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For alternate versions of Cloak, see Cloak's Character Hub

"My best friend was strong enough to hold himself up in a world hell-bent on knocking him down. Again and again. And he keeps getting up. Again and again. He's not aiming for some ideal a bunch of assholes who don't understand him set for him, because that line moves. Always."

Tyrone Johnson is a former student at the St. Sebastian's Preparatory School and a former player of its basketball team with the ability to manipulate Darkforce, a power he gained after being exposed to an explosion of energy caused by the Roxxon Gulf Platform's collapse on the same night his brother, Billy, was killed by James Connors. His powers are connected to Tandy Bowen, who was also exposed to the energy from the explosion. When he met Bowen, he took on the name Cloak. Despite having vastly different backgrounds, both Johnson and Bowen share similar experiences. Johnson was framed for the murder of Kenneth Fuchs by Connors and was forced to go on the run but not before he and Bowen saved New Orleans from a spawn of Terrors with their conjoint powers.

While living on his own, he intervened in the city's drug trade much to the annoyance of Brigid O'Reilly and the concern of Bowen. He soon comes into conflict with Mayhem, O'Reilly's aggression and rage personified. Connors, who was trapped in the Dark Dimension for months, was freed and had a change of heart and wanted to help Johnson clear his name and end his own family's corruption. Mayhem and Johnson, later on, helped out each other in the cases of the young women disappearing throughout the city. They all found out that Andre Deschaine was behind it all and managed to defeat him with Bowen to once again save New Orleans. The drug trade managed to abide Johnson's need for rules and regulations and his name was cleared. Now believing the city was in good hands without them, Johnson and Bowen left New Orleans together to help out others in need.

With this new victory achieved, Johnson and Bowen decided to leave New Orleans to help others who might need their assistance. This eventually caused them to meet and ally with the Runaways, helping them to rescue Alex Wilder from the Dark Dimension.


Early Life[]

Losing His Brother[]

"So, you thugging now? What? You feel like a big man now?"
"No. I just feel scared."
Billy Johnson and Tyrone Johnson[src]

Johnson attempting to assist Billy Johnson

The youngest child of Otis and Adina Johnson, Tyrone Johnson was named after his mother's grandfather. He was close to his brother Billy and idolized him. One day, Johnson ear-dropped on a conversation between his brother and his friends, Rockwell and Duane Porter, on stealing a radio from someone's car. Billy, however, was hesitant noting he could not get involved in any more illegal activities or he would face his father's punishment. Wanting to impress his brother, Johnson stole the radio from the car himself but then ran into Billy who disapproved of his little brother's actions.


Johnson watching Billy Johnson being murdered

Johnson, however, then admitted he was scared, and Billy comforted him and told him they were gonna return the radio when they were then spotted by two police officers. Johnson and Billy then ran from the police officers. Billy, however, was killed when James Connors reflexively shot him when an oil rig in Lake Borgne suddenly exploded. Johnson jumped into the lake after his brother's body.


Johnson underwater

While he was underwater, falling debris damaged the oil rig, releasing a wave of energy that imbued Johnson with superhuman abilities related to shadows. Johnson was instinctively drawn to a bright light coming from Tandy Bowen, a young girl trapped in a car sinking to the bottom of the lake when the same energy wave gave her powers relating to light. Johnson and Bowen's powers worked together to free Bowen from the car, and the two children washed up safely on a beach.


Johnson trying to tell his parents that Billy was killed by James Connors

The police would falsify Billy's autopsy to make it appear as if he died with drugs in his system and was not shot by an officer. Although Johnson was able to describe the officer who shot Billy, the police chief used security footage of Johnson stealing the radio to discredit him and denied there was even an officer who fit that description. Out of grief over the loss of their oldest son, Johnson's parents put pressure on him to be perfect so there would be less of a chance that they lose him, too.[1]

Cloak & Dagger[]


Johnson meeting Tandy Bowen

"It's like you're afraid if I don't do everything just right, perfectly, you're gonna lose me."
"Oh, baby, I wish it were that easy. I'm afraid that even if you do everything perfectly, I'm gonna lose you."
―Tyrone Johnson and Adina Johnson[src]

Eight years later, Johnson was still not over the death of his brother and how the police haven't made a move on the man who killed him. His relationship with his parents seems to have gone a bit distant ever since Billy was killed. Noticing Johnson's grim demeanor, his friend Evita invites him to a high school party hoping to cheer him up. There, Johnson stumbles upon another girl, with the two making cheeky conversation with each other.

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Johnson confronting Tandy Bowen after she took his wallet

After she left, Johnson realized that she had stolen his wallet and starts chasing her through a graveyard. When he finally catches up to her and grabs her hand, a void of darkness comes out of Johnson's hand and a beaming light in the girl's. Shocked at what happened, the two recall that happening on another separate occasion. Johnson then questions if she's the girl that he rescued by the shore eight years. They make contact with one another again, but it scares her off and Johnson is left alone.


Johnson on top of the Roxxon building

That night, after Johnson fell asleep, his powers transported him to the roof of building with a sign of the Roxxon Corporation. He came across the officer who shot Billy and caught his name while on the way back to his house the next morning. The next night, Johnson's powers transported him to the trunk of Connors' car. Johnson attacked the corrupt detective, but when Connors grabbed him by his neck, Johnson was dragged into his memory of the night he killed Billy. This stunned Connors for enough time for Johnson to run away. His powers brought him back to his bedroom before Connors could shoot him.[1]

Hunting Connors[]


Johnson looking for James Connors

"Let me throw a "what if" back at you. What if God heard you talking like this? What would He say?"
"Who's to say He's not the one who gave me the idea in the first place."
Francis Xavier Delgado and Tyrone Johnson[src]

Johnson skipped school the next day so he could follow James Connors. While on a stakeout, he fell asleep, causing him to miss gym practice and earning him more ire from his coach. As a consequence, his teammates assaulted him in the locker room and locked him in the storage cage. Fortunately, Johnson escaped and brought a baseball bat to do more reconnaissance on Connors, teleporting away when the detective sensed him. That same night, he stole his mother's gun and broke into Connors' home to kill him.


Johnson almost killing Tandy Bowen

However, Johnson's powers took him away from Connors before he could avenge Billy's death. Johnson ended up in the middle of a backroad, while the bullet intended for Connors instead went through the windshield of a car driven by Tandy Bowen. Reeling from what he had done, he explained that he didn't mean to shoot her, but Bowen coldly replied that she never wanted to see him again.[8]


Confused about what his powers are and the connection he has with Tandy Bowen, Evita Fusilier invited Johnson on a voodoo tour of New Orleans and introduced him to her aunt Chantelle Fusilier, a voodoo priestess. Using playing cards, Chantelle described Johnson as half of an embodiment of hope and fear and recommended a spiritual bath. After Johnson bought the ingredients with Fusilier, they quietly returned to his house. Upon entering the bathtub, he found himself in a dreamlike consciousness.

