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Nodejs Lambda function to update a PDF using pdf-lib or pdfkit

I have a NodeJs lambda function and I am trying to update a small one page PDF file from S3 bucket and save it on a different S3 bucket. I saw the samples of pdf-lib library, but they seem to be ...
Savan Thakkar's user avatar
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Web Bluetooth characteristicvaluechanged not triggered in Android Chrome but works in Desktop Chrome

I’m working on a web application that connects to a heart rate monitor using the Web Bluetooth API. The code works perfectly in Desktop Chrome, where the characteristicvaluechanged event is triggered ...
mahindar's user avatar
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Traceid was missing in newrelic logs

I had a api call which runs for every 10 minutes (scheduled time) . If input was not provided to this call it runs for all ids for every 10 minutes. so i was able to see logs for ids but traceid is ...
Keerthi's user avatar
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What is the difference between Cmd and ExecCmd in Docker/SBT?

In the sbt-native-packager Docker plugin, what is the difference between these directives? And how do we combine Cmd/ExecCmd with RUN/ENTRYPOINT/CMD? For example, I am trying to add git to my docker ...
Dan Ciaolo's user avatar
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eval JavaScript function works only when copied, pasted and run first in Developer console using chrome Developer tools

: i have a function function myfunc() { var SS1 = 16; AA = [0,1,2,3,4]; AA[i] = 1, AA[x] = 2, console.log(AA[i]) } if i do eval(myfunc.toString().replace('SS1', 'SS2')); nothing ...
FooDue's user avatar
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How do i make a faster C algorithm

i want to make an algorithm that filters some numbers like 101010101010101. numbers that have some patterns in them. but they are very large and i need 4 or 5 secounds to reach 100.000.000. and about ...
Simon Rogl's user avatar
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Performance of Numba computations with dictionaries as arguments

I recently updated a Numba code to use dictionaries as arguments. Among the arguments are float64 arrays, floats and integers. I initially replaced the float64 arrays by a single dictionary but I ...
Alain's user avatar
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Adding only some data labels and a total value at the top of my stacked bar chart using R

I am working on a stacked bar chart with the following data: dput(head(Intensity_data)) structure(list(Weekday = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 5L, 5L,...
Pablo Viruell's user avatar
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How to develop a windows software using WPF? What's the exact route?

Personal skills Background: Have learned c, C ++,java,python, html+css have some understanding, but not in-depth. Specific problems: Using WPF to develop a Windows to develop a software, the software ...
丞逸飞's user avatar
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What happens when I squash the topmost commit in an interactive rebase?

I commit several "wip" commits to my git branch intermittently, forming a commit chain. When that series of works-in-progress eventually reaches a milestone, I might squash that series of ...
StoneThrow's user avatar
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Query Model with Many to Many Field with empty list as input

I have a model that contains a many to many field: class Transaction(models.Model): id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, unique=True, editable=False, primary_key=True) transaction_date = ...
pycode81's user avatar
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Connect to on prem SQL server from.ADF using client provided certificates

I am trying to connect to on prem SQL server from adf using client provided certificate using SHIR.When I created linked service I gave encrypt as true and trustcertificate as false and linked ...
Azureenthusiast's user avatar
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How to pass byte buffer from C++ to Python using SWIG?

I am using SWIG version 4.0.2 in a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Ubuntu distribution. The C++ class I want to wrap contains an array of bytes (i.e., each item in the array is of type uint8_t or ...
Mike Finch's user avatar
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How can I refactor the functions in my Flutter StatefulWidget?

The code below is a simple example of a Flutter widget I want to refactor, to improve both organization and readability. I want to refactor _incrementCounter and _decrementCounter so that the ...
Carl Smith's user avatar
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usestate keeping the same value eve after modifying in react

I have a nextjs application that uses shadcn-ui combobox component and there is a value that should return back to an empty string after modifying it with usestate, but it does not. I do not ...
moth's user avatar
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