Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2015

World of Trucks Newsletter #1


Some of you may have found our very first newsletter in your inbox during the recent week. It's been a bit complicated for us to mail out over 170 thousand e-mails (and that's still only about half of users registered on World of Trucks!), even using Amazon's back-end service, it took several days to go through the long list.

So far we have received mostly compliments from our readers, indicating that there's hunger for such information updates. Some of our fans come here to read our blog, other people mostly stick to Facebook, some prefer Twitter, but it would take a real obsession to follow everything we do on a daily basis. So we believe that the newsletter, covering a broader range of topics and sent out every couple of months, will be a good additional channel to keep in touch with the fanbase, especially with the players who do not play the game or engage in the community so frequently, but still don't want to miss out on new cool things happening that could spark their interest in playing the game again more intensively.

It was not a coincidence that we wanted to get the first newsletter issue out alongside the release of our Euro Truck Simulator 2 Scandinavia expansion, a little bit of additional PR never hurts, but we think that you could appreciate that we focused on slightly different and deeper aspect of its development, as well as provided an overview of other projects that we are cooking for you under SCS Software's roof.

To prevent excessive email bounce rate we opted to send the newsletter only to active World of Trucks users - those who logged in to World of Trucks at least once during the last six months. In case you were among people who missed it, fear not, we are going to store all our future newsletters on our forum, where you have an option to comment or discuss its content.

So here you go:

Comment on our forum here

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

World of Trucks Newsletter #1 is Coming!

As the release of Scandinavia DLC is getting close, we feel that it would make a perfect opportunity to utilize one more, yet unused, media channel of ours  - the World of Trucks newsletter. You see, it's time to really boost our PR effort now!

During your registration to World of Trucks, many of you opted to receive the newsletter. Actually we explicitly didn't pre-select the newsletter check-box for the registration, you had to click it yourself. Unlike many companies who try by any means to push any info and especially promo through, we felt it's only fair to give you the opportunity but make it a user preference.

More then half of World of Trucks users opted to receive the newsletter, but until now we have never utilized this communications channel.

Sending a newsletter is a rather tricky procedure, it's not like firing a few e-mails per day, it requires infrastructure to send hundreds of thousands newsletters at once. Thankfully places like Amazon and many others are offering a service for sending such massive amounts of mails for a reasonable price, with extra features on top of it. Still, such services have specific criteria on how many emails can "bounce" as undeliverable or reported as "spam" - and if the bounce rate is too high, we might receive a ban right at the newsletter's introduction, which would be a shame.

With that in mind we aim to distribute the newsletter only among active users to World of Trucks platform who are truly interested in receiving it.

In our first newsletter we aim to include an extensive preview and summary of all features that Scandinavia DLC will bring to the a game, as well as a gist on other projects we work on and activities happening around the SCS Software office.

Since this is the first ever newsletter from SCS Software, we certainly want to avoid spamming the players who have since their registration lost the interest in the game. We plan to send out the message only to active members who have logged in in the past couple of months. So please make sure to complete the steps below if you are interested in receiving our first newsletter prior to the release.

What do you need to do in order to receive our newsletter?

  • Make sure your email contact info is up to date to make sure our emails don't go into the void
  • Tick "Receive updates about latest news and special events" in account options page (in case you haven't subscribed already).

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome to our blog!

We are excited to launch our official blog to offer our fans insight into what is happening at SCS Software.

We plan to post screen shots of games under development, share behind the scenes information, and point out interesting places on the net related to SCS Software's games - communities, reviews, mods, movies...

Keep on the lookout for upcoming posts, the first few weeks may be a bit rocky as we are only learning to use our blog properly, but we hope to make coming back worth it for you.

Thanks so much for visiting our blog. Enjoy!