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1 answer

What is different in my Ajax vs XMLHttpRequest Call that lets my Server understand Ajax but not XMLHttpRequest?

I have a very simple server call like this: [HttpPost] [AllowAnonymous] public JsonResult Test(TestRequestModel requestModel) { //do stuff return Json(new { result.Success }); } My ...
0 votes
0 answers

Next.js with Drizzle ORM: Page not refreshing after task creation/update

I'm working on a Next.js project with Drizzle ORM where I can create and update tasks. After submitting the task form, I get navigated back to the homepage, but the new/updated task isn't displayed ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to have a pool of Python tasks wait for a wake up event

I have created a pool of Python processes with the multiproccessing.pool function, any of which performs similar work. This is to have more work done simultaneously. I would like all of the tasks to ...
0 votes
0 answers

where is nccl code?How does NCCL function?

When using NCCL currently, is it installed and compiled along with CUDA? How is this different from compiling and installing it through the source code available on the official website? Will there ...
0 votes
0 answers

Modifying range in Traffic light Iconset in Openpyxl

I have a sample data in excel like as below cust_id,avg_purchase 1,0.2 2,0.5 3,100 4,9 5,1 6,31 7,9.5 8, "No purchase" 9, "No purchase" I would like to do the below using Openpyxl ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to split string into multiple rows in a table using MYSQL?

I have a table with Four different columns. Its called Box Table. It contains characteristics of different boxes. Following are the names of the columns: Serial Number, Box Height, Box Width, Box ...
0 votes
1 answer

expo-av how to load an audio stream?

I'm trying to implement expo-av to load an audio stream. It works, but it loads the audio in about 25 seconds which I find too slow... I don't see a user waiting 25 seconds for the audio to load, he ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I translate partially translated texts on my Wordpress website

I am new to wordpress and I am encountering a problem with translation from English to Danish. My theme and plugins are in Danish, but on my post page, where it is possible to navigate to my posts, it ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I enable http (instead of https) for an Open API service in VS 2022?

When I am running debug at a project of open API service, it can start a browser with the port as specified in launchSettings.json. { "profiles": { "Service": { "...
1 vote
1 answer

SSL Exception Tag mismatch error, with spring webflux webclient requests

I just converted a service to the webflux/netty stack (formerly it was mvc/undertow) This service makes https requests to downstream services using spring webclient(formerly okHttp client). The ...
0 votes
2 answers

Convert SELECT query containing equals comparison and 3 OR LIKE conditions to CodeIgniter active record syntax

I need to translate the following MySQL query to a CodeIgniter active record script. SELECT * FROM cdr WHERE ( Circle LIKE '%D%' OR CLI LIKE '%D%' OR Operator LIKE '%D%' ) AND Dept = 'Sale'...
223 votes
18 answers

What causes NextJS Warning: "Extra attributes from the server: data-new-gr-c-s-check-loaded... "

I am getting the following warning from my NextJS Application: Warning: Extra attributes from the server: data-new-gr-c-s-check-loaded,data-gr-ext-installed,cz-shortcut-listen,data-lt-installed I ...
54 votes
2 answers

Google Drive API, Oauth and service account

I've some issues with Google Drive API, service account and authentication. I read a lot, but I cannot figure out how to solve this. Context: I have some files on my Drive account (about 35GB) and a ...
0 votes
0 answers

Create dynamically IDs in html form when add a new element and pass then .on change function

I have this code and it works, i can add a new lines and also delete them. The problem is when i select and option from the select input it changes the two inputs with the correct information. When i ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Understanding stack frame of function call in C/C++? [closed]

I am new to C/C++ and assembly lang as well. This could also be very basic question. I am trying to understand how stack frames are built and which variables(params) are pushed to stack in ...

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