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For other uses, see Wong (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Wong, see Wong's Character Hub

"Just Wong. The Sorcerer Supreme, Master of the Mystic Arts, leader and former librarian of Kamar-Taj."

Wong is the current Sorcerer Supreme of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. When their former librarian was murdered by Kaecilius and the Zealots, Wong then became the highly protective keeper of all the ancient books when he met Stephen Strange, and assisted him in his studies. As Kaecilius attempted to use his power to bring Dormammu to Earth, Wong and the other Masters used their power to eventually defeat him, at the cost of Ancient One's death. With Kaecilius' conflict over, Wong joined Doctor Strange in protecting the New York Sanctum.

Wong stood with Strange and Iron Man when the Black Order attacked New York City in search of the Time Stone. After Strange was kidnapped by Ebony Maw, Wong was forced to remain behind in order to protect the Sanctum. When Strange perished along with half of the universe due to Thanos' Snap, Wong became the new Sorcerer Supreme. In 2023, Wong and the other Masters transported many of the revived Avengers and their allies to New York so that they could join the final battle against an alternate Thanos. By 2024, Wong was a regular fighter at the Golden Daggers Club in Macau, participating in cage matches where he met and befriended Abomination, whom he would return to the Damage Control Supermax Prison after their fights. Shortly after, he met Shang-Chi and Katy Chen in order to question them about the origins of the Ten Rings.

Later that year, Wong was informed that Wanda Maximoff was the prophesized Scarlet Witch and that she was hunting America Chavez, a teenager with the power to open portals across the Multiverse. Wong survived Scarlet Witch's siege of Kamar-Taj and informed her of the Darkhold's origins at Mount Wundagore in order to save the lives of the other Masters. Wong was able to elude an attempt on his life and later assisted a Dreamwalking Strange in fighting Scarlet Witch. After the battle, Wong took Chavez, who decided to stay in his universe, under his care as she began training in the Mystic Arts.

Wong would become involved with She-Hulk when he was brought forward as a witness during the parole hearing of Emil Blonsky. Wong himself would later employ She-Hulk in his lawsuit against Donny Blaze for utilizing dangerous magic for monetary gain. After Blonsky was arrested for breaking his parole conditions, Wong helped him escape from prison and offered him shelter in Kamar-Taj.


Target Employee[]

Wong LinkedIn Profile

Wong's LinkedIn profile

Wong began working as a Target Sales Associate in Kamar-Taj, Nepal. He worked there for nine years,[2] before becoming a librarian for the Masters of the Mystic Arts and becoming a sorcerer himself, seeking knowledge, understanding and peace. He felt free to develop his mind and spent as much time as possible reading, including The Book of the Five.[3]

Mystic Arts Master[]

Trained by the Ancient One[]

Wong trained alongside Kaecilius and Karl Mordo, the latter having joined after Wong had been there for some time. Wong and Mordo became friendly, although Wong was never certain about whether they were friends. Wong observed strength and courage in Mordo's actions many times, but also sensed a rigidity in his beliefs that worried Wong.[3] During his time with the Masters of the Mystic Arts, Wong learned of the Infinity Stones, such as the Space Stone and its association with Red Skull before it was found by S.H.I.E.L.D..[4] He also knew that the Time Stone was housed inside the Eye of Agamotto.[5] As he continued studying and keeping track of the Infinity Stones, fearing what would occur if somebody would ever combine all six.[4]

Retrieving the Dark Scepter[]

"I've been sent from the Kamar-Taj to better understand the appearance of the relic which this woman now wields... and even after witnessing it with my own eyes, I don't believe I know any more than before I arrived here."
Doctor Strange Prelude Splash

Wong being subdued by the Witch

Wong had been tasked with locating and securing the Dark Scepter. A object of immense power the Scepter had been stolen by a woman who had grew scornful against the world. Wong tracked her down to London and attempted to take the Staff off her. However, the power of the Dark Scepter proved to immense and the woman managed to escape. Back at Kamar-Taj, Kaecilius scorned Wong for losing the woman and the scepter; however, Wong insisted that with the power that the woman possessed with the Scepter the situation should be handled more reverently.

Doctor Strange Prelude 9

Wong and his allies after their defeat

Kaecilius claimed the Wong's concentration on his own failings was the reason the mission was not a success. Fellow Masters of the Mystic Arts members Daniel Drumm and Tina Minoru then arrived and told Kaecilius that Wong's trepidation should be a sign to be careful and heed his instincts rather than just insult him. When Kaecilius asked why they were not doing their other duties Drumm told him the situation proved serious enough that more than one member of the Masters of The Mystic was needed to subdue the thief. Kaecilius refused, however, and claimed that he could handle the thief himself. Wong, Drum, Minoru later arrived to find an unconscious Kaecilius who had been beaten by the thief and had underestimated the Staffs power.

Masters of the Mystic Arts Prelude

Wong and his allies finally defeating the Witch

Kaecilius realized the others were right and decided to team up to stop the thief. Later at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, the group confronted the thief and after a grueling battle with their combined efforts they were able to overpower her and claim the Scepter. With Wong putting it with all the other mystical objects at the Sanctum Sanctorum.[6]

Meeting Doctor Strange[]

DS Featurette - Characters 2

Wong being introduced to Doctor Strange

"I am now the guardian of these books. So if a volume from this collection should be stolen again, I'd know it, and you'd be dead before you ever left the compound."
―Wong to Doctor Strange[src]

Wong was appointed as the librarian at Kamar-Taj following the unexpected betrayal of Kaecilius, who had murdered the previous Librarian and stolen pages from the Book of Cagliostro.[5] Wong noticed a new member, Stephen Strange, wandering Kamar-Taj for several days, and although he never asked, Wong wondered what prompted Karl Mordo to bring a man such as Strange into the walls of Kamar-Taj to meet the Ancient One.[3] While still working in the Library, Wong was formally introduced to Strange. Wong remained serious despite all of Strange's attempts at making him laugh by comparing Wong's own single name to Adele and Eminem while Wong simply focused on his work.


Wong collects his books for Doctor Strange

Impressed by his level of understanding of all the Mystic Arts within such a short amount of time training with Mordo, Wong decided to give Strange access to some deeper parts of his library which were normally for Masters of the Mystic Arts only and handed him new books, informing Strange that he could borrow any book he pleased, including the Ancient One's private collections of books, noting that no knowledge in Kamar-Taj would be forbidden for him to learn.