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Johnson and Tandy Bowen watching Nathan Bowen getting tortured

Johnson spotted a young Bowen on top of the Roxxon Corporation building, then inside an abandoned church offering poisonous pills to men, causing them to collapse, than her present self in the bayou, where she was looking into a transparent board room. Johnson repeatedly saw Nathan Bowen tortured to death by his own coworkers and Bowen herself running away, but it stopped when Johnson begged her to try something else. She then confronted the situation head-on, causing him to wake up.[9]

Getting Answers[]


Johnson meeting with Tandy Bowen at the St. Theresa's Church

Johnson visited the church from his dream, hoping to find Bowen there, and explained that he just wanted to talk. The two began to tell each other their own personal tragedies, believing that fate always keeps them together. The conversation turned sour, however, as their differing beliefs caused Johnson to leave Bowen abruptly.[9]


Johnson taking Tyrone Johnson's Cloak

Wanting to get closer to Connors, he decided to falsify a report of his bike being stolen, and in the process stole his father's bolt cutters. Otis took notice of his different behavior lately and decided to take him to his tribe, the Wild Red Hawks. There, Johnson discovered that the tribe has been holding on to a certain handmade cloak made by Billy but left unfinished, and insisted on completing it for his late brother. Johnson grew even more impatient with bringing Connors to justice and urged Detective O'Reilly that he could help. O'Reilly refused, advising him to let her handle the situation.[10][7]

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Johnson meeting with Duane Porter

While at home, Johnson suddenly warped to an industrial warehouse owned by Duane Porter, one of Billy's old friends and the two caught up on old times. He later found out that Duane and Connors are working together and that Duane also knows the truth about Billy's murder. He attempted to get a job from him to get closer to Connors by stealing and returning a bag of drugs from one of Duane's dealers, Kev. He confronted Porter about Billy's death and convinced him to come forward, but hid when Connors arrived. The crooked cop ordered Duane to kill Brigid O'Reilly once she entered the warehouse. Johnson warned O'Reilly about the ambush in time, but the detective quickly shot and killed Porter, with Johnson barely escaping the police. He suddenly entered the church and broke into tears, with Bowen not being able to comfort him due to the nature of their powers.[11]

In the Mind of a Madman[]

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Johnson and Tandy Bowen meet Ivan Hess

After a brief grieving period, Bowen asked for Johnson's help to enter the mind of Ivan Hess, the sole survivor of the Roxxon oil rig explosion who fell into a catatonic state, explaining that she cannot do it with her powers alone. He agreed to help and the two managed to get inside Hess's consciousness and actually meet him there, who now seemed oblivious of his own life and his daughter. They discovered that he was reliving the moment the oil rig exploded, resetting every time. Inside the rig, the two fought oil rig workers affected by the first explosion, dubbed Terrors by Hess, and learned that the only way for him to wake up was to close off the valves in the core room.

Young Johnson attempted to do it himself as Bowen became obsessed with talking to her supposed father through Hess' phone, but to no avail, as Hess needed to close the valves himself and couldn't fend off the Terrors alone. He initially intended to leave, believing it hopeless, but Bowen decided to stay in order to keep talking with her father. Concerned, Johnson re-entered Ivan's mind, learning she had relived the event enough times to become more proficient with her daggers, and convinced her to help by suggesting she ask her "father" something only her real father would know. Finally accepting her father's death, Bowen assisted Johnson and Hess with closing the valves, who was also finally reminded of his daughter. The plan worked and Hess was brought out of his catatonic state.[2]

Making a Move[]


Johnson demonstrating his powers

On the anniversary of Billy's death, the Wild Red Hawks visited to commemorate their former member and Johnson was able to finish Billy's old cloak. He confronted O'Reilly about advancing on James Connors, with the latter saying he has been on edge possibly due to how it's the day he shot Billy Johnson. Johnson decided to use this to their advantage, explaining that they could scare him into making a confession by pretending he's Billy's ghost. When O'Reilly and later on Kenneth Fuchs heard about this, they were immediately skeptical. Johnson then used his cloak and showed them his powers.


Johnson confronting James Connors

That night, Johnson confronted Connors enveloped in Darkforce, and constantly warped in and out of his line of sight. Connors chased him to the same shipping container dock where he shot Billy. Finally, he approached the officer slowly, boldly declaring why he can't admit to killing him, even though Connors counter-argued with the oil rig explosion throwing him off. Nevertheless, Connors confessed to his crime, which was filmed by Fuchs and got him arrested by O'Reilly.

Johnson then came to visit Tandy Bowen and her mother at the shore when they were about to send a sky lantern off to honor Nathan Bowen. Immediately after, Bowen and Johnson went inside Melissa's mind, projecting a simultaneous fear and memory, where they found the widowed mother looking at a theater screen of her and Nathan together. When the projector broke down, Bowen decided to cut through the screen and the two entered Bowen's old house, where the real memory of Melissa and Nathan was shown. After accidentally pouring coffee all over some files, Bowen's father smacked Melissa and the two quickly exited her mind. Despite the shock at what they had seen, they still lit the lantern and let it float into the sky.[6]

The Hero's Regression[]


Johnson's parents learn the truth

The New Orleans Police Department informed the Johnsons that James Connors had been taken into custody and would be further investigated if he is responsible for Billy's death. Johnson's parents hardly responded to the news and quietly left, infuriating him with the fact that his actions hardly did anything. That anger caused Johnson to beat down another student at school, earning him a lecture from Francis Xavier Delgado. The two briefly fought, and Johnson caught a glimpse of Delgado's fears, as well as Liam Walsh's hopes, which were being taken away by Tandy Bowen. Evita Fusilier tried to console Johnson for his recent behavior but was interrupted by Bowen, who also attempted to the former's hopes but somehow couldn't. This led to Johnson arguing with Bowen about her almost sociopath behavior while she countered with his own naïveté.


Johnson is chased by the New Orleans Police Department

At home, Adina talked with Johnson. She argued that she was aware of Johnson's involvement in Connors' arrest and that the reason why she hasn't done anything to help solve Billy's murder is that the connections Connors has are potentially dangerous. As a result, she doesn't want justice for Billy at the expense of the rest of her family, and even if the case was solved, it would hardly matter. But she did note how much Johnson resembles his older brother, to which she is very proud as well as afraid. Suddenly, the N.O.P.D. raided the Johnson household, as Tyrone had been framed for murdering Officer Kenneth Fuchs. Mrs. Johnson quickly urged her surviving youngest son to run and he escaped immediately after.[12]

On the Run[]

Madness at Mardi Gras[]

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Johnson hides from the NOPD during Mardi Gras

Now a fugitive from the police, Johnson took refuge with the Red Hawks, where his father returned Billy's cloak to him. While the Red Hawks kept the cops occupied, Johnson teleported away. He attempted to lose the cops in the crowds at the Mardi Gras parade and regroup with O'Reilly, but was caught. O'Reilly urged him to teleport away, but he refused to do so in front of everyone. Johnson and O'Reilly were taken into custody and locked in the station's storage room.


