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Integration of Pay box using angular 17

I am working on an application where I need to integrate the pay box payment API. I am submitting a multipart form where I mentioned a URLretour on which the pay box is sending us a response. However, ...
Kamran Khan's user avatar
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Angular problem on Win 11 Pro with docker desktop 4.30

I have a source code consisting of several docker containers (backend nodejs, frontend angular 10, etc) that is working just fine on win 10 with older Docker 3.24. Once i migrated to new PC with win ...
tndx's user avatar
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how do i improve my dom content load time in angular 10

I have already applied lazy loading. I have also removed duplicate css, I can't decrease the size of images because it is adjusted on the basis of client's demand. What else can I do for reducing my ...
Nandani Verma's user avatar
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How to capture the response of form submit using Angular 17

I am working on an application where the flow is when I submit the form it posts the response to the URLRetour I need to capture the response before it redirected me to the URLRetour. Or how can we ...
Kamran Khan's user avatar
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Hitting url of angular application is showing html content of index.html file

Whenever I am hitting the url of my Angular application, I am seeing this html content of index.html instead of rendered page. What can be the reason? <!doctype html> <html lang="en&...
abhinav's user avatar
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Getting "ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of null" on Angular Reactive forms submit button and Reactive form is not working

My reactive form is not working at all, with all the validations failing. Any of the validations are not appearing on screen at all and the Save button when clicked is giving the following error in my ...
Wakashio1234's user avatar
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How to update Angular version in Module Federation Project (Micro frontends)

I'm working on an Angular project which has a micro frontend architecture using angular-architects/module-federation. We're currently on version 10.x.x and looking into updating the version of Angular....
Artem Krasniuk's user avatar
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Angular 10 upgrade error with @angular-material-components/datetime-picker

I did angular upgrade from 9.1 to 10. All of a sudden @angular-material-components/datetime-picker is causing errors. I've tried to upgrade @angular-material-components/datetime-picker to different ...
Dev Boy's user avatar
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How to show kendo-datepicker as windows calander format with 60 days Angular

I need to show a datepicker calendar just like windows but with 60 days (30 current month 15 previous month dates and 15 future month dates) in angular and also with scrolling feature like windows I ...
Jaka rebel's user avatar
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Getting Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration

Have recently upgraded my angular project from version 9 to version 10, and have enabled IVY, after enabling IVY getting lot of Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration errors. ...
sanket jalihal's user avatar
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Need Multiple direct entry point urls application in Angular 10 +

What i want to Achieve When user enters on anything on the browser it should take them to LogComponent When user enters "/info" it should directly take em to info page. I have inherited a ...
Seeker's user avatar
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Angular datatable dropdown value in table showing blank and value appears and disappears instantly when going to next paginated page

The select option in the dropdown is showing blank value instead of selected value for each record. The foodCategories in child component is getting populated from parent component. It was working ...
0x11111's user avatar
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Highlighting SolidGauge Panes When Hovering Over Grey Portion of Percentage Graph

I am using Highcharts Solid Gauge graphs in Angular 10 and 13 to display circular progress charts. In the provided chart code, I am attempting to implement a feature where a specific pane is ...
Athulya Ratheesh's user avatar
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Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs' in Angular 10

I started upgrade from Angular 5 to Angular 10. Now upgraded till Angular 10 but When I'm running ng serve command then getting below error. I have already tried below two commands 'npm cache verify' ...
Lakshya Bajaj's user avatar
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Error in ./src/styles.less when upgrading from Angular 9 to 10

Im upgrading angular from 9 to 10, and when i run ng build I this error. ERROR in ./src/styles.less (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??--14-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??embedded!./...
roditoo's user avatar
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