Wong gives Doctor Strange several books

During their conversation, Strange found the Book of Cagliostro and pointed out the missing pages as Wong then proceeded to explain to Strange how the Zealots' recent attack, led by Kaecilius had resulted in the pages being stolen. Noting how the previous librarian had been beheaded by Kaecilius in the Library, Wong noted that all the books were now under his protection and if anyone tried to steal any of the books, Wong would personally kill any person who was responsible, making Strange extremely uncomfortable as Strange began jokingly questioning if there would be any punishments for him if he were to bring the books back late, which Wong still did not laugh at.[5] Mordo later told Wong about Strange's attempts at making an Inter-Dimensional Portal and how the Ancient One challenged him by stranding him on a frozen mountain.[3]

Losing Books[]


Wong refuses Stephen Strange's requests

"Books on Astral Projection."
"You're not ready for that."
"Try me, Beyoncé."
Stephen Strange and Wong[src]

While still working in the Library in Kamar-Taj, Wong was then visited once again by Stephen Strange, who requested some new books on the Astral Dimension for his studies. Wong, however, claimed that Strange was not ready for these just yet, only for Strange to still insist while jokingly calling Wong "Beyoncé". However, Wong still did not laugh and simply refused to hand over the books to Strange.


Wong's books are taken by Stephen Strange

Later, as he was reading while listening to Beyoncé inside the Library while reading more of the books, Wong failed to notice Strange using his Sling Ring to take books from the library. Although Wong failed to see him actually taking any of the books, he did notice that Strange had even stolen the book right in front of him, resulting in Wong then going to the Ancient One and informing her of all Strange's actions, noting how Strange was becoming impatient in his studies.[5] Strange particularly became impatient with how to use his astral form. Wong gave him books to help.[7]

Explaining the Masters[]


Wong gives Stephen Strange a stern warning

"Your curiosity could have gotten you killed. You weren’t manipulating the space-time continuum — you were breaking it. We do not tamper with natural law — we defend it."
―Wong to Doctor Strange[src]

Later, when he and Karl Mordo caught Stephen Strange practicing a time spell from the Book of Cagliostro and using the Eye of Agamotto, they reprimanded him for it, stating that he was breaking natural laws. Strange had earlier tried to call Wong to check whether or not the book was restricted, but proceeded on his own after not receiving a response. Wong explained to Strange the purposes of the Sanctums for keeping Dormammu from Earth before the London Sanctum was destroyed by Kaecilius and the explosion knocked him back.[5]

Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum[]

Wand of Watoomb

Wong and the Masters prepare for battle

"I'm breaking the laws of nature, I know."
"Well, don't stop now."
Doctor Strange and Wong[src]

In response to attacks made towards all the Sanctums around the world, Wong defended the Hong Kong Sanctum from Kaecilius and the Zealots. While Wong collected the Wand of Watoomb, he ordered the remaining Masters of the Mystic Arts to not allow anyone to enter the final Sanctum.

DS Spot 40 - 2

Wong is saved by the Eye of Agamotto

Wong died when the Sanctum was destroyed, allowing Dormammu to arrive, beginning to consume Earth and bring it into the Dark Dimension. When Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to reverse what had happened, he was revived. Doctor Strange brought Wong into his time slip where the reverse effects wouldn't affect him, nor their comrade Karl Mordo, preparing to fight Kaecilius. Strange was expecting a lecture on breaking the laws of nature, but Wong, realizing there was no other choice and that he had just been dead a moment ago, told Strange to keep going. Right when the duel was about to start, Strange seemingly abandoned the group and flew into the Dark Dimension.


Wong watches the Zealots being defeated

Strange returned seconds later and the Zealots were taken to the Dark Dimension instead. Wong laughed at Strange's quip about the "warnings coming after the spells". Unlike Karl Mordo, who became disillusioned and left the Masters of the Mystic Arts, Wong did not blame Strange for breaking natural law.[5] As Mordo left Strange, Wong, and Kamar-Taj, Wong worried about the danger that Mordo now posed.[3]

Helping Doctor Strange[]

Providing Knowledge[]

DS Spot 32 - 2

Wong offers Doctor Strange some advice

"You might have a gift for the mystic arts, but you still have much to learn. Word of the Ancient One's death will spread through the Multiverse. Earth has no Sorcerer Supreme to defend it."
―Wong to Doctor Strange[src]

Before Strange was appointed to be a new guardian of the New York Sanctum in the wake of Daniel Drumm's untimely death, Wong revealed that the Eye of Agamotto held an Infinity Stone. Wong also noted that due to the Ancient One's death, Earth was vulnerable and needed them to be ready to defend it from those seeking to destroy it.[5]

Strange and Wong started to develop a close relationship, as Strange would often say things as an attempt to get a rise out of Wong, but Wong would refuse.[3] A few months into Strange's time as the New York Sanctum's guardian, Wong interrupted his journey into the Astral Dimension to alert him to the foreboding air in the sanctums. Updating Strange with what he knew about the Infinity Stones, Wong also alerted Strange to Thor and Loki's presence in New York City.[4] At a full moon party was held at Kamar-Taj, Strange cast the Runes of Kof-Kol to erase the memories of everyone who attended the party, including Wong.[8]


"Much has happened between the time since you first arrived at Kamar-Taj and today. It must be documented. There will continue to be more Masters of the Mystic Arts. Then more. And so on. They must know the past, just as you learned it from the Ancient One."
―Wong to Stephen Strange[src]

Wong took it upon himself to document the events of the previous year, though he struggled to find the correct words to describe Stephen Strange. He eventually simply wrote "he was arrogant" on the page and smiled to himself. Strange called after him, suggesting that he needed a break. Strange gave Wong tea and jokingly asked how arrogant he was. As the two drank tea together, Strange noted that Wong appeared suspicious. Wong explained that he never brought tea, so Strange confessed that he wanted to see what Wong was writing about him. Wong laughed and explained that he needed to note what happened since Strange joined so that future generations could learn.

Strange eventually left, and Wong returned to writing, thinking about how quickly Strange had learned. Hours later, he left the study and saw Strange at the foot of the staircase. Wong asked where Strange went, but Strange replied by expressing frustration that Wong was keeping his writing secret. Wong started to leave, but Strange told him to stop. Wong convinced Strange to tell him where he went in exchange for Wong thinking about telling Strange about the writing, so they went to Strange's room. Strange told Wong about headaches he had been having with visions of something growing closer. Wong went to Kamar-Taj while Strange stayed to meditate and looked through the texts, starting with The Book of the Setting Sun. Strange offered Wong various fruits through an Inter-Dimensional Portal, but Wong turned them down. After hours of reading, Wong fell asleep.[3]

Fighting Kalkartho[]

"Somehow, Kalkartho must be able to sense the power in the Sanctums. Our power. It wants what we have."
"Then it has begun."
Stephen Strange and Wong[src]

When Wong woke up, he realized that Stephen Strange had not bothered Wong for a long time and realized that Strange was probably trying to get rid of Wong so that he could do something reckless. He closed his book and rushed back to the New York Sanctum, finding the foyer empty. He found Strange meditating on a mountain through the Rotunda of Gateways, so he returned to his writing. He spent an hour writing and heard Strange return to the Sanctum and told Strange that the research in Kamar-Taj was fruitless, getting Strange to confess that he knew Wong would not find anything. Strange explained that he lied so that Wong would not get attacked in case something followed him on his return to the mountain. Wong then asked what Strange learned, so Strange took him back to the library.