Johnson and Tandy Bowen defeating the Terrors

Johnson pleaded with Lafayette, who had been left on guard, to release them. Before he could do so, Daniels informed him that James Connors had arrived, causing Lafayette to change his mind. Connors arrived shortly after to revel in his victory, which wouldn't last long. As Johnson and O'Reilly were escorted out of the station, a Terror entered and began attacking and infecting everyone in the vicinity. Johnson and O'Reilly managed to free themselves and hold up in the weapons locker, where his cloak had been taken. Arming himself with two tasers, Johnson planned to lure the Terrors into a separate room with help from the officer from earlier. Though his cloak was torn apart in the process, Johnson managed to trap the Terrors and teleport to safety right next to Bowen. Thinking quickly, Johnson used his remaining taser to incapacitate Mina Hess, who had just been turned into a Terror herself.


Johnson and Tandy Bowen saving New Orleans

Regrouping back at the abandoned church, Johnson and Bowen lament the losses they faced earlier, before Evita arrives and tells them their fates as the Divine Pairing; the city has faced numerous catastrophes over its history and they revolve around two people ceasing it. But one of the two has to die in order for that to happen. Worried for Johnson's safety, they kiss one last time and wishes him luck. Believing to be unable to control his powers, Bowen hands over Johnson's old hoodie she stole from him 8 years ago. The two then make their way to the core in a Roxxon energy compartment.


Johnson and Bowen's powers released

They make their way through New Orleans, only to be ambushed by more Terrors. They are aided by O'Reilly and the two press on. Upon arriving, Connors comes up from behind them with a shotgun but is easily subdued by the two. Johnson teleports himself and Connors on top of the Roxxon building, ready to drop him, but ultimately doesn't. At that moment, Connors is about to fire his gun, but Johnson uses his Darkforce tendrils to hold him and absorbs him into himself, much to the latter's surprise. He then meets up with Bowen and decides not to risk Bowen's life believing he is the part of the Divine Pairing that must sacrifice himself and thus warps into the compartment, saying goodbye. Inside Johnson manages to close all the valves but the residual energy is still rising. Bowen barges in, believing it's her fate too. The two then hold hands, absorb all the light and dark energy inside, and warp out and release it into the sky. Exhausted, the two smiled at each other, relieved they're both still alive.

Knowing he's still framed for murder and cannot go back home, Johnson takes his stuff from the house and moves into the abandoned church, which Bowen just moved out of. The two meet up with each other at the church, with Bowen giving supplies to Johnson, who notes that he didn't know Bowen could care. She remarks in a cheek manner that she's learning and the two smile.[5]

Laying Low[]

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Johnson spies on his family

Johnson spent the next eight months hiding in St. Teresa's Church while keeping a close eye on his loved ones, including Bowen. He often sat in a tree and spied on his mother from afar. During this time, he decided to use his powers for vigilantism as a way of coping with his isolation.[13]

Raid on Uptown Block Kings[]

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Johnson sneaks up on Brigid O'Reilly

One night, acting on a tip from O'Reilly, Johnson tailed a drug runner for the Uptown Block Kings back to one of their hideouts. Using his powers to sneak inside, Johnson stole as many drugs and money as he could carry before escaping. The next day, Johnson teleported into Brigid O'Reilly's car to drop off the evidence. Instead, the detective was furious, warning him he was still a fugitive from the police and his actions would only put the gang on high alert.

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Johnson and Tandy Bowen watch a movie

That evening, Tandy Bowen arrived to watch The Mask of Zorro with Johnson. Johnson used his powers to finish setting up the movie screen, with Bowen remarking on his progress with his powers. Despite his fugitive status, she also provided him with a voice recorder and textbooks from his school. The next day, Johnson teleported around town to see how his family and friends were doing in his absence. At St. Sebastian's, he saw another boy hitting on Evita, though she refused his advances.[13]

Raid on Money Hustle Gang[]


Johnson during the raid

That night, Johnson tailed a runner from the Money Hustle Gang back to one of their hideouts. As with the Uptown Block Kings, he teleported inside and attempted to steal more evidence for O'Reilly, but was caught and beaten by two of their thugs. Fortunately, Bowen arrived and dropped a shelf on his attackers, allowing them to escape. Back at the church, Bowen confronted Johnson for his late-night vigilantism, scolding him for not telling her and asking for her help. Johnson, in turn, confronted Bowen for hypocritically helping the other women at a support group she had been seeing.[13]

The Club Rougarou Massacre[]

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Johnson and Tandy Bowen arrive at the club

Upon bringing the evidence to O'Reilly's apartment, Johnson overheard the detective on her phone, learning there would be a sit-down between the gang leaders at Club Rougarou before teleporting away. Dressing for the occasion back at the church, Johnson and Bowen decided to do their own investigation into the club.

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Johnson at the club

Receiving a signal from Bowen at the bar, Johnson teleported into the back room where the meeting would take place and planted his recorder under the table, teleporting back out before a guard could find him. With nothing left to do but wait, Johnson decided to blend in, ordering a few drinks with Bowen and flirting with one of the girls. When enough time had passed, he decided to collect the recorder, but suddenly noticed blood on the meeting room's window. Johnson and Bowen rushed into the room, discovering that all the gang members had been brutally killed.

Massacre at Rougarou Club

Johnson and Dagger witness the aftermath of a massacre

Brigid O'Reilly came into the crime scene, clearly frustrated with the two's involvement in the city's crime ring and said if they didn't leave they'd be arrested by her. Upon leaving, Johnson spots a strange symbol left by on of the victims. He and Bowen were arguing about the unknown assailant's brutal methods with Johnson disagreeing with it.[13]


Johnson visited Chantelle Fusilier about the symbol he saw who revealed to be a veve and advised him to pray when he told her he felt lost. Evita Fusilier unexpectedly arrived to his aunt and seeing Johnson again made her leave. The latter tried to talk to her but stated that she was angry with how he had not come to see her in months. Johnson tried to explain the situation he was in by demonstrating his powers to her but this only made her even more upset as he could've easily visited her.

Kidnapping of Mikayla Bell

Johnson finds Mikayla Bell

Back at the church, Johnson tried to do a prayer while creating the veve he had seen at the nightclub. When doing so, he unknowingly used his powers to teleport himself in an ambulance for she finds a woman strapped in a gurney in an ambulance begging him for help which he does. The driver caught notice of his sudden appearance and opened fire on Johnson, who then teleported back to the church. Concerned about the girl's safety, Johnson drew the veve once more but found difficulty in doing so. Evita showed up and apologized for her earlier behavior and taught Johnson how to use the veve properly. In doing so, he managed to teleport the two of them to a hospital room where they found her unconscious. Policemen arrived at the hospital and Fusilier tried to hide Johnson by kissing him. Knowing that something bigger was at work in the city, the two kissed once more before Johnson left the hospital.

