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Web Bluetooth characteristicvaluechanged not triggered in Android Chrome but works in Desktop Chrome

I’m working on a web application that connects to a heart rate monitor using the Web Bluetooth API. The code works perfectly in Desktop Chrome, where the characteristicvaluechanged event is triggered ...
mahindar's user avatar
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how to remove suggestions bar from the virtual keyboard

I'm creating a PWA (Progressive Web App), but in Android Chrome, the suggestions bar on the virtual keyboard is messing up my layout (See image). It is overlaping with important buttons that are ...
Heloi Neto's user avatar
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Audio recording using RecordRTC: Blob Size Difference Between Android and Windows on Chrome

I use RecordRTC library and have an issue related to ondataavailable function and its 'blob' argument size. Here is the snippet of my code: recorder = RecordRTC(microphone, { ...
Andrii's user avatar
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How do I resolve the 419 Page Expired error created by a token mismatch arising from Chrome Password Manager and Laravel 10 app login

I am developing a mobile optimised website using Laravel 10. I have taken the user login and authentication code out of the box. It works on desktop and mobile except with one big exception. It seems ...
Ian Barnes's user avatar
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NullPointer Exception on BitMap.getwidth() at chromium-TrichromeWebViewGoogle.aab

I was getting below crash in Android Webview. I tried to load the webview for the functionality within the app and got this crash. Please advise on it. It's crashing on Android 13 (Samsung S21). Note: ...
Dev's user avatar
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launching Android Chrome Browser through Appium Automation using emulator is throwing error and chrome browser is not launched properly

Screen when the code is run and chrome is launched` Appium server is also running and even the chrome browser is launched but displays blank white screen after launching Below is the error while ...
nandini's user avatar
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Android Chrome (106) sometimes fails to resize to full screen after keyboard usage

I noticed a strange behaviour using Google Chrome for Android (Version 106.0.5249.79) on an Android 12 device: It seems that leaving an input field and therefore resizing the viewport to the complete ...
DommeL's user avatar
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ACTION_VIEW directly opens the URL chrome browser instead of showing options for different browsers

Here is part of my code: Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, URI.parse(""); Intent chooser = Intent.createChooser(sendIntent, "Open the link in:...
Real Noob's user avatar
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how to maintain specific version for embedded web view across different devices?

We have embedded web view using webkit in our app. implementation 'androidx.browser:browser:1.3.0' But when we install this app in different devices (mobile, android boxes, android tv's) the webview ...
Vamsi Krishna's user avatar
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Why can't I get a MediaStream from back camera when front camera is in use on Android Chrome?

Consider this: What I'm trying to do here is to get a MediaStream for environment facing camera (back) when another MediaStream for user facing camera (front) is active. This is happening on Android ...
Claudio Valerio's user avatar
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Android Chrome not cache big file even fetching by force-cache

I want to load and cache a big data file from the server. The dict.json file is about 30MB big. fetch('/data/dict.json', {cache: "force-cache"}) In Desktop Chrome, it works as expected. ...
benjaminchanming's user avatar
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Android Chrome runs requestAnimationFrame at 60FPS but renders at 30FPS

I am building a game with JS and I was testing it on Android Chrome and noticed that it is not working smooth, I could see stutters. Then, I set out to fix the performance problems thinking that my ...
laltin's user avatar
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Android Chrome failed to repeat very long background image

One of my project requires to display a very long image (height to width ratio is very high, which is 1920x7500) as background image. The background image should repeat at y-axis, too. However, I have ...
wuiyang's user avatar
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How to force Custom Tabs to launch as Desktop site everytime?

I'm trying to implement custom tabs into my app I've successfully launched the website using @OnClick( void ...
DIRTY DAVE's user avatar
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Why can't chrome read local html file on android?

When I open a html file the chrome( on android ) says that file is not readable. But I have given permissions to file and media for chrome. Please help me to solve this! Thank you!
Surendra Rulz's user avatar

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