Strange explained that he had another vision of a tentacled creature going to Earth, and Wong guessed it was the E'kolith. However, Strange said that it was the Kalkartho, something which no one on Earth had encountered. Wong asked what they were going to find in the library, so Strange said they were looking for hope. Strange looked through The Book of the Five and found the Bonds of Baelzar, and Wong voiced his disagreement. However, Strange went ahead with the plan and led Wong to Mendoza, Argentina, where they went to the Magenta Dimension before returning to the New York Sanctum.

Once back in the Sanctum, Strange explained that the bonds drew power from the Magenta Dimension, so he planned to intercept the Kalkartho in the Astral Dimension and banish it. However, the Kalkartho suddenly attacked, knocking Strange unconscious. Wong managed to contain Strange and pry his eyes open, seeing only black. Strange stopped breathing, so Wong administered CPR, saving his life. Wong tried to get Strange to stay out of it, but Strange insisted on helping, and the two decided to end it.

They projected themselves into the Astral Dimension and went to the Moon. The pair released energy from the Magenta Dimension, when Wong suddenly felt himself being torn apart. Strange and Wong realized that Kalkartho was feeding on their bodies, and that the rest of the planet would be next. The green creature suddenly appeared in front of them and attacked Wong, who avoided the attacks, feeling a jolt of electricity that nearly caused him to faint. Wong continued avoiding attacks but passed out. He woke up in the Sanctum, when Strange revealed that Kalkartho would be coming, and he needed to be ready. The creature appeared and Wong activated the Bonds of Baelzar, releasing mist from the Magenta Dimension. Wong, Strange, and Kalkartho were brought into the Magenta Dimension, where Kalkartho would have a never-ending supply of energy. Strange and Wong watched Kalkartho consume an energy cloud and returned to Earth.

Wong returned to his writing, only to find Strange spying on him with an Inter-Dimensional Portal and eating pizza. Wong offered to tell Strange what he was writing in exchange for a slice, and Strange commented that they would always be ready to fight before closing the portal. Wong reflected on the fight, worried that there were bigger threats to come.[3]

Infinity War[]

Bruce Banner's Arrival[]


Wong shows his currency to Doctor Strange

"We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives."
"And I swore off dairy, but then, Ben & Jerry's named a flavor after me, so..."
―Wong and Tony Stark[src]

One day in 2018, Wong visited Doctor Strange at the New York Sanctum. He asked Strange, who was heading out, to go to the deli-grocery store for food, as Strange asked why Wong did not have any money. In response, Wong noted that attachment to the material was detachment from the spiritual, to which Strange had to mockingly tell Wong that he would tell this statement when he arrived at the store. Remembering his currency, Wong had then pulled out two hundred rupees and was asked how much it was worth, which Strange noted was a buck and half.

AW 4 Trailer pic

Wong and Doctor Strange see Hulk arriving

As Wong decided to go with Strange, Strange asked what Wong wanted at the store and told him that he would not say no to a tuna melt. However, the two were then interrupted by the Bifrost Bridge bringing Bruce Banner crashing down from the sky into the staircase inside the Sanctum, and they decided to investigate. As he was equipped with his Tao Mandalas, Wong found Banner lying in the wreckage, warning that Thanos was coming to Earth, as Strange asked who Thanos was.

Infinity Stones (5 Showcased)

Wong tells the group of the Infinity Stones

At Banner's urging, he and Strange went to find Tony Stark who was with Pepper Potts at Central Park, needing Stark's help for the upcoming battle. Once Strange summoned Stark to the Sanctum, Wong filled Banner and Stark in with information about the Infinity Stones, as Strange introduced their names. Once Stark asked about Thanos, Stark proposed to destroy the Time Stone, but Wong told him that he and Strange had sworn an oath to protect with his life. After a brief verbal tiff between Stark and Banner, Wong and Strange noticed the commotion outside.[9]

Attack on Greenwich Village[]

Strange Stark Banner Wong

Wong and Strange confront the Black Order

"Can I leave you with him? Thank you."
"I have him."
Iron Man and Wong[src]

At that moment, a Q-Ship arrived, hovering above the city, causing mass chaos and destruction in the streets, such as car accidents. Wong walked outside and witnessed it, standing with Doctor Strange, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. They then saw Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian being beamed down from the ship onto the street. Wong then took notice of Maw's statements.

Doctor Strange Wong counter attack

Wong and Strange fight against Ebony Maw

After Maw became annoyed with Stark, he took his attention towards Strange and demanded the Time Stone. However, Strange refused to give up the Stone, and he and Wong prepared for battle by equipping duel Tao Mandalas and fought Maw and Obsidian, with Wong also casting the Shield of the Seraphim to shield himself and Banner. As Obsidian focused his attention on Stark, Maw cast a flurry of brick spikes at them, which Strange caught in an Inter-Dimensional Portal before Wong redirected them out of another, injuring Maw in the face. Infuriated, Maw responded by rupturing a fire hydrant, causing a spray of water that incapacitated Wong.


Wong returns to the New York Sanctum

Once Wong managed to recover, he arrived at Greenwich Village and saved Stark by transporting Obsidian to Antarctica. Wong then closed the portal, severing Obsidian's left forearm. After this, Stark remarked that Wong was now invited to his wedding for saving him, before flying away. Due to Strange being captured, Wong said goodbye to Banner and returned to the New York Sanctum to protect it in his stead.[9] Soon after, Wong survived the Snap.[8]

Battle of Earth[]

Wong (Endgame)

Wong joins the battle against an alternate Thanos

"Is that everyone?"
"What, you wanted more?"
Doctor Strange and Wong[src]

In 2023, following the Blip, Wong was contacted by a restored Doctor Strange and traveled across the universe, enlisting allies for the battle against an alternate Thanos and his army.

Wong (You Wanted More)

Wong speaks with Doctor Strange

Wong and Strange then opened up numerous Inter-Dimensional Portals to bring them all to the ruins of the Avengers Compound. Wong also brought the sorcerers from Kamar-Taj and the Hong Kong Sanctum with him. When Strange met Wong in person, he inquired if they were able to summon everyone, in which Wong exasperatedly asked Strange if he wanted more. Wong then stood alongside all the assembled heroes as Steve Rogers led the charge into battle.

Wong creates a mystical shield to protect himself

Wong conjures Tao Mandalas

During the battle, Wong and his fellow sorcerers conjured massive Tao Mandalas to protect their allies after alternate Thanos ordered the Sanctuary II to rain fire on them, until they were all saved by Captain Marvel, who destroyed the spaceship with ease. The battle came to an end when Iron Man used the Infinity Stones to snap alternate Thanos and his entire army out of existence, though at the cost of his own life.

Wong (2023)

Wong attending Tony Stark's funeral

A week later, Wong and Strange attended Stark's funeral at Stark's home. He and Strange stood side by side together at the procession as they watched Stark's Arc Reactor being sent adrift into the lake.[10]

Sorcerer Supreme[]

Tournament Fighter[]

Abomination vs

Wong having his duel against Abomination

"Maybe you'll start controlling those punches like we practiced?"
―Wong to Abomination[src]

In 2024, Wong was chosen to be the Sorcerer Supreme, as the title had to be filled and Doctor Strange was no longer eligible to be a candidate.[11] As Sorcerer Supreme, Wong sought for a worthy opponent and thought of Emil Blonsky.[2] Wong used his Sling Ring to portal himself to the Damage Control Supermax Prison and break Abomination out of his cell and transported him to the Golden Daggers Club, where they participated in cage matches and became close friends. During one such match, Wong and Blonsky had a deal to fix the match, although Wong managed to defeat Abomination by using a portal to cause him to punch himself.