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Johnson with Evita Fusilier

He went to O'Reilly's apartment, wanting to apologize again for his involvement. He realized that O'Reilly was seemingly in danger and barged in to find her gagged and tied up. Confused as to what happen, Johnson question her and she says that her own self did this. The two teleported together and found Bowen at the site of a crashed ambulance car, who was confused as to why O'Reilly was with Johnson. Both Bowen and Johnson were shocked to discover that there are two Brigid O'Reillys, with the other having killed a false ambulance driver.[14] Johnson realized Mayhem was the killer at the club before he teleported the trio away when Mayhem shot.[15]

Double Trouble[]

Rescuing the Girls[]

At the church, Johnson had to take a quick breather as teleporting two people was tiring. Tandy Bowen overwhelmed Brigid O'Reilly with her questions on how something like that could happen. Johnson got her to calm down as it was stressing O'Reilly out. They then visited Mina Hess for possible answers. Hess showed them how through her research, she found that O'Reilly duplicated that night of the attack. One of her (Mayhem), was overly aggressive, while the other (O'Reilly), was nice.


Johnson at Mayhem's apartment

Johnson wanted to keep O'Reilly safe out of the fear that Mayhem would kill her. However, Bowen argued that they needed O'Reilly. She asked her where Mayhem would go. O'Reilly brought them to a rundown hotel where they found Mayhem's wall filled with research on where James Connors was. They also found flyers for missing girls, presumably there for Mayhem to find them. Bowen remarked at how the wall was similar to Johnson's, which got him thinking.

He pulled Bowen into the hallway, asking if she thought he was like Mayhem. She told him no because he saves people rather than killing them. O'Reilly called them in and found Mayhem's next location through a trick with the cards. They arrived at Glitter Gutter Club. Johnson asked if they were really just going to enter a strip club, leading Bowen to sarcastically remark that you enter places by walking. Johnson went around the back and found Mayhem beating up a man. Johnson tried to get her to calm down, but she threw the man at Johnson. When he got up, Mayhem was gone.


The group finds the victims

They found the human trafficked victims that Mayhem chased down. They claimed that Mayhem saved them. Johnson saw the driver's body and argued with Bowen, who said he deserved to die for what he did. She talked about how many trafficking victims there were and how horrible it was. Johnson agreed that it was horrible, but said the women were scared because of Mayhem's crusade, she was not saving anyone.

They went to the precinct to check on the victims. Bowen touched one of their hands, but found that she had no hope. Johnson tried to see her fears and found the girl being carried off from an ambulance into a building called Little Per Live. He told Bowen and they got moving to the building. Arriving, Johnson teleported in and found where the girls were hiding.

He teleported back out, but was tired. Bowen asked if he was okay, he said yes. Bowen wanted to wait for Mayhem, but Johnson refused as her motto was shoot first ask questions later, which is what got Billy Johnson killed. Cloak teleported in and grabbed each girl, teleporting them back to the precinct with O'Reilly. He continued doing this and saw that one of the guards was just a kid; his age. Suddenly, Mayhem arrived and started shooting at everybody. Johnson jumped in front of the kid, absorbing the bullets. However, he also accidentally absorbed Mayhem as well, just like he did to James Connors.[15]

Chased by the Uptown Block Kings[]

Cloak and Dagger teleported back to the church. Dagger was scared about what had happened. Cloak explained that he did not think Mayhem went into him, but instead went somewhere else. He then explained how the same thing happened to James Connors. Dagger got mad, saying that Cloak was hiding it from her. Dagger thought he could have had his life back if he got Connors, but Johnson had no idea how to. Dagger thought of an idea. To go through Cloak into whatever place Mayhem went. Dagger had to scare him in order to get in.

Cloak and Dagger argued about his trauma while she threw lightforce daggers past him. This was to get him scared. He finally admitted that he was terrified that if he brought Connors back, he would not be strong enough to stop him. This opened up the portal. When Bowen went in, Johnson asked if she could hear him. He then heard his phone ringing and picked up. Brigid O'Reilly told him that the Uptown Block Kings found his name, so they could be on the way to his parents' house.

Johnson teleported to his house and found his mother. They hugged after she put down the gun she was using to arm herself from what she thought was an intruder. Tyrone told her that she needed to leave. Adina simply walked away, grabbing her books. Tyrone grew worried as members walked up to the door. She hid the books and files as she left. Tyrone then grabbed her hand to teleport, but realized he could not for some reason. Adina broke the alarm so it would sound and they ran out the back and found an unlocked car. Adina jimmied the car on with a screwdriver and they left.

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Tyrone and Adina Johnson on the run

Adina asked Tyrone who the men were and he explained they were the Uptown Block Kings. Adina was also worried why Johnson was in the city. He should be way gone. They then approached cops and Adina told him to be careful and get ready. They jumped out of the car and walked the opposite way. When a cop yelled for them, they ran. Getting on a bus, Tyrone noticed the cop going to other way. Tyrone asked what the files were, but Adina did not want to answer, prompting Tyrone to talk about how he was not a kid anymore. He then noticed Solomon, the kid he saved at the building, approaching. Adina and Tyrone got off at the next stop to evade him.

Tyrone and Adina went to a worn down building called the Clemence Convent. Adina asked Tyrone to explain what the Clemence Vampires were. Cloak went on explaining and said that Evita Fusilier told him. Adina thought it was Bowen and explained how she thought Bowen stole her card, but Johnson claimed she was just complicated. Adina asked how Fusilier knew so much about vampires. Johnson explained her family owned the voodoo shop and she does the tours. Adina asked how many tours he had been on, but he refused to share. Suddenly, Solomon walked in and called for everyone that he found them. He then pointed the gun at the Johnsons.


Tyrone talks to Solomon

Cloak argued that he saved Solomon's life, but the kid said he had a code. Cloak continued telling him to not do it until Adina stepped in front of him, talking about his future, worrying Solomon. Tyrone then grabbed the gun from Solomon who immediately pleaded for him not to shoot. Tyrone said he would not. Suddenly, the rest of the gang started breaking down the door.

Tyrone whispered to Solomon, telling him that he was calling the police. Solomon then gave Tyrone his phone. Solomon told his gang that the police were coming, making them leave. He nodded at Tyrone as they left. Tyrone and Adina were left in the building as Tyrone called O'Reilly. He told O'Reilly to bring her police force. When O'Reilly arrived, he told her to tell the police that Adina was a hostage. O'Reilly complied. As the police ran in, Tyrone planned to teleport away. However, he found that he still could not teleport due to Bowen being in the Dark Dimension. He his in a corner accepting his fate, but was suddenly teleported to the church as Bowen made it out. Tyrone laud there exhausted asking what happened. A glass window the broke and James Connors escaped, having also made it out of the dark dimension.[16]

James Connors' Return[]

Johnson and Tandy Bowen argued over James Connors. Although she did not mean to, Johnson blamed her as he was worried Connors would go after his family. Bowen then opened up her phone to find her mother worried about her as she was not returning calls. Johnson told her to go see her despite her wanting to help. He pushed her to go. Johnson then went to Brigid O'Reilly's house to ask for help. However, she refused as she was scared.

