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windows based dockerfile with python install

I want to implement a windows based dockerfile which can be used to install python as well. these are some of the commands I have, I want to troubleshoot the part where in it install python explicitly....
AdityaT101's user avatar
-6 votes
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What is the minimum required information in a WNDCLASSEX struct?

I'm trying to call RegisterClassEx, and I need to generate a WNDCLASSEX struct. What are the minimum requirements for this struct? For the sake of this example, I'm using C#, with CsWin32 to generate ...
citelao's user avatar
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Confused between Universal C Runtime and Visual C++ Redistributable

I am trying to figure out the pre-requisites a user will need to install on their machine before installing my application. My application has following dependencies: and I developed it on Windows 11 ...
morpheus's user avatar
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Question on Returning a user-defined function (learning R from scratch)

I'm learning R programming from scratch on my own since September and I'm taking a free beginner course from Educative. In the session about creating a function and returning the output for other task,...
MCh2309's user avatar
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Remove Vysor Cam on chrom

I have previously installed Vysor in my laptop. I uninstalled it. However, when I use a webcam in my browser, it still defaults to Vysor Screen Capture Camera (which I already uninstalled). How can I ...
Swapnil Shivpuje's user avatar
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Python Returns Different File Size than OS Property [duplicate]

I am trying to get the size of a a file called fGDB.gdb using python. but while the Windows Property shows the size of file as 146 KB (150,399 bytes) Using this code import os gdb = r"C:\Users\....
GISGUY's user avatar
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yq wont recognize single quotation marks around the field when trying to split large YAML file into smaller ones

I have a large YAML file containing info about video games. --- - Name: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Console: PS3 Genre: Stealth Progression: Unplayed Maintenance: Perfect! - ...
Rivenswild's user avatar
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Error Displaying GUI Apps using WSL2 in Windows 11 [closed]

I installed SUSE Linux OS in WSL in Windows 11. I am getting following when trying to open any GUI application from WSL Linux. I have set default version of WSL as 2. akhil@AKHIL:~> gedit (gedit:...
Akhil Akkapelli's user avatar
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Getting java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library with Eclipse latest version and the installer

After a recent update, I'm now not able to run Eclipse on Windows and am getting the following error: --------------------------- Eclipse --------------------------- An error has occurred. See the log ...
Rashy's user avatar
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Kafka KRaft Mode - Access Denied Exception When Deleting Snapshot Files

I'm facing an issue with Kafka running in KRaft mode (without Zookeeper) on a Windows environment, and I keep getting an AccessDeniedException in the logs when Kafka attempts to delete specific ...
nishant chauhan's user avatar
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How to resolve user-specific installation path issues with Electron auto-updates?

I am developing an Electron application with the following setup: Electron Version: 29.3.0 Electron-Builder Version: 24.13.3 Electron-Updater Version: 6.2.1 The application is working as expected, ...
Frankenstein's user avatar
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Best practice for installing Windows dependencies for Github CMake Multiplatform Workflow?

I have tried: - name: Install dependencies (Windows) if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows') run: vcpkg install curl libxml2 Which successfully installed the dependencies, but CMake didn't find them....
yasar's user avatar
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There is a seemingly infinite loop of reverse forwarding in kernel32.dll

I'm writing an x86 manual map injector for Windows 10. When writing the code responsible for resolving imports, I found a function from kernel32.dll (windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll) called "...
john's user avatar
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How to Increase the Maximum Number of Smart Card Readers Recognized by Windows 10 After Upgrading from Windows 7

At my workplace, we use multiple smart card readers connected to Windows 10 machines. However, our software seems to recognize only up to 10 smart card readers. This limitation wasn't present when we ...
Xyber390's user avatar
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MSI Installer for newer versions of Python

Sorry, am a newbie looking for advice on how to build an MSI official release installer for Python (e.g. Python 3.9.20). I've Visual Studio installed but am not sure how to move forward from there. ...
Justin Ng Thian Huat's user avatar

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