Emil Blonsky & Wong

Wong handing Abomination his drinks

Afterwards, Wong and Abomination went to a room to decompress from the tournament.[12] Wong told Abomination that he had gotten more violent than they had agreed, but Abomination only grunted. Wong then offered Abomination a drink of water. Ready to leave the club, Wong conjured a portal for him and Abomination to leave through. Wong went first and called Abomination to follow as they went to back to his cell.[12]

Studying the Rings[]

Wong (Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings)

Wong interrupts Shang-Chi and Katy Chen

"I know this is a lot to take in, but you're gonna have to start getting used to that. From now on, the trajectory of your lives will be like nothing you've ever experienced before, and there's no going back."
―Wong to Shang-Chi and Katy Chen[src]

Later, Wong and the other sorcerers detected a beacon being emitted from when Shang-Chi used Xu Wenwu's rings. Wong then located Shang-Chi in a restaurant in San Francisco and emerged through an Inter-Dimensional Portal, telling Shang-Chi and Katy Chen to come with him to Kamar-Taj, shocking Soo and John.[12]

Master Wong

Wong discusses the Ten Rings' true origins

Wong then contacted Carol Danvers and Bruce Banner via hologram to try and better understand the mythical artifacts. However, they were clueless about its origins, with Danvers noting it wasn't alien technology. Danvers suddenly left the call to respond to an alert, while Banner disconnected soon after. Wong informed Shang-Chi and Chen that they were now on the hero's path, with no way to turn back.


Wong sings with Shang-Chi and Katy Chen

He encouraged them to return home and get some rest, but Shang-Chi then got the idea to sing karaoke. Wong agreed to participate and went with them to a nightclub in San Francisco and sang "Hotel California".[13] After completing all of the requirements of his training, Wong was appointed the role of Sorcerer Supreme.[2]

Revamping Kamar-Taj[]

Now Sorcerer Supreme, Wong strived to be better than every Sorcerer Supreme that came before him. As such, decided rethink how Magic was taught to students at Kamar-Taj. Noting the failings of past Sorcerer Supremes, most notably the Ancient One, Wong decided to focus on teaching his students defensive magic rather than offensive magic. As Sorcerer Supreme, Wong also took up an apprentice named Rintrah.[14]

Visited by Peter Parker[]

Wong meets Peter Parker

Wong greets Peter Parker

"Hi! I'm–"
"The most famous person in the world. I know. Wong. Try not to slip. We don't have liability insurance."
Peter Parker and Wong[src]

Several months later, the Rotunda of Gateways opened up to Siberia and a blizzard came through into the New York Sanctum covering it in snow and ice. To handle this, Wong hired a young woman and man to shovel out the snow and he and Doctor Strange had to wear winter jackets inside. In November, Wong appeared in the Sanctum's foyer via Inter-Dimensional Portal and found Peter Parker inside. He greeted Parker, addressing how Parker was now the most famous person in the world as his identity had been revealed to the public.

Frozen Sanctum Sanctorum

Wong and Doctor Strange speak to Peter Parker

When Parker asked if they were having a holiday party, Wong told him what had happened in the Sanctum. Strange then arrived and levitated down to stand beside Wong. When Parker became confused after hearing Strange was not Sorcerer Supreme, Strange told him that Wong now held the title due to Strange having blipped. He then walked off to collect his luggage leaving Strange and Parker to talk.

Wong (NWH)

Wong giving Doctor Strange his warnings

Wong overheard Parker asking Strange to help reverse what Mysterio had done by revealing his identity and when Strange proposed a spell he could do, Wong advised against it. He stated it was too dangerous, although Strange reminded him that they had done the spell before in Kamar-Taj. Wong forgot this and reluctantly agreed, trusting Strange's judgment before walking back through another portal to head to Kamar-Taj.[8]

Scarlet Witch's Multiversal Madness[]

Battle Against Gargantos[]

Gargantos attack

Wong fights against Gargantos

"Do you know it's an ancient custom to bow in the presence of the Sorcerer Supreme?"
"Yeah. I'm aware of the customs."
―Wong and Doctor Strange[src]

Short time later, Wong learned that an inter-dimensional being from within the Multiverse had entered his universe. He located it in New York City, used an Inter-Dimensional Portal to arrive there and confronted Gargantos, who had been chasing a girl. As he tried to combat the being using his Eldritch Whip and a mystical sword, it soon overpowered him and grabbed him with its tentacles. Wong watched as the Cloak of Levitation arrived and rescued the girl. As Gargantos carried Wong in pursuit of the girl, Doctor Strange, who had been knocked into Jonas & James, arrived and sliced off the tentacle freeing Wong.

Wong and Gargantos

Wong is saved by Doctor Strange

Wong followed to remind him that it was an ancient customary to bow to the Sorcerer Supreme, something Strange clearly remembered, and they used two Eldritch Whips to restrain the creature. Both were lifted by the creature and Wong lost his whip, causing it to fall, but he opened a portal, managing to save himself, and crashed his head into a car as he watched Strange kill Gargantos with a pole. Afterwards, Wong and Strange met to talk to the girl and find out why Gargantos was chasing her, however, they realized that she had taken Strange's Sling Ring, and Wong used his ring to get to her, gaining his trust, and finding out. that she could travel the Multiverse.[15]

Introduced to America Chavez[]

Wong (DSMoM)

Wong speaking with America Chavez

"You can physically move from one universe to another?"
"That's the problem. I don't know how. Can't control it."
―Wong, Doctor Strange and America Chavez[src]

At Mancini's Pizzeria, Wong and Doctor Strange questioned who the girl was. She asked them if they had any experience with the Multiverse, in which they explained their recent events helping Spider-Man, and got into a discussion about his powers. In the talk, Wong found out that someone sent Gargantos to steal the girl's power. He also conversed in Spanish with her, as she was shocked that Strange could not.

Wong looks at Strange

Wong exchanges glances with Strange

When Strange got irritated with the girl, he said he had left a wedding to help her, and Wong was shocked that Strange had decided to go to Christine Palmer's wedding. The girl then told them she was looking for the Book of Vishanti, in which Strange said wasn't real, but Wong stated it was real but no one knew how to get to it. The girl stated she did.

