the altar with the Mask of Pleasure - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

In the Hall of Pleasure, you will find the altar with the Mask of Pleasure. Unfortunately, the mask is on a trap, and the exit from the room will temporarily block. You must, as a result, use the side passage located in the fireplace.

Boss fight - the second vampire daughter

A side passage will lead you to the Armory - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

A side passage will lead you to the Armory. Lady Dimitrescu's second daughter will be here in a moment. Before that happens, it's a good idea to look around and collect the usual loot. Preparing the shotgun will be your best bet before the fight.

In one corner of the armory you will find Pipe Bombs. Picking them up should make the boss appear. This time you have to defeat the vampire.

Right after you pick up the bombs, go to the sliding barricade visible in the picture - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Right after you pick up the bombs, go to the sliding barricade visible in the picture. Move it to the side.

Ethan will probably have to chase the vampire away - use any gun to do so - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Ethan will probably have to chase the vampire away - use any gun to do so.

Select the recently acquired pipe bombs from your inventory, because you need to throw one at the crumbing wall shown in the picture above. When you knock down a section of the wall, the icy air will always get inside the armory. The vampire you are dealing with now, just like the previous one, is not immune to the cold, which will help you win this fight.

From this point on, the course of the fight will become very familiar - wait for the vampire to appear next to the demolished wall where the cold air is - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

From this point on, the course of the fight will become very familiar - wait for the vampire to appear next to the demolished wall where the cold air is. Attack her once she gets there, using the fact that she is then prone to gunfire.

Continue in this manner until the boss turns to stone and falls apart. The defeated vampire will leave the Crystal Torso treasure behind.

2 - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide
After winning the fight, look around the armory for the Mounted Animal Skull shown in the picture - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

After winning the fight, look around the armory for the Mounted Animal Skull shown in the picture. Examine it in the inventory to find the interactive point That way you will get the Animal Skull.

Return to the location from which you took the Mask of Pleasure. Place the Animal Skull in its place, which will unlock the exit from the room.

Exploring Opera Hall and completing the piano puzzle

When you return to the main part of the castle, you will notice that Lady Dimitrescu has started patrolling the castle corridors and rooms - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

When you return to the main part of the castle, you will notice that Lady Dimitrescu has started patrolling the castle corridors and rooms. You will have to avoid her as you go through the next steps in the castle.

You will find tips on how to do it on Lady Dimitrescu and her daughter - how to avoid? page. The general advice is that if you encounter Lady Dimitrescu, don't try to fight her and start running away or use another passage. Ethan will also be safe in the Merchant's Room.

3 - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide
You must return to the Courtyard - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

You must return to the Courtyard. It's not worth fighting the monsters here, as Ethan can get caught up by Lady Dimitrescu. Focus on opening the north door in the Courtyard for which you need the Dimitrescu's Key you acquired earlier.

After reaching the new location, Lady Dimitrescu should temporarily suspend the chase. Near the starting point, you will find a Castle Map Annex.

You can't enter Opera Hall using the nearest door - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

You can't enter Opera Hall using the nearest door. Instead, you have to reach it by using the rooms upstairs. Watch out for monsters. You can easily attack enemies from a distance. It's worth killing them all - that way, they won't get in the way of solving the puzzle on the ground floor.

You can also find numerous collectibles on the floor, including the Flower Swords Ball to use in the optional Labyrinth Puzzle in the Merchant's Room.

After descending to the ground floor and reaching the Opera Hall, you will find a piano, which is a part of the puzzle to play the tune correctly - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

After descending to the ground floor and reaching the Opera Hall, you will find a piano, which is a part of the puzzle to play the tune correctly.

The correct order of key presses is shown in the picture above. This puzzle is fortunately much simpler than it might seem. If you make a mistake and press the wrong key, you don't have to start playing the whole tune from the beginning.

Observe the dots that appear on the notes, which are a huge help as far as the correctness of the key selection is concerned - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Observe the dots that appear on the notes, which are a huge help as far as the correctness of the key selection is concerned.

Playing the tune correctly will unlock a locker where you will find the Iron Insignia Key.

Boss fight - the third vampire daughter

You must now move towards the Library adjacent to the Opera Hall - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

You must now move towards the Library adjacent to the Opera Hall. Your travel will be interrupted by Lady Dimitrescu, who will appear in the area regardless of the chosen path.

The solution to the encounter with Lady Dimitrescu is simple - turn around quickly and run down the alternate path to the door leading to the Library. Use your newly acquired Iron Insignia Key to open them.

