Calydon was an inhabited planet located in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants. It was the homeworld of a mysterious non-corporeal alien species.
History and specifics[]
It appeared green and blue from orbit, with several oceans and continents, and had a breathable atmosphere. The surface featured rugged, mountainous terrain, without many plants.
Legends of the "Lady of Calydon", a non-corporeal wraith who mysteriously appears and heals injured people at regular intervals, persisted on Calydon for three centuries, leading to galactic pilgrimages and robust tourism.
In 2267, the Federation starship USS Enterprise was commandeered by the zealot En-Lai and brought from Levinius V to Calydon in time for one of the wraith's appearances. The Enterprise was carrying 19 casualties from the USS Defiant dying from Berthold radiation exposure, including Lieutenant Tonia Barrows. Captain James T. Kirk beamed the comatose victims down to the wraith's shrine shortly before she reappeared. The casualties were cured when the wraith and En-Lai reunited and radiated an energy with healing properties. (TOS comic: "A Small Matter of Faith")