Wong (DS2)

Wong learns Chavez was telling the truth

To believe the girl regarding her powers, Wong and Strange were taken to a building's rooftop and shown the corpse of Strange's alternate counterpart, implying that Strange's nightmares were things that happened to his counterparts from other universes, and Wong hinted that his dream in which he was being chased by a clown was in another universe. Wong then asked the girl what her name was and she introduced herself as America Chavez. Wong saw Strange bury his counterpart's corpse, and quickly suggested that it was not magic, but witchcraft, so Strange decided to go see Wanda Maximoff to find out more while Wong took Chavez to Kamar-Taj to protect her.[15]

Siege of Kamar-Taj[]

Wong (Masters of the Mystic Arts)

Wong speaks of Scarlet Witch’s powers

"Choose your words wisely. The fate of the Multiverse may depend on it."
"Got it. No pressure, then."
―Wong and Doctor Strange[src]

Later that day, Doctor Strange returned to Kamar-Taj and met with Wong, America Chavez, Sara Wolfe, Rintrah, and other Masters of the Mystic Arts. He told them that the Darkhold had influenced Scarlet Witch and that she was coming for Chavez. Wong then explained that Scarlet Witch was a being of unfathomable power. Strange also relayed that Scarlet Witch had taken over a town with her powers, noting how powerful she was. Wong then instructed that all teaching of the students be stopped as Kamar-Taj needed to be set up as a fortress.

Strange and Wong in Kamar-Taj (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness) 2

Wong and Strange see Scarlet Witch

After all the students and Masters had gotten in their positions, Wong and Strange went outside and saw a huge dark cloud floating towards them. It soon covered Kamar-Taj, encasing the atmosphere in darkness. In the center of the cloud, they saw Scarlet Witch levitating above. Knowing that Strange would speak to her, Wong told him to chose his words wisely as the fate of the Multiverse may depend on it. Wong then watched as Scarlet Witch removed the cloud and as Strange flew up to speak to her.

DSMoM Spot 43

Wong leads the Masters of the Mystic Arts

Wong watched as Scarlet Witch grew angry and used her chaos magic to blast the protective shield around Kamar-Taj. As Strange returned to stand beside him, Scarlet Witch continued to blast different sides of the shield. However, she eventually stopped and stared in the direction of some students. Strange told Wong that Scarlet Witch was trying to use her telepathy to control them and Wong shouted out commands to the Masters.

Doctor Strange, America Chavez & Wong

Wong and Strange protect America Chavez

Even after their best efforts, Scarlet Witch was able to use her astral form to compel one of the sorcerers to run, closing his shield and causing confusion. Scarlet Witch then was able to blast Kamar-Taj with her powers. As she became too powerful to stop, Strange and Wong ordered the Masters to fall back. Wong and Strange rushed inside and went to the room where Chavez was with Hamir and another Master. Strange had set up a trap for Scarlet Witch using the Mirror Dimension, but after she found a way to escape it by using the mirror's reflections, Hamir and the other Masters were taken away through them.


Wong listening to Scarlet Witch's motives

Seeing this, Strange told Wong and Chavez to cover up any puddles in the room. Scarlet Witch soon located an entry point through a gong and confronted them. Scarlet Witch told them that all she wanted was her two children. Strange told her she had none, but she then summoned the Darkhold, and displayed various universes revealing that she had two boys in each. She told them that every night she had the same dream and woke up with a nightmare about not having them.

Wong knocked out

Wong is knocked out by Scarlet Witch

When Strange asked what would happen to Scarlet Witch's alternate self, she stared at them without answering, in which Strange sensed she was going to attack them. He engaged first, but was swiftly knocked aside by Scarlet Witch, who lifted Chavez and began stealing her powers. Wong then tried to rescue Chavez and fought Scarlet Witch, but she was stronger and cast him aside, knocking him out.[15]

Questioned by Scarlet Witch[]

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (film) 13

Wong witnesses Sara Wolfe’s sacrifice

"I need the Darkhold's spells. You are the Sorcerer Supreme. Tell me what you know."
"You're gonna have to kill me, witch."
Scarlet Witch and Wong[src]

When Wong regained consciousness, he found himself tied up with magic restraints in one of Kamar-Taj's courtyards. He saw that Scarlet Witch had engaged in dreamwalking and was soon approached by Sara Wolfe. Wolfe told him that the Darkhold needed to be destroyed and Wong asked her to release him so he could do it. However, she told him that it was not him that needed to do it and instead ran at the Darkhold, destroying it with a dagger. Wong watched in horror as Wolfe immediately burnt to a crisp.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (film) 22

Wong is threatened by Scarlet Witch

Wong watched as Scarlet Witch was interrupted from her dreamwalking and panicked that the Darkhold had been destroyed. She then glared at Wong and blasted him further into the courtyard, demanding to know where she could find another Darkhold. Wong stated she could kill him, but she instead threatened Rintrah and two other Masters of the Mystic Arts. Seeing this, Wong gave in and told her that the Darkhold was a copy and the original text could be found at Mount Wundagore. Scarlet Witch recognized the name and snatched a Sling Ring off of one of the Masters and demanded Wong take her there.[15]

Journey to Mount Wundagore[]

Wanda and Wong

Wong brings Scarlet Witch to Wundagore

"I just want my boys."
"At the cost of a child's life? Is there no peace in knowing that even though you can't be with the ones you love, there are worlds where you are together? Is that not enough?"
Scarlet Witch and Wong[src]

Wong opened an Inter-Dimensional Portal and walked through with Wanda Maximoff to Mount Wundagore in Eastern Europe. They found it snowing and Wong told her how treacherous the journey was. When they reached the top, they saw that the Darkhold Castle was on the other side of the gorge. Maximoff asked why he could not have portalled them there and he told her that the Masters of the Mystic Arts were not supposed to practice magic on the forbidden grounds of the mountain. Maximoff then used her powers to fly herself and Wong over.

DSMoM Spot 3

Wong prepares to fight the Elder Beasts

Wong and Maximoff walked carefully into the Castle, with Wong noting that he had no idea what could be there and explained to Maximoff that Chthon was the author of the Darkhold and had written it there. Maximoff then used her powers to create fires in the Castle so they could see, only to find themselves confronted by the Elder Beasts. Wong and Maximoff prepared to fight them, until they knelt down and bowed to Maximoff. Confused, Wong and Maximoff looked up and noticed they were in a temple for the Scarlet Witch, and a statue of her was on the wall behind them.

DSMoM Trailer (2)

Wong tries to reason with Scarlet Witch

Maximoff stated she was meant to rule the world, but didn't want that, only to have a family. Wong asked her why she did not just ask America Chavez to send her to a universe where her children were without a mother. Maximoff said that wouldn't work, because she would want to find a universe where they wouldn't get sick. Realizing that the Darkhold was making Maximoff not being able to reason, Wong accidentally angered Maximoff and she threw him out of the Castle. He fell down below onto an icy ledge and fell unconscious.[15]

Stopping Scarlet Witch[]

Wong (Eldritch Whip)

Wong finds himself stuck on the ledge

"Strange, take America's power! There's no other way."
―Wong to Doctor Strange[src]

Eventually, Wong regained consciousness and took in his predicament, stranded on a ledge overlooking an abyss. He used his Eldritch Whip to get up, but then saw the Elder Beasts looking down on him. He hit one with the Whip, sending it over the ledge. One Knight threw a huge stone slab down to stop him, but he used a Tao Mandalas to shield himself. As the others prepared to throw more stones at him, Wong watched as Doctor Strange, who had dreamwalked through his variant's corpse arrived, carried by demons. Wong watched as he caused the Knights to fall over into the abyss.

