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Is it reasonable to use Vue + Django / React + Django? [closed]

I've decided to create a portfolio project using vue and django. But i've asked myself a question if i should do this. Im not going to use SPA, vue is required only for unifining and more comfortable ...
invertedlungs's user avatar
-1 votes
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Driver threw unknown argument: '-Xcc -Intermediates.noindex/GeneratedModuleMaps/macosx/CNIOAtomics.modulemap' without emitting errors

Question Checklist Updated grpc-swift to the latest version im using version 1.0.0-alph.8 [ done] I read the Contribution Guidelines [done ] I read README [ done] I searched for existing GitHub issues ...
VIJAY SINGH RAGHAV's user avatar
-1 votes
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App shows incorrect lang string from Localizable.xcstrings of embedded framework

I added Localizable.xcstrings to the both application and embedded framework. The framework has UIViewController with its own strings. $(DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE) is English for the both. The both ...
Sim's user avatar
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OpenAPI for existing Webforms application? Entity Framework or not?

I am very new to Web API / OpenAPI -- sorry for possibly not being accurate in description. Part of the existing ASP.NET webforms application should be extended to mobile devices. The 3rd party ...
pepr's user avatar
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Swift extension to an ObjC class inside the same framework

My team creates an xcframework, let's call it MyFramework. The framework uses just one class as an API, also called MyFramework. Until now, this framework has only contained ObjC code. However, we ...
derekahc's user avatar
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Integrate GraphQL api in GoFr framework in golang

I want to integrate the GraphQL API Support in our golang framework GoFr( I used this package for the same: My task was to integrate the ...
Umang Mundhra's user avatar
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google admob causing watch app to not build even though it isn't liked to it

I have an app with adMob ads in it. There is a watch extension app that will now not build because of the error: .../GoogleMobileAds.xcframework:1:1 While building for watchOS Simulator, no library ...
John Clevesy's user avatar
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2 answers

Router-outlet not loading first component as expected

On my new angular project I have the following app.routes.ts file: import { Route } from '@angular/router'; export const APP_ROUTES: Route[] = [ { path: 'main', loadComponent: () =...
joaovzg's user avatar
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PHP Plugin Listerners

So I'm trying to code a plugin system in PHP using listeners just like minecraft does with priorities and actions, but I don't really do not know how. Since if I try to use event listeners I have to ...
NaysKutzu's user avatar
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@Autowired is existing, but @Bean required says

There is some error which says bean required for this declaration and is not allowing server to start. When I define a bean says bean not allowed for this location. And throws an error. What should I ...
Jeevan Manik Reddy's user avatar
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Can anyone tell me on why does the logic of colliding "if statement" not work if the variables to be checked are in a global scope Game.h?

so I just started chili's framework and tutorial, then i tried doing the code in my own way and it took me like 3 days until I figured out that for the "if statement" to work, I need to put ...
Jayden Steiner Sable's user avatar
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Callbacks Not Being Registered Correctly in Custom Python GUI Framework Using PyWebView

Question: I'm building a custom GUI framework in Python using PyWebView. The framework allows defining widgets and handling callbacks for button presses. However, I'm facing issues with registering ...
red X's user avatar
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Why am I receiveing this collation error in .NET Framework 4.5?

Currently I am analyzing old solutions in my company and it we get following error message randomly: A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "...
Paglo's user avatar
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Unable to create framework in Xcode 15 with Objective-C throwing error "Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code"

I am trying to create objective C Network framework using Xcode 15 with minimum supported iOS version 14.0. Here are the steps I am following: I created New> Project> framework> Objective C&...
Priyanka Wadher Mistry's user avatar
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TestNG is not showing when running a test case even though it's installed

Test NG is not showing when running a test case I need solution for this , I tried various things still it's not working, even I tried removing cucumber plugin as well still I am facing the same issue ...
Mohammad Tasneef's user avatar

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