#0349 Feebas
7th Gen Dex

Trainer's Pok�mon

  Ruby's Feebas
Gender Nickname Ability
Female Feefee Swift Swim
Attacks Light Screen, Mirror Coat, Water Pulse
This Feebas joined Ruby’s team after he hooked it up on Route 119. It left after Ruby scolded it for losing a Contest out of frustration from other matters. It returned during the final battle at Sootopolis, and evolved into a Milotic.
# Chapter Notes
206 VS. Feebas
207 VS. Zangoose & Seviper (Part 1)
208 VS. Zangoose & Seviper (Part 2)
209 VS. Slaking (Part 1)
211 VS. Slaking (Part 3)
217 VS. Medicham
218 VS. Absol
220 VS. Loudred & Exploud Part 1
221 VS. Loudred & Exploud Part 2
224 VS. Luvdisc Part 2
225 VS. Anorith & Lileep
232 VS. Whiscash
237 VS. Kyogre & Groudon V Flashback
238 VS. Kyogre & Groudon VI Flashback
266 The Last Great Battle VII
322 VS Sceptile Flashback

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