Wong contains Scarlet Witch

Wong tries to contain Wanda Maximoff

Wong then used the Whip to propel himself back up to the Castle. He and Strange then used their magic to entrap Wanda Maximoff in a prism cell with the demons. However, she was stronger and fiercely blasted Wong backwards, as well as decimating the demons. Wong regained consciousness again and watched as Maximoff, who was now free of the Darkhold, stated that she would make things right and began destroying the Castle. America Chavez ran over to Wong and told them they needed to leave, and opened a portal back to Kamar-Taj.[15]

Rebuilding Kamar-Taj[]

Wong and Doctor Strange

Wong and Strange at the rebuilt Kamar-Taj

"Sometimes, I do wonder... of my other lives. Yet I remain grateful in this one. Even with each tribulation."
―Wong to Doctor Strange[src]

Wong rebuilt Kamar-Taj and resumed teaching of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Strange walked near America Chavez, who joined the Masters to learn mystic arts but had troubles with using the Sling Ring, which prompted Wong to compare Chavez to Strange, due to Chavez's impatience.

Doctor Strange & Wong

Wong speaks with Doctor Strange

Talking about Strange's dreamwalking experience, Strange asked Wong was he happy, remarking that saving the world does not necessarily bring one happiness. Wong replied that despite everything, he is grateful for his current life.[15]

Legal Issues[]

Meeting with She-Hulk[]

Wong meets Jennifer Walters

Wong arrives at the GLK&H Los Angeles Office

"I know what you're thinking, Ms. Walters, and I'm not erasing everyone's memories, not again."
"That was not what I was thinking. That's highly unethical."
―Wong and She-Hulk[src]

Wong then took residence in the New York Sanctum again, as Doctor Strange was in another dimension. In 2025, he received a phone call from Nikki Ramos asking him to get in contact with Jennifer Walters as Emil Blonsky was being investigated. Wong used his Sling Ring to portal himself to the GLK&H office in Los Angeles, California and appeared in Holden Holliway's office in the middle of a discussion between Walters, Holliway, Dennis Bukowski and Augustus Pugliese.

Wong speaks about Blonsky

Wong speaks with She-Hulk

Walters told them she had to go and led Wong to her office. He admitted that he was responsible for freeing Abomination and falsely claimed that he had only done so once as he needed a worthy opponent to train as Sorcerer Supreme. He then asked Walters not to punish Blonsky. She told him she would not be doing that, in which Wong told her not to suggest erasing memories. Wong mentioned he could send Blonsky to the Mirror Dimension or the Shadow Dimension, but Walters, not knowing what he was talking about, asked him to be present for the hearing. Wong agreed and said he would save sorcery as a plan B.[2]

Defending Emil Blonsky[]

Wong SHAaL

Wong arrives at the Damage Control Supermax Prison

"You've just admitted to facilitating a prisoner escape, which is a crime."
"I must depart."
―Parole Board Member and Wong[src]

The next day, Wong portalled himself to the Damage Control Supermax Prison, albeit being late to the hearing. Incriminating himself, Wong testified that he had freed Emil Blonsky against his will to participate in a kumite, adding that he had offered Blonsky refuge at Kamar-Taj which Blonsky had refused, wishing to complete his prison sentence. He then watched as Blonsky transformed into Abomination to show the parole jurors that he had indeed reformed and was capable of controlling himself.

Wong testifies

Wong testifies in defense of Emil Blonsky

He watched calmly as Jennifer Walters told Blonsky to transform back and then give her closing argument. The parole officers were convinced of Blonsky's innocence and agreed to parole him, and informed Wong that he had admitted to the crime of facilitating a prisoner escape. Wong then opened a portal to escape and returned back to Kamar-Taj.[2]

Conflict with Donny Blaze[]

She-Hulk Featurette (13)

Wong witnesses Madisynn King fall through a portal

"I need to make an example of Donny Blaze. Set a precedent that no unlicensed persons ever attempt to practice the Mystic Arts again."
―Wong to She-Hulk[src]

Wong returned to his room in Kamar-Taj and began watching shows. As he watched The Sopranos and danced while he ate a snack, an Inter-Dimensional Portal opened up above him and a woman fell through holding a bleeding heart much to his confusion and surprise.

Wong upset

Wong frustrated at Madisynn King for spoiling The Sopranos

She introduced herself as Madisynn King and explained who she was and where she was from. She then explained what had happened and how she had been sent into another dimension and met a demon who made a deal with her. She then saw what he was watching and blurted out a spoiler, much to Wong's frustration. Wong then deduced who was behind it and realized that Donny Blaze was to blame.

Jennifer Walters and Wong

Wong speaks with She-Hulk

Wong then conjured a portal to She-Hulk's office at Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway and asked for assistance. He proceeded to elaborate on Blaze's former status as a student of the Mystic Arts before he was banished from Kamar-Taj after a week. He expressed his concern that Blaze's reckless use of the Mystic Arts without understand of interdimensional travel not only endangered innocent people, but also risked untangled the material and astral planes.

Shulkie & Wong

Wong gives She-Hulk his business card

Thus, he needed to make an example of Blaze to dissuade any other unlicensed persons from practicing the Mystic Arts. When Walters asked if Blaze signed any contract or law binding agreements, to which he denied, thus serving to complicate his case. Wong stated that the Masters of the Mystic Arts answered to a higher power, but Walters argued they were dealing with the American legal system and insisted they do things by the book; Wong mistakenly assumed she was referring to the Book of Vishanti. Before returning to Kamar-Taj, Wong left Walters his business card.

Office of Cornelius P

Wong and She-Hulk meet with Donny Blaze and Cornelius P. Willows

The next day, Wong and Walters met with Blaze and Cornelius P. Willows at the Mystic Castle to serve their cease-and-desist order. Blaze accused Wong of fearing competition, to which he firmly declared that as Sorcerer Supreme, he did not engage in competition, yet boasted he was definitely more mystical than Blaze. He was almost provoked into proving his mystical superiority only for Walters to intervene and stop him. With Blaze refusing to back down, Walters promised to take them to court. As they were leaving, Wong demonstrated his own parlor trick but regurgitating a metal ball Blaze had previously made disappear.[1]

Court Case[]

Wong uses Sling Ring

Wong summoning Madisynn King

"This case travels beyond these courtroom walls. The men you see are seeking to wield the power of gods. And that places us on the edge of a precipice. One man in the mortal realm has the ability to cause a ripple so great, it reverberates through every dimension."
―Wong to Judge Hanna[src]
This section requires expansion

Wong and She-Hulk arrived at court and argued with Donny Blaze. Wong refused to call it real magic, which led Blaze to stand up and attempt a magic trick. She-Hulk then pushed Wong to call in Madisynn King as a witness. Wong did not want to do so, but eventually caved in, summoning her.

