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KeyShot 3D Rendering
KeyShot 3D Rendering

KeyShot 3D Rendering: Showcase your 3D models and create hyperrealistic images with KeyShot in the fastest and most efficient way possible with this book and ebook.

Profile Icon Jei Lee Jo
By Jei Lee Jo
€13.98 €19.99
Book Dec 2012 124 pages 1st Edition
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Profile Icon Jei Lee Jo
By Jei Lee Jo
€13.98 €19.99
Book Dec 2012 124 pages 1st Edition
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KeyShot 3D Rendering

Chapter 1. KeyShot's Overview

Rendering in KeyShot is one of the easiest and most intuitive ways of creating professional presentations of our projects. In this chapter we will learn how to import our projects into KeyShot and consider the advantages and limitations it has over traditional rendering packages.

In this chapter you will learn the following:

  • KeyShot's basics and fundamentals

  • Importing projects

  • Getting familiar with the interface

Introducing KeyShot

Formerly known as HyperShot, KeyShot is an application developed by the company Luxion, that is run today by professionals in various disciplines to deliver images with hyperrealistic quality. KeyShot delivers physically accurate lighting and a library of materials that allow us to experiment and make changes all through our viewport in real time.

Whether we are engineers, artists, or designers, time is a precious element that we are always racing against, and this is particularly true when it comes to rendering 3D data. On some occasions, the quality of our work is compromised as we need to spend time learning complex new software. KeyShot has been designed with simplicity in mind, allowing the user to create high-quality images while putting aside the technical details.

Unlike other rendering packages on the market, KeyShot is a processor-based rendering program. All the rendering calculations are 100 percent CPU-based, which means we don't need a high-performance graphics card to get the job done. KeyShot utilizes all the cores and threads in your processor, and because it was built on 64-bit architecture, it also gives us more room to increase performance.

KeyShot versus traditional rendering programs

In order to work properly, it is important to have the right tools. KeyShot allows you to apply materials, set up the lighting, and obtain hyperrealistic images in a matter of minutes. Traditional rendering applications often have, too many settings, each giving the user a different level of control over the appearance of the project. Although a large number of settings allows for more flexibility, understanding how each of them works can be a time-consuming process.

In this section, we have laid out several points that we consider helpful when using KeyShot for your projects compared to other rendering applications.

The following are some basic points related to working with KeyShot:

  • Workflow—import your 3D data, apply and fine-tune your textures and materials, set up your lighting, find your preferred camera view, and then render.

  • KeyShot is fully integrated, just like any other rendering application, but it's been designed to be user friendly. You will find that most menu tabs and preferences are intuitive and easy to understand. It offers different arrays of mapping options, such as cylindrical, box shaped, spherical, or using UV coordinates, depending on your preference.

  • It uses the high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) method to produce realistic lighting conditions.

  • It provides physically accurate materials based on real-world properties. Each material found in KeyShot's library has been set up to produce a specific type of look when applied. This allows you to save time fine-tuning your materials for that specific look.

  • It offers basic animation tools that allow you to set up professional presentations.

The following are a few basic points related to traditional rendering tools:

  • They require some experience in rendering techniques, and they often have a steep learning curve.

  • The user interfaces are cluttered with options and preferences and can be intimidating for first-time users.

  • They are more flexible in terms of controlling the look of each individual feature of your project. The settings are broken down and laid out separately, allowing you to control everything from the number of lights and shadows per scene to the look of a material. A consequence of this, however, is that, there are more opportunities for errors and users are often overwhelmed by the amount of settings and controls.

  • Materials and lighting are not always physically accurate. Reproducing a particular type of material or lighting setup is often time-consuming.

  • They provide more robust animation tools and often include a rigging system, which allows for more complex animations.

KeyShot is a powerful rendering tool that is used in a variety of fields within the CG industry. However, it is important to remember that KeyShot has a limited set of animation tools, and I recommend using a different application such as Maya, 3ds Max, or Softimage if your project requires complex character animations or special effects.

Getting started

Now that we understand the fundamentals of KeyShot and its benefits, we will take a look at how to start using KeyShot for your projects, from the beginning to the end. If you do not have KeyShot, you can download a trial version from the website by performing the following steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Select your operating system (Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, or Mac OS X) and download it.