Johnson returned to the church and texted Bowen for help, but got no answer. He then grabbed multiple guns and used the gunpowder to draw a Veve so that he could teleport to Connors. Johnson got teleported to the place his brother died. He turned around to see Connors pointing a gun at him, knowing Johnson would be there. However, Connors surprised Johnson by giving him his gun, saying he wanted to help Johnson by putting himself behind bars.

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Johnson comes face to face with James Connors

Johnson thought it was a joke, but Connors looked at him stone faced. Johnson thought he wanted him to pick up the gun and get his prints. Connors assured him that it was not the case. Connors told him the gun was from the night Billy died. He then surrendered a saw that he used to kill Kenneth Fuchs so that Johnson could be free when he turned it in. Connors explained how awful the Dark Dimension was and it changed him.

Connors confronting Cloak

Johnson talks with James Connors

Johnson pushed Connors against the storage, still wanting vengeance. Connors told him that he came out of the dimension knowing what he needed to do. He proved this by cuffing himself for Johnson to take him in. Johnson went to the Wild Red Hawks place looking for his father. When Otis opened the door, Cloak showed him Connors. Otis immediately held a knife to Connors throat, but was told to hear him out instead.


Johnson talks with Tandy Bowen

They tied up Connors, who explained how they could stop his uncle, Asa Henderson, who helped him hide Billy's death. They needed a file with dirt on everyone. Johnson met with Bowen so she could help him steal the file. However, he noticed a woman watching them. Johnson went to leave, but Bowen explained that he name was Lia Dewan. Bowen needed her help and decided to earn her trust. Johnson got mad because he realized Bowen was just using him as her "black friend." Disappointed, he left.

Tyrone returned to his father and they asked he thought Connors was telling the truth. However, he was suspect of Connors, yet knew people could change. Tyrone claimed Connors deserved justice. Otis agreed, but believed they had different terms of justice. Otis told him he could use this chance to get the file and free himself, not kill Connors. However, Otis explained that if Connors was lying, that gun he shot Billy with would be the last thing he ever saw.

Johnson decided to trust Connors. He explained to the Johnsons that Tyrone needed Henderson's key. The only was to get it was when Henderson was in the steam house. Tyrone also needed white pants to blend in. Tyrone teleported into the steam house and grabbed the key that was needed just before Henderson looked up. He then brought the key to Promenade Society to get the file. However, he needed help from O'Reilly, who finally agreed.


Johnson and Brigid O'Reilly work together

O'Reilly went in, saying there was a bomb threat. As everyone evacuated, Johnson went in, going to the cellar. He searched the wine bottles for a fake one that Connors told him about. Upon finding said bottle, he opened it up only to find nothing. He teleported back and took Connors before going to the church. He repeatedly punched Connors, saying he lied to him. However, Connors claimed he did not know about that. Johnson said he brought Connors to his father because if they were alone, he would have killed him.


Johnson grabs James Connors

Johnson then grabbed Connors and saw his fears: Billy being dead at the hands of Connors. He then cuffed himself over and over again, but it never stayed on. Johnson removed the vision, realizing that Connors really wanted to do the right thing. Connors told Johnson to just kill him, but instead, Johnson brought him to Adina Johnson, who immediately teared up.[4]

Search for Tandy Bowen[]


Johnson finds traces of Dagger

Brigid O'Reilly called Johnson to ask him to help her with the aftermath of a break in at a growhouse. Johnson arrived and found half a shovel. They clean cut revealed that it must have been Dagger's doing. Johnson called her, but got no answer. Johnson explained that he last saw Bowen trying to get at someone's ex-boyfriend. Johnson left, feeling it was his fault for not joining Bowen.

He went to the place where Bowen goes to meetings and found Andre Deschaine, who greeted him. He asked if Deschaine knew Bowen and said he was looking for Lia Dewan. Johnson asked for Dewan's number, but Deschaine refused. Deschaine explained that Bowen had never talked about a friend with his description, so he did not trust him. He also threatened to call the police. Johnson respected that and held out his hand for a hand shake. Johnson used this to look at Deschaine's mind. He found Deschaine in a mall, taking out a record titled "Tandy + Tyrone."

Outside the vision, Deschaine claimed that Bowen manipulated people without remorse. Deschaine then manipulated Johnson into thinking Bowen simply ran away. A depressed Johnson got onto a bus to get out of the city before he suddenly felt better. A bunch of ballerinas then walked onto the bus and sat next to him. He gained the courage to teleport away. Unbeknownst to him, he was getting manipulated by Mayhem in the Dark Dimension. Suddenly, ambulances drove passed him, making Johnson realize Bowen may have been human trafficked. He then called O'Reilly before making a veve.

CloakandDagger 208

Johnson stuck in the Dark Dimension

He teleported into an alley where an ambulance pulled into. He grabbed the driver asking where Bowen was. Johnson drove the ambulance to Viking Motel and jumped out of the ambulance before it drove a hole into the wall. He was then attacked by a bodyguard, but took care of him, by teleporting multiple times. Filled with rage, he plowed through multiple walls inside the motel until he found Bowen. He asked if she was okay despite her clearly going through some trauma. Suddenly, Johnson collapsed and was engulfed by Darkforce energy.[17]

Duel to D'Spayre[]

Cloak&Dagger 2x08 Tandy Tyrone 1

Johnson and Tandy Bowen play Duel to D'Spayre

Cloak was sucked into the Dark Dimension where he made his way to an arcade. He met Baron Samedi, who overlooked the dead. Johnson was convinced to sell his worries to Samedi, who then put him into a game called Duel to D'Spayre. The game had versions of Cloak and Dagger who had to find the man who injected them with radioactive heroin. Eventually, Tandy Bowen joined, trying to get him out. Johnson said he would come after finishing the game. She joined and laughed at the idea of radioactive heroin.

Cloak&Dagger 2x08 Tandy Tyrone

Cloak and Dagger beat level 2

They beat the level and Bowen was happy. However, Johnson informed her there were not done yet. They then got sucked into the game so that they were the players. They made their way through the bad guys while Dagger tried to explain that they needed to leave as none of it made sense. A worry-free Johnson told her that it did not have to make sense, in the game there were no street wars, trafficking, nor worrying. They then got to level 2 where they found the drug shipments.