Wong, Madisynn & She-Hulk

Wong, She-Hulk and Madisynn King in court

King then testified and was on Wong's side, but Judge Hanna ruled that Blaze should still be allowed to practice magic. As Wong walked out, King wanted to watch The Sopranos. Wong agreed, but King instantly spoiled a plot point from the show, much to Wong's frustration.[1]

Battling Demons[]

Wong (Inter-Dimensional Portal)

Wong tells Donny Blaze to call his lawyer

"I need your help. It's of the greatest urgency."
"Uh, I'll be right back."
"Come on. I feel like your dad."
―Wong and She-Hulk[src]

Wong was back in Kamar-Taj when Donny Blaze suddenly arrived in front of him saying there was a huge problem. Wong saw the demons in the room and went to help but noted that it was for the good of the universe, he was not helping Blaze. He then told Blaze to call She-Hulk.

Wong seeks She-Hulk's help

Wong interrupting She-Hulk's date

Wong then fought the demons, but She-Hulk did not pick up, so he sent a portal to her and saw she was on a date. Although he felt bad, he forced her to help. She-Hulk threw the demons at Wong as he sent them to an icy world while he repaired Blaze's portal. They were eventually able to get all of them as well as forcing Blaze to sign the cease and desist.

Wong & Madisynn

Wong watches television with Madisynn King

In Kamar-Taj, Wong watched another show with Madisynn King, becoming friends with her. They talked about different drinks that they have had, with Wong stating he one time had vodka and yak milk, but did not recommend it. King asked if they still had that and Wong said there might be some left over from the wedding.[1]

Freeing Emil Blonsky[]

Blonsky and Wong

Wong breaks Emil Blonsky out of prison

"Emil, my apologies for the delay."
"You got sucked in another show, didn't you?"
"We're really in an era of peak TV."
―Wong and Emil Blonsky[src]

When Emil Blonsky was returned to the Damage Control Supermax Prison, Wong decided to break his friend out. He opened up an Inter-Dimensional Portal to the cell and apologized to Blonsky for not liberating him earlier. Blonsky deduced that Wong must have preoccupied with his television shows as he stepped through the portal to Kamar-Taj.[16]


"Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual."
―Wong to Doctor Strange[src]

As a longtime student of the Ancient One and one of the most knowledgeable Masters of the Mystic Arts in Kamar-Taj, Wong is serious and unflinching when it comes to performing his duties, both as an instructor and later, a librarian of Kamar-Taj. After Kaecilius' betrayal, Wong gets more reluctant to trust others, and constantly puts up a stern appearance, to the point of threatening Doctor Strange when the latter was only trying to be friendly and make jokes when coming to borrow books. Despite being seemingly ignorant of contemporary pop culture, it is revealed that Wong actually enjoys his fair share of pop culture just like most are, but pretends to not be aware of it around others, and is less serious when others are not around. Like Karl Mordo, he has a great deal of respect for the Ancient One and the natural laws, but unlike the younger student, he is capable of moral flexibility and willing to bend said laws when the situation desperately calls for it, as shown when he approved of Strange's time-bending when confronting Dormammu. He has also shown more willingness to bend the law for his own convenience, as he helped Emil Blonsky, a dangerous criminal who nearly killed Hulk, out of a high-security prison in order to use him as training partner to become Sorcerer Supreme.

Although initially hostile to Strange, due to the latter's attempts to be funny and exceeding inquisitiveness, Wong has come to appreciate those traits as well as Strange's exceptional gift at the Mystic Arts, eventually becoming one of his strongest allies, and his surrogate tutor in the absence of the Ancient One. He was deadset against Strange using the Eye of Agamotto as it violates the laws of nature, but after seeing Strange use it for the benefit of mankind rather than abusing it, he decided to let Strange inherit it once he mastered its powers, but advised him not to wear it in plain sight until then as it is the vessel of an Infinity Stone. As time passed, Wong came to see Strange as his best friend as he trusts him, although he sometimes doesn't have enough faith in him as a sorcerer.

Even though Wong is evidently a very serious person, he is not completely without a sense of humor, as he laughed at Strange's remark about warnings coming after the spells upon the surviving Zealots’ transformations into Mindless Ones, which shocked Strange and Mordo. Wong does have a soft spot for younger children or teenager, as seen by his close relationship with America Chavez. Wong is also very loyal to his friends, as he incriminated himself in front of authorities to ensure that Emil Blonsky gained parole by admitting that he had aided in a prisoner escape. Upon Blonsky's return to prison, Wong once again broke the law to liberate Blonsky.

Powers and Abilities[]


"What's the matter, Wong? Are you scared I'll become more mystical than you?"
"The Sorcerer Supreme doesn't engage in competition, but I am more mystical in my sleep."
Donny Blaze and Wong[src]
  • Magic: Wong is one of the most powerful members of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, a highly skilled and experienced sorcerer. Wong possesses a vast knowledge of magic, as he is knowledgeable of many dangerous spells and relics that were forbidden to all other Masters of the Mystic Arts, such as the Eye of Agamotto and the Dark Dimension ritual. Following Doctor Strange's capture, Wong assumed the role of the New York Sanctum's Master sorcerer, and he later surpassed him as the Sorcerer Supreme, albeit on a technicality. As the Sorcerer Supreme, Wong possessed tremendous knowledge in magic. He knew that the Darkhold is a copy and where the original was written, Darkhold Castle.
    • Eldritch Magic:
      Doctor Strange (Infinity War)

      Wong blocking multiple projectiles of debris

      Wong is able to create, shape and manipulate Eldritch Magic, forming tangible constructs of energy, such as weapons or shields, as well as cast spells by writing specific formations with the fiery energy. He used this ability when Bruce Banner crashed into the New York Sanctum to summon his shield in case of emergency and when fighting Maw, he conjured the Shield of the Seraphim to block an entire city street to deflect several trees telekinetically hurled at him by Ebony Maw, and also conjured a larger shield in tandem with other sorcerers to provide cover from aerial fire during the Battle of Earth. During the Mount Wundagore battle, Wong conjured a cage of fiery energy to contain the Scarlet Witch during a short time while she was attacked by the Souls of the Damned. He is also capable of using the same fiery energy to form Eldritch Whips and a pair of Gossip Yuanyang Tomahawk to fight the demons conjured by Donny Blaze.
      • Spell Casting: Wong can cast spells by writing specific formations with the Eldritch Magic's fiery energy. As the librarian, he also knew exactly which spells and books that Stephen Strange should've read in order to practice. Wong casted several baguazhang crescent moon knives to attack Scarlet Witch.
      • Portal Creation:
        Wong (No Way Home)