Shortly after entering the Library, the fight with Lady Dimitrescu's third daughter will begin - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Shortly after entering the Library, the fight with Lady Dimitrescu's third daughter will begin.

Just like in the previous two fights, you need to defeat this vampire with a trick. Examine the central area of the library. Ethan can find a handle-shaped lever here.

Pull the lever when the vampire is standing in the middle area, as this will open the glass roof, through which icy air will begin to enter the library - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Pull the lever when the vampire is standing in the middle area, as this will open the glass roof, through which icy air will begin to enter the library. As you remember from previous fights, Lady Dimitrescu's daughters are susceptible to the cold. Use this fact and begin your attack.

Unfortunately, the last daughter is smart enough to close the roof every so often - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Unfortunately, the last daughter is smart enough to close the roof every so often. In such case, you must stop attacking her for a moment, go to the middle of the room and wait for the vampire to reappear. As soon as this happens, quickly run to the lever to open the roof again.

You can find ammunition in the library - a shotgun will work best in defeating this daughter. Just like the previous sisters, you have to make the boss turn into stone and fall apart. The third vampire will leave the Crystal Torso treasure behind.

Getting the third mask

You can now move on, which will bring you to the Hall of Joy - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

You can now move on, which will bring you to the Hall of Joy. Here you will find the altar with the Mask of Joy.

In the same room, you can optionally unlock the door to the Main Hall's balconies. This is a good idea if you want to take a break and, for example, revisit Duke.

Five bells puzzle

Go to the adjacent Atelier , which contains Dimitrescu 's Portait - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Go to the adjacent Atelier , which contains Dimitrescu 's Portait. There is a five bell puzzle to solve here, and the hint to solve it is a note attached to a smaller painting.

Your task is to find 5 bells in the Atelier that can be shot at. It is best to use a pistol to solve the puzzle and thus not waste ammunition for better weapons. You can shoot the bells in any order - the order below is just an example.

The first bell is on the round table next to the portrait.

The second bell is quite problematic - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

The second bell is quite problematic. It has been attached to a pendulum that operates behind a wall filled with holes. You must wait until the bell is briefly exposed behind one of the openings (see image above) and then quickly fire a shot. If you miss, you can of course repeat the attack.

The third bell is more difficult to spot because of its small size - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

The third bell is more difficult to spot because of its small size. It was placed on a large piece of furniture, in front of a painting.

The fourth bell forces you to use a small staircase in the room - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

The fourth bell forces you to use a small staircase in the room. After you go upstairs, shoot the chandelier near the ceiling to make it swing. It will expose the bell and you must shoot again at the perfect moment.

You can shoot at the fifth bell from the same place you hit the fourth bell - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

You can shoot at the fifth bell from the same place you hit the fourth bell. Inspect the windows near the ceiling. Look through them and you'll see a bell located outside. Aim at it and make the bullet break the shutter while flying to the target.

Reaching the attic and finding the sniper rifle

By "lighting" all 5 bells in Atelier, you will unlock the passage behind the big painting - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

By "lighting" all 5 bells in Atelier, you will unlock the passage behind the big painting.

By going a narrow corridor, you will reach a ladder leading to the Attic. In the Attic are, among other things, a picklock and a Treasure Map associated with an optional puzzle (we described it in the Puzzle Solutions section ). Watch out for the monster that only pretends to be dead. The most important find in the Attic is the F2 Rifle sniper rifle.

Walking on the roof and getting the fourth mask

Not far from where you got the sniper rifle, you will find an open shutter that will allow you to reach the castle's roof - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Not far from where you got the sniper rifle, you will find an open shutter that will allow you to reach the castle's roof. In this area, you will encounter flying monsters for the first time. A sniper rifle will be perfect for shooting them - it's safest to aim when a monster lands for a moment.

Alternatively, you can try to run to the other end of the roof or attack monsters with your pistol/gun after they fly up to Ethan - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Alternatively, you can try to run to the other end of the roof or attack monsters with your pistol/gun after they fly up to Ethan.

Additional hint - If possible, try to kill the flying monsters when they are above the roof. This will allow you to reach their corpses and collect loot. If the corpse of the flying beast hits the ground in inaccessible places, the chance to search it will be lost.

Ultimately, you have to get to the opposite end of the roof - Resident Evil Village: Castles Courtyard - walkthrough - Dimitrescu Castle - Resident Evil Village Guide

Ultimately, you have to get to the opposite end of the roof. Along the way, you may use the optional elevator that allows you to return to the main floor of the castle.

After reaching the Belfry location from the picture above, Ethan must use a rope to descent to the Tower of Rage. This will get you to the altar with the final fourth Mask of Rage.

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