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JS Alert on pageload

I want to create an alert / message that shows me the users geodata after the page has been loaded. Here ist the script for the geolocation that I want to be displayed in the alert. <script> ...
vince's user avatar
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Kotlin WebView is unable to ask user for geolocation permissions

I'm unable to watch user's geolocation in WebView launched by Kotlin code. From the html page we need to watch the user's geolocation ( navigator.geolocation.watchPosition((position) => {...} ). ...
Oleg Kleiman's user avatar
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FusedLocationProviderClient keeps returning the same location if PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY is used; works normally with PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY

I am working on an app that tracks the user's location, and measures the total distance traveled by the user from the moment the location starts being tracked. My app has a switch that, when checked, ...
PrismaticPaul's user avatar
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Where do I upload video demo of background geolocation?

My app recently got removed from Google Play because they couldn't view the video I'd attached showing the use of background geolocation. This happened because the video in Google Drive got removed. I'...
gkeenley's user avatar
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React Native Geolocation Works in Emulator but Fails on Real Device in React Native App

Title: React Native Geolocation not working on Android device, but works on emulator I'm having trouble getting geolocation to work in my React Native app on Android. The problem occurs when I build ...
Rokibul Hasan's user avatar
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How to get latitude and longitude from Geolocator to Firestore location field

This is my function to get current location, using geolocator import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart'; Future<Position> determinePosition() async { LocationPermission permission; ...
Keannu Gran's user avatar
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Flutter: How to get location when the app is closed on Android and iPhone with a frequency of ~15 seconds

I am creating a Flutter app that requires fetching the location of the user when the app is closed with a frequency of around 15-30 seconds. Currently, I use the 'location' flutter package which ...
Heap Overflow's user avatar
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plotting wind direction from netcdf file using quiver

I am doing data visualization from netcdf file (weather data), i want to plot the wind direction as well but it is not working: ucomp=getvar(ncfile,'U10',timeidx=i) vcomp=getvar(ncfile,'...
Samman Amgain's user avatar
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How to Accurately Convert Latitude/Longitude to U/V Coordinates Using a Reference Point in Tacview?

Question: I'm working on a project that involves processing flight data recorded in Tacview, and I've encountered an issue with converting geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) into U/V ...
user27058658's user avatar
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Is there a list of IANA time zone to ISO Country Code and Region Code mappings?

Im looking to map IANA time zones to ISO country codes + region codes (where applicable). Is there some resource that has this mapping available for consumption? A c# package would be fantastic I saw ...
Rajesh Patel's user avatar
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I have an issue, i'm learning react native and i'm doing an app

i am trying to get the current location for show longitude and latitude dynamically, the message error indicates that there's an issue, i include AppRegistry.registerComponent('GPSApp', () => App); ...
Ivan Ojeda Vargas's user avatar
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Why is React Native geolocation not getting my current longitude and lattitude?

Why is the Geolocation library not getting my current longitude and lattitude, instead it keeps showing the default Latitude: 37.421998333333335, Longitude: -122.084, help fix the issue, I have tried ...
Kingsley's user avatar
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Using APIKEY but getting "Bearer token invalid. Bearer missing or bearer value missing."

I just want to use HERE maps with the simplest of all calls to retrieve the long/lat from a given location just like The ...
Oliver Busse's user avatar
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How to dynamically tune DBSCAN hyperparameters for monthly changing data distributions?

I have a dataset of incidents in an urban city. The company has a turn-around-time of 1 Month to act on the incidents. Their approach is manual & inefficient in dealing & allocating resources. ...
Abhishek Navle's user avatar
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Specify geo location of a web page

I have a web app that lists events. Every event has a location. And each event has its own web page describing that event. Is there a way to specify the location of the event in the meta data of the ...
David Thielen's user avatar

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