        Wong travels to Kamar-Taj via a portal

        Using a Sling Ring, Wong is able to open portals that lead to different locations, gaining the ability to move across the material world and transport himself to other parts of the Multiverse. He can use this power offensively, as seen when he redirected Ebony Maw's telekinetically fashioned brick spikes back at him, or when he opened a portal to force Abomination to punch himself in the face. He quickly brought Doctor Strange and him around the corner to stop America Chavez from stealing Strange's Sling Ring.
        • Dimensional Travel: Using the same Sling Ring, Wong can travel between different dimensions of the Multiverse, crossing over different planes of existence or traveling across various forms of reality, with him most notably using it to defend against Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian's attack on Doctor Strange and himself. However, he cannot use the portal to get on top of Darkhold Castle because no sorcerer was meant to go up there. Wong is also capable of telekinetically moving the dimensional portals, and even transforming one of it into a vortex that absorbed the demons conjured by Donny Blaze.
      • Illusion Manipulation: While explaining the Infinity Stones to Bruce Banner and Tony Stark, Wong generated a holographic display of the cosmos and the stones by conjuring Eldritch Magic formations.
      • Conjuration:
        Wong conjures weapon

        Wong conjuring a sword

        During the fight with Gargantos, after losing his sword, Wong was able to conjure another sword with the Eldritch Magic's energy. While the Elder Beasts looked to attack, Wong conjured up two swords to battle. Wong conjured a business card and also Donny Blaze's ball into his hand to later expelled it from his mouth.
    • Mirror Dimension Magic: After his training at Kamar-Taj, Wong is able to manipulate Mirror Dimension Magic. Wong is able to open portals to Mirror Dimension and trap people in there.[1]


  • Master Martial Artist:
    Wong opens a portal

    Wong fighting against Abomination

    Wong is a remarkably powerful fighter, as he was able to hold off the Zealots for a short period of time. Wong is also quite skilled in armed combat, with his main weapon of choice being the Wand of Watoomb and later blades attached to Eldritch Whips. Wong's combat skills even allow him to fight opponents much larger than himself, such as Abomination and Gargantos, using incredible martial arts moves to dodge the two creatures' blows. Wong was also able to fight multiple demons at once without problems.
  • Rope Dart Mastery: Wong is incredibly skilled at using a rope dart, being able to easily fight and wound Gargantos. While at the bottom of Mount Wundagore, Wong used his rope dart to attack to the top of the mountain and climb his way back up. He then impaled a Elder Beasts' throat and pulled him off the mountain.
  • Whip Mastery: Wong is a master of wielding Eldritch Whips. He was able to use a whip to rescue America Chavez from Gargantos before utilizing it as a weapon to battle the tentacled monster.
  • Expert Acrobat:
    DSMoM Spot 11

    Wong spinning over Gargantos' tentacles

    Wong possesses exceptional athleticism that allowed him to evade most of Abomination's punches and kicks during their fight at the Golden Daggers Club. During the fight against Gargantos, Wong portrayed various flips and spins to evade the tentacled monster's attacks.
  • Expert Tactician: Wong lead the attack to defend the Hong Kong Sanctum from Kaecilius. However, his team was easily overpowered by the emerging Dark Dimension. He then led the battle against the Scarlet Witch to defend Kamar-Taj. He called on the London Master and Hong Kong Master to help in the battle. However, they were quickly overpowered by Maximoff.
  • Multilingualism: Wong is fluent in his native Mandarin, as well as English, Sanskrit, Spanish, and Cantonese throughout his tenure in Kamar-Taj.



  • Wand of Watoomb:
    DS Spot 36 - 1

    Wong holding the Wand of Watoomb

    During the Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum, Wong chose this relic as his weapon to repel the invasion. It is a durable weapon and can be used to channel magic into it, therefore making it a powerful relic.
  • Swords: During the battle in New York against Gargantos, Wong uses a sword attached to an Eldritch Whip to fight the creature. After losing this sword, Wong conjured another sword with Eldritch Magic.

Other Equipment[]

  • Sling Ring: A mystical object which enables the wearer to open a fiery portal to another location to allow instant transportation to any location the user desires.
  • Ten Rings: When Shang-Chi brought the rings to Kamar-Taj following the Battle of Ta Lo, Wong used magic to examine their features and capabilities, only to find they have no match in any known relic from Earth or other planets.


"He's either a sorcerer who lives in New York, or a librarian who lives in Nepal."
Nikki Ramos to Jennifer Walters[src]
  • Kamar-Taj: Wong is the Sorcerer Supreme and former librarian of Kamar-Taj, as such, it is a home and training ground for him and his fellow sorcerers. It was also a place of numerous battles such as the Siege of Kamar-Taj.
  • Hong Kong Sanctum: During the Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum, Wong was one the defenders who tried to repel Kaecilius and his Zealots. Before Doctor Strange reversed time, Wong was one of the casualties of the battle. Alive again, Wong assisted Strange and Karl Mordo in defending the sanctum for a second time.
  • New York Sanctum: Due to Doctor Strange being Blipped, Wong became master of the New York Sanctum, Wong spent the next five years overseeing and guarding the sanctum, until 2023 when Strange returned.
  • Golden Daggers Club: By 2024, Wong became a tournament fighter at the central ring of the Golden Daggers Club in Macau. One of Wong's notable matches was with Abomination, who he defeated after using his Sling Ring to create a portal that redirected one of Abomination's punches. Following the match, Wong and Abomination relaxed in the changing room, before Wong opened a portal for them both to go through and leave the club.





Appearance for Wong


  • In the comics, Wong is the son of Hamir and the descendant of an ancient order of Chinese monks that, for ten generations, have served the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. He served as Stephen Strange's valet and friend.
  • Wong is a fan of the Hunk-A-Hulk-A Burning Fudge flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream[9] and his drink of choice is gin and tonic.[1]
  • Wong is a fan of The Sopranos and This Is Us.[1]

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Wong in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the second live-action incarnation of the character, following an incarnation portrayed by Clyde Kusatsu.
  • Benedict Wong revealed in an interview with Den of Geek that the Marvel Cinematic Universe incarnation of Wong will be quite different from his comic book counterpart, who is generally considered to be a racial stereotype: "I’m certainly not going to be the tea-making manservant. We’re heading in a different direction. He’s more of a drill sergeant. There isn’t any martial arts for Wong in Doctor Strange actually, he’s more of a drill sergeant to Kamar-Taj. He’s one of the masters of sorcery."[18]
  • Scott Derrickson revealed in an interview with Los Angeles Daily News that Wong was originally intended to be left out of Doctor Strange due to the stereotype associated with the character: "I was going to leave Wong out of the movie at first; he was an Asian sidekick manservant, what was I supposed to do with that? But once the decision was made to cast Tilda, we brought Wong back because, unlike the Ancient One, he could be completely subverted as a character and reworked into something that didn’t fall into any of the stereotypes of the comics."[19]
  • Tsuyoshi Abe, Jean-Paul Ly and Lukaz Leong were stunt doubles for Benedict Wong in the role of Wong.
  • Cem Ozgan and John Un were stand-ins for Benedict Wong in the role of Wong.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Wong.
Preceded by:
Kamar-Taj Librarian
Librarian of Kamar-Taj
2015 – Present
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Ancient One
Sorcerer Supreme
2018 – Present
Succeeded by:

External Links[]