  3. Install your trial version and select Continue without registering.

Importing projects

KeyShot supports a variety of file formats from third-party applications. A list of the files currently supported can be found on the KeyShots website. For our projects, we will be working with files with the OBJ (object file) extension. Let's go ahead and get started. Perform the following steps:

  1. Open KeyShot.

  2. At the bottom of your viewport, you will see six icons—Import, Library, Project, Animation, Screenshot, and Render, as shown in the following screenshot:

  3. Go ahead and click on Import.

  4. Let's choose our lesson file, Wacom_2, from the data folder.

  5. A new window for configuring imported files will appear.

The new settings window allows you to choose the orientation or the direction in which your 3D object will be placed in the viewport. Depending on which application we are importing our files to, some of them have their Cartesian axis orientation set up differently. In this case, the file we will be working with is an OBJ file imported from Maya, and this file has Y Up as its Orientation, as shown in the following screenshot:

When working with our project files in KeyShot, it is important to remember prior to importing any models that, all parts of the model need to have their own material assigned to them. To do this, before exporting any of our 3D files from other applications, make sure that the option material is checked in the export options. Once all the pieces of our model have been assigned with their own material, KeyShot will be able to understand how to assign materials properly to all parts of the mesh. A new feature called Material Template, currently available in KeyShot v3.3 and later versions, allows us to link materials and parts of our models to the materials found inside KeyShot's library. For example, instead of copying and pasting materials from one object to another, we can create a template that automatically applies all the materials to the corresponding parts of a model when it is imported into the scene.

When creating a template, we need to specify a source name and a destination name.The source name is essentially the name of the part or the material exported directly from a third-party application such as Maya or SolidWorks. Once it is added to the template list, KeyShot will search for any parts or materials associated with the names in the source list and apply any assigned materials in the destination list. We can see an example of a template list in the following screenshot, with the parts of our Wacom tablet listed on the left-hand side and the materials we assigned them with on the right-hand side:

Next, let's see how to move, rotate, or scale our model in the viewport. Perform the following steps to do so:

  1. Right-click on the model.

  2. A new selection box will appear; choose to either move a part of the object or the entire object.

  3. When working with a mesh that has multiple parts, it is good practice to hide the parts we don't currently need. To do this, simply right-click on the part we wish to hide and select the Hide Part option from the new menu.

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Key benefits

  • Create professional quality images from your 3D models in just a few steps
  • Thorough overview of how to work and navigate in KeyShot
  • A step-by-step guide that quickly gets you started with creating realistic images


Creating realistic images has been always a meticulous process where setting up the stage is a long and complicated task. KeyShot has simplified this process by allowing us to have a greater amount of control and flexibility in all aspects of the rendering procedure."KeyShot 3D Rendering" provides a series of exercises with a detailed explanation of each part of the pipeline, from importing our model, to texturing, lighting, and rendering. In addition, the book covers in detail how to use all the necessary parameters inside KeyShot and also explains alternative methods to showcase your work."KeyShot 3D Rendering" starts with covering all the basic principles and fundamentals of how to work and navigate in KeyShot. Throughout the book, there will be exercises that will guide and help you to complete the chapter's assignment. Also there will be an explanation of all the terms and parameters used in the exercises.You will learn how to use HDRIs (High Dynamic Range Images) as the primary source for lighting and also how to incorporate backplate images into a scene. You will learn how to create your own materials, textures, and labels. Lastly this book covers camera functions, real-time settings to improve the workflow of your assignments, and also rendering properties.The exercises in the book will provide you with all the tools necessary to bring your models to life and set up your own environment. You will learn how to adjust overall properties accordingly to maximize rendering output.

What you will learn

  • Importing projects and preferences
  • Understanding how material works
  • Creating your own materials for your projects
  • Use HDRIs for lighting and background
  • Duplicate, hide, and edit our models
  • Create your own cameras
  • Configure settings to increase overall workflow performance
  • Import and apply our own textures
  • Add special effects such as DOF and Vignette
  • Retouching our work with third party applications

Product Details

Country selected
Publication date, Length, Edition, Language, ISBN-13
Publication date : Dec 26, 2012
Length 124 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781849694827
Vendor :

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Product Details

Publication date : Dec 26, 2012
Length 124 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781849694827
Vendor :

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Table of Contents

13 Chapters
KeyShot 3D Rendering Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Credits Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
About the Author Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
About the Reviewers Chevron down icon Chevron up icon Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. KeyShot's Overview Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Understanding Materials and Textures Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Lighting Made Easy Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. Showcasing and Product Presentation Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Adding Effects with Photoshop Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Command Lists and Hotkeys Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Index Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
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