C&D 2x08 Tyrone

Cloak is nearly defeated

They easily took down the men and Johnson remarked how good they were at the game. They entered level 3, which was in the Viking Motel. Bowen immediately started breaking down as she could not go back so soon. Johnson urged her on saying they would fight and win. Bowen cut through the wall, but did not want to go through her. Johnson moved her along again. Johnson was pushed up against the wall, but Dagger stabbed him in the back. She asked if Johnson was okay. He said yes, but the boss level was up next. D'Spayre then walked through the door. Bowen left because she could not take it anymore.

They left the game and Johnson was angry that they would have to start over. He explained that he was tired of losing. Bowen then told him how much she cared about him, asking why he went to save her. Johnson said that he could not live without her. Bowen said she felt the same way about him. She went further saying that she would rather fight a hundred battles with him, then one without him. Samedi interrupted saying that it was too late. He then looked down to see a bouquet of flowers instead of a sculpture of Cloak. Samedi explained that someone paid a price. A bride for Cloak and Dagger. Samedi snapped his fingers, allowing Johnson to wake up in the church.

Cloak and Dagger Hug

Cloak comforts Tandy Bowen

They went to Fusilier's store where they found Chantelle Fusilier killed by D'Spayre. Johnson tried to talk to Evita, but she was too depressed as she lose two things that day. She lost her aunt as well as her right for love as she married Samedi to get Cloak and Dagger out. Johnson teleported to Bowen only to find her crying as her mother returned to alcohol. Johnson assured her that they would find Deschaine.[18]

Hunting Andre[]

Johnson tried to draw a veve to find Andre Deschaine, but it did not work. He then asked Tandy Bowen if she wanted to talk about the human trafficking, but she refused. Johnson decided to leave and get some leads. Johnson gets a burner phone and follows Solomon while calling his mother. He asks about James Connors and his mother says they are doing okay. However, Johnson teleported to his home and looked through the window to find Adina burning blood paper, realizing that she killed Connors.

Johnson approached Solomon in a diner, who immediately said he did not do anything. Johnson said he just wanted to talk. He noticed that Solomon was reading a newspaper article about Luke Cage. Solomon was happy because Cage looked like them. He then asked Johnson what it said, which made Johnson realize that Solomon could not read. He asked for Solomon's help. He wanted Solomon to tell the gangs he wanted to meet. Solomon said it was not that easy. Johnson suddenly got a call and had to leave, saying that he would take care of the rest if Solomon set up a meeting.

C&D 2x09 Tandy Ty

Cloak and Dagger search Lia Dewan's mind

He arrived at the church to find Bowen and Mayhem. Bowen had an unconscious Lia Dewan who had her hope stolen by Deschaine. She said they needed to go into the her mind to find Deschaine. Johnson did not want to, but joined anyways. They approached a gate in her mind and saw a memory of Deschaine asking Dewan to join him. They entered another door to find a young Dewan playing the cello. Bowen asked for her sheet music and she gave it to her as Bowen claimed it would help a friend. As they tried to leave, Deschaine went into Dewan's memories and stopped them. He explained that he wanted an audience so that he could get enough despair to play a blue note. The blue note would turn him into a god. Cloak and Dagger left as he rambled on.

C&D 2x09 Cloak

Cloak negotiates a deal

Cloak got a call from Solomon saying that the deal was ready. Mayhem wanted to come, but Johnson refused and left. Johnson went through the warehouse, taking care of everyone before the leader said he would talk. Johnson took the two gang leaders to the roof and pushed one of them off before catching him mid air and returning to the top. Now scared, they listened to Johnson. They asked if he wanted some money, but he wanted change. Johnson explained that anybody who did not want to be involved, would not be. The man said that they were a significant portion of their business, but Johnson said he did not care. If they do not follow his rules, then they would be his problem. Before leaving, he asked for the location of one of their buyers: Club Delight.[19]

Fight at Club Delight[]

Johnson found Tandy Bowen bring Lia Dewan to the hospital. They left to get to Club Delight. They walked in and simply found a band playing. Bowen believed that the gangs played Johnson and walked out. However, a plaque caught her eye. It revealed that the original club delight burned down and this was the second one. Johnson teleported them to the original club delight where they found Andre Deschaine playing the trumpet to many people including Mikayla Bell and Melissa Bowen.

Johnson saw a veve under Deschaine that was glowing. Realizing he was close to completing his goal, Johnson yelled at Bowen to throw a dagger at him. She did so and Johnson absorbed it before teleporting to Deschaine, letting it loose at him. Deschaine was stabbed and collapsed. However, everyone suddenly disappeared. All Cloak and Dagger were left with was the faint sound of a trumpet playing.[19]

Taking on D'Spayre[]

Cloak & Dagger 210+TyroneTandy

Cloak and Dagger think of a plan

They looked over Deschaine's unconscious body, but concluded that he was not dead as the trumpet was still playing. They went to Evita Fusilier's store, but Johnson told Tandy Bowen that she wanted nothing to do with him. Bowen told him she meant romantically. Fusilier then opened the blinds, saying she could hear them. She used her tricks to see a distant future of despair.

Tandy Tyrone LevelUp 3

Cloak and Dagger at the Roxxon Gas Station

In the church, she nailed Johnson's cloak to the ground and explained that she could open a doorway to the Dark Dimension with veves and a candle. They would enter the Dark Dimension to stop Deschaine and the gate would stay open as long as the candle stayed lit. They walked in and were met with pitch black darkness. Bowen used her dagger to lead the way to the Roxxon Gas Station, which was destroyed, meaning they could not get to the record store.

Tandy Tyrone LevelUp 1

Cloak and Dagger in The Esplanade

Bowen exclaimed that she was not strong, feeling disappointment in her failure. Johnson gave her a pep talk about how she was wrong before teaching her how to draw a veve. Her symbol allowed them to transport to The Esplanade. They walked through until they found many mirrors showing different versions of themselves. Dagger used her lightforce to let them through. They arrived at the record store only to find it empty.[3]

Defeating His Inner Demons[]

Tyrone+Tandy Look

Cloak and Dagger walk to D'Spayre

The duo walked through a door and saw D'Spayre playing the trumpet for his victims, who still sat unresponsive. Bowen threw a dagger at D'Spayre, but there was a sudden blinding light. When Johnson looked back, Bowen was gone. He teleported to D'Spayre, but was knocked back by the force of D'Spayre's trumpet. Johnson was then sent to a version of his home. He walked around asking if his mom or dad were there. However, he saw the door open and it was himself.


Johnson confronts himself

His own version started ridiculing Johnson for how his life turned out. How he went around with his cape and caused his own mother to become a murderer. Cloak tried to punch his Dark Dimension version multiple times, but was easily dodged. However, he eventually got the upperhand and woke up from his spell to find Bowen like the other victims. However, he quickly fell back under the spell.

Cloak & Dagger 210 Cloak

Cloak fighting his demons

He continued fighting himself, but heard Bowen's voice and tried to follow it. He fell down the stairs, ending up the the precinct. He fought himself some more while calling Bowen's name until he opened a door and saw her as well as Deschaine. D'Spayre explained that the only thing that they could do was be in their own heads. However, Johnson had an idea. The duo always understood each other better from the other's point of view, so they fought each other's opponents.

Cloak & Dagger 210

Cloak scolds Nathan Bowen

Johnson took on a version of Bowen's father. Nathan wanted nothing to do with it, prompting Johnson to ask if it was because he did not hit men. Johnson repeatedly scolded Nathan for his actions against Tandy's mother. He punched Nathan and argued with him until he woke up in a room full of his cloaks and the version of his once again.

Tyrone vs Tyrone Darkfroce

Johnson defeats himself

Johnson immediately punched his fake version as they traded blows. His fake version talked about how he killed his brother and he was better than the real Johnson. Cloak scolded his own self saying that he could be scared and have flaws, but Dagger once told him that he could turn those into change. The cloaks then started circling around the fake Johnson, overwhelming him. Cloak admitted he was not perfect, but neither was this version of himself. The fake Johnson disappeared as Cloak defeated his inner demons.

Cloak and Dagger Defeat Andre

Cloak and Dagger defeat D'Spayre

Johnson woke up next to Bowen as they faced Deschaine. Johnson teleported to D'Spayre, but was caught by the throat. Bowen remembered that D'Spayre got migraines so she blinded him with her lightforce. Getting over the attack, D'Spayre asked if that was all. Johnson told him they had a few more tricks. He then teleported Dagger out of him and into Deschaine. Dagger impaled D'Spayre with a lightforce sword, killing him. They then entered his mind and found a saddened Deschaine sitting down. Bowen searched for his favorite record and played it. As the song played, she scratched it with her dagger, leaving Deschaine to sulk in his broken music.[3]

Leaving Town[]

Cloak & Dagger 210-Tyrone

Johnson says goodbye

With the help of Mayhem, Johnson's name was cleared from his crimes. Johnson checked up on his family and loved ones one last time. He checked on his parents who were seemingly back together and visited Evita Fusilier from afar during her aunt's funeral. He also wrote a letter to Father Delgado, advising him to move into the church and to try and renew his faith. He then spied on Solomon, proud to see that he started back on the right path.

Tandy and Tyrone Leave New Orleans

Cloak and Dagger leave New Orleans

He then found Bowen on a bus to leave town. He sat with Bowen, who said that she had not gone out of New Orleans in her entire life. She said that Mayhem had given her information about several girls found dead at a beach which she intends to investigate. Johnson asked if they should call her Mayhem or Brigid O'Reilly and Bowen concluded that it was O'Reilly. She then asked Johnson if they could be heroes. He responded with a question of his own; "Waffles or pancakes?" Bowen answered with "waffles." The two then smiles and held hands as they were ready to take on the world together.[3]

Helping Nico Minoru[]

Rescuing the Runaways[]

Tandy - Tyrone - Nico - RS344569

Cloak and Dagger confront Nico Minoru

Months later, Cloak sensed a great deal of darkforce. He teleported with Dagger to Los Angeles where they emerged in the Hostel. They saw Nico Minoru and asked who she was as well as what she did.[20] Minoru armed herself, believing them to be allies of a witch named Morgan le Fay. When they said they were not, Minoru eased up and explained that her friend, Alex Wilder was stuck in the Dark Dimension. Cloak and Dagger agreed to help.

Runaways 308 - Rescue at Wizard

Johnson, Bowen and Minoru attempt to rescue the Runaways and PRIDE

They went to Wizard to break out Minoru's team. Cloak teleported them there and was ordered to get the parents out. Cloak asked where as he was not from Los Angeles, Minoru told him to think of something. Cloak then teleported them to the Hollywood sign and teleported back to see a fight going on. He grabbed everyone and teleported them to the Dark Dimension. With multiple big teleportations, Cloak needed a breather when they got there.[21]

Saving Alex Wilder[]

Devil's Torture Chamber

Cloak, Dagger and the Runaways enter the Dark Dimension

They walked over to see a sorcerer named Quinton the Great, but found that he was gone with only blood and swords left. They then walked through a door, but Karolina Dean warned everyone that it split them up last time. Johnson and Bowen held hands so this did not happen. They got through the door and walked down to the city. Eventually, AWOL's crew found them, leading to a chase. The group got cornered into an alley, but was saved by Quinton, who came at the last second.

They were led into a building where Wilder was, but at the top. They walked in, but soon heard Quinton screaming behind them. They continued so they did not die from whatever got Quinton outside. Cloak talked to Chase Stein about sports, with Stein playing lacrosse. Suddenly, they heard Gert Yorkes screaming. Stein and Johnson went to help and found Yorkes being attacked by a younger Molly Hernandez. Cloak grabbed everyone and teleported them.

Tyrone - Chase - Gert - RWS3

Johnson saves Yorkes and Stein

Since he did not know his way around the area, Johnson accidentally teleported them to the building next door. They walked around, evading AWOL's men as they did so. They then walked into an empty room, but Yorkes was getting restless. She was worried that they were leaving her adoptive sister for a long time since time worked differently in the Dark Dimension. She wanted Cloak to take her home, but he refused, saying that if he could not come back, everyone else would be stuck. He then grabbed Yorkes, seeing her fears. This fear was of Yorkes witnessing Stein, Hernandez, and a dinosaur getting attacked with Yorkes powerless.

Suddenly, they spotted more of AWOL's men, so Stein led them into a room that they thought was empty. However, when they turned around, they saw a hoard of men. Cloak tried to teleport them out, but was grabbed by two other men, accidentally teleporting them. When he finally made it back, Dagger, Nico Minoru, and Dean had joined the fight. Johnson embraced Dagger before fighting. They were easily overpowered by a now zombified Quinton, but Minoru was able to defeat him by solidifying a dagger and stabbing Quinton. However, Johnson started forgetting things.

Runaways 308 Gert+Ty

Yorkes introduces Old Lace to Johnson

They made it to Wilder and Cloak remembered enough to get them home. They returned to the Hostel and Dagger started saying she sensed darkness in Wilder. The group dismissed it, but Cloak assured them that when Dagger had a feeling, she was right. However, he let it go. Cloak then apologized to Yorkes for seeing her fears and said it was cool how she had two families. He also asked if he really saw a dinosaur. Yorkes then called Old Lace out, who met Johnson. Cloak and Dagger were then thanked before leaving.[21]


"I know who you are. I see it every day. I see your bravery, and your intelligence, and your willpower. You're more like your your brother than you ever know. It inspires me as much as it scares the shit out of me."
Adina Johnson to Tyrone Johnson[src]

Tyrone Johnson was an outgoing person as a child, but after witnessing the death of his older brother, Billy, he became emotionally distant and closed off, harboring deep guilt. He is also worrisome about his family regarding the situation, noting that his mother's greatest fear is losing both of her kids. He tries very hard to live up to high expectations to impress his peers and family, which often leads to extreme stress and self-doubt. He harbors a sense of personal justice from the incident that took his brother away, willing to step up to do what he thinks is right. But, these decisions are very reckless as he disregards the consequences and how it can affect the people around him.

Johnson's tragic loss also resulted in a lot of repressed anger, mainly due to the fact that his brother's case was still quiet even after eight years. He admitted to his mother that he's been so used to having that anger and need for vengeance that he doesn't know what type of person he is without it.

He was apprehensive about his powers at first but retains a strong sense of justice and morality which guided him into using his powers to save New Orleans with Tandy Bowen.

Powers and Abilities[]


"One second I was in the city, the next I was here... in the middle of nowhere..."
―Tyrone Johnson to Tandy Bowen[src]
  • Darkforce Manipulation: Cloak can manipulate the Darkforce, by channeling it through his own body, giving him multiple abilities.
    • Teleportation:

      Cloak teleporting into another location

      Cloak can envelop himself in a field of Darkforce, allowing him to move through the dimension to appear in a separate location. Cloak can teleport objects along with himself as well, as he was able to bring the bullet James Connors fired at him while escaping, as well as a tarp he used to shroud himself in darkness. When his powers first manifested, he teleported to the roof of a Roxxon Corporation building with the sheet of his bed still wrapped around him. He is also able to teleport people as well, as he was able to bring Connors on top of a building with him and Tandy Bowen on top of the Roxxon Gulf Operations Facility. With help from Evita, he eventually mastered this ability, transporting both Bowen and Brigid O'Reilly into the abandoned church. His connection to Bowen also causes him to teleport to her in times of stress. This power is instinctual and can be triggered by panic, as seen when he was pushed over a railing and teleported away. Cloak also has the ability to teleport to people and locations he's never been to, as he appeared in Duane Porter's warehouse just by thinking of him. As he began to develop this ability further, he learned how to teleport rapidly, becoming able to dodge attacks from Bowen and gunshots from Connors.
      • Dimensional Travel: Cloak is able to travel between different dimensions by teleporting, as he was able to transport himself, along with Bowen and the Runaways, into the Dark Dimension to rescue Alex Wilder from AWOL. However, this ability appears to be limited compared to his basic teleportation, as he expressed to Gert Yorkes that he was unsure if he could get back out and then back in to get Bowen and the others once Alex was freed and safe on Earth. However, we was able to bring the entire group back to their regular dimension successfully.
    • Absorption: Cloak has the power to banish people to the Dark Dimension, by absorbing them within his own body. When facing Connors for the final time, Cloak was able to absorb Connors into himself, trapping him for months in the other dimension. He also absorbed the Darkforce at the rink and then released it moments afterwards. Tyrone was able to absorb a dagger thrown at him by Tandy, and then redirect it out through his body at D'Spayre, killing his physical body. He was also able to absorb Mayhem into himself as well as bullets whilst protecting a kid. During the duel with D'Spayre, Cloak was able to hide Tandy within himself, and then launch her out of his body. She was lifted high into the air with Darkforce Smoke and was able to make a devastating strike on their foe.
    • Darkforce Constructs: Cloak can generate Darkforce energy into physical and tangible objects. He can channel Darkforce to create a field of darkness in his general vicinity. While saving Solomon, Tyrone filled the entire room with dark smoke, engulfing it in darkness. He was was also able to summon dark tendrils capable of seizing and grabbing Connors and pulling him into his body and the Dark Dimension. He was also able to use the Darkforce smoke to lift Tandy into the air and throw her at their foe.
    • Fear Manipulation:

      Cloak seeing someone's fears

      Cloak can manipulate and amplify the fears of those he touches to create nightmares for his victims, as he forced a drug dealer to face a dark entity in order to scare him off.[11] Tandy threatened Nico Minoru, that Tyrone could force her to live out her worst fears.
      • Fear Perception: Cloak is capable of viewing the deepest fears of an individual in a hyper-realistic manner by touching an exposed part of their body. This ability allows him to gain insight on how he can manipulate others, though he usually opts against it as it feels invasive.
    • Memory Reading: When he and Dagger are touching the same person, Cloak can view their actual memories, rather than just subjective representations of their fears (though the viewing of these memories may still take on some representational imagery, such as when they viewed Melissa Bowen's memory of abuse at the hands of her husband). While viewing memories, avatars of Cloak and Dagger identical to their physical forms exist within these memories - with Cloak and Dagger able to interact with each other, and to lesser extent beings and objects within the memories as well. When using this ability on Ivan Hess he was aware of Cloak and Dagger's presence within his comatose mindscape, but retained no memory of this upon waking.[6]
    • Darkforce Sense: Tyrone stated that whatever Nico Minoru was doing sent a disturbance through the Darkforce that he was able to feel. He stated that it had never happened before, but it also alerted him to her current location in The Hostel.


  • Combatant: Johnson is a capable fighter skilled in brawling style to throw coordinated punches, kicks, and being able to use his powers of teleportation to rapidly evade attacks in creating his own offensive ones.
  • Thief: Johnson is an experienced thief, similar to Tandy Bowen, he can steal things undetected and with ease. At a young age, he was able to open a locked car and steal the Hi-Fi, then use cover to hide from the police.
  • Tactician: Johnson is an adept strategist, able to plan out successful and good plans for attacks. He was able to devise a way to infiltrate Duane Porter's drug operation and later developed the plan to take down James Connors.



"What's the difference between a cloak and a cape?"
"A cape is just an add-on to a shirt. But a hugs you."
―Tyrone Johnson and Roland Duplantier[src]
  • Cloak: A handmade cloak originally created by Billy Johnson, but finished by Johnson. Cloak uses this as a medium to channel his Darkforce powers.
  • Hoodie: After his brother's cloak was damaged by the Terrors, Johnson was given the hoodie he wore when he was young by Tandy Bowen, who had taken and kept it since their accident with the Roxxon Gulf Platform. Taking the place of the cloak, the hoodie acts as a medium to help Johnson focus his powers.
  • Pointe Shoes: When Johnson woke up the morning after the Destruction of the Roxxon Gulf Platform, he found a pointe shoe hanging on a branch. He took it home with him and kept it safe until 2017, when he came in contact with the owner. He then took out the shoe and remembered that day.


  • Baseball Bat: After getting assaulted by his teammates and locked in the locker room, Johnson used a baseball bat to escape, then brought it with him for protection while continuing to stakeout James Connors.
  • Ruger GP100: Johnson took the revolver owned by his mother in order to attack James Connors. However, his newly-found powers made him teleport just as he was shooting, with the bullet missing Connors, and instead hitting the stolen car that Tandy Bowen was driving.
  • X26 Taser: Johnson obtained two tasers belonging to the New Orleans Police Department from the weapons room, to deal with the Terrors that attacked the police station. He gave one to officer Lafayette and kept one of them, using it against Mina Hess when he teleported to the place where Tandy Bowen was hiding.







Appearances for Cloak


Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Cloak.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Cloak.

External Links[]
