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How to get latitude and longitude from Geolocator to Firestore location field

This is my function to get current location, using geolocator import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart'; Future<Position> determinePosition() async { LocationPermission permission; ...
Keannu Gran's user avatar
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Flutter - dependencies incompability of geolocator and firebase_auth

I'm trying to use two packages: geolocator (version: 13.0.1) ( firebase_auth (version: 5.2.0) ( I want to use the mentioned ...
XeeMpee's user avatar
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Build errors with geolocator package

I'm using the geoloctor package in flutter for android location acquisition, but as soon as I install the package in my flutter project I get an android build error!The error is FAILURE: Build failed ...
冯殷娴's user avatar
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Geo locator giving error when added in project

Execution failed for task ':location:compileDebugKotlin'. A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.compilerRunner.GradleCompilerRunnerWithWorkers$GradleKotlinCompilerWorkAction ...
khush pajwani's user avatar
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geolocator package stoped working after flutter upgrade and it gives "kCLErrorDomain error 0." error

I'm developing a macos app and i used flutter geolocator package to get users lat long values. It was working perfectly without any problem but yesterday i upgraded my flutter to 3.22.3 (geolocator ...
Kimse's user avatar
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Flutter Web App: Unable to Retrieve User Location on iOS Web Browsers After Granting Permission

I'm developing a Flutter web application and encountering an issue with retrieving the user's location on iOS web browsers, specifically Chrome and Safari. Problem Details: When the user is prompted ...
Kashyap's user avatar
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Flutter Geolocator not retrieving location for iOS 17.5.1 (iPad Air 5th gen, iPhone 13 mini)

I am developing a Flutter app, and my initial screen is a custom splash screen. I'm trying to get the user's location on this screen. If the app gets the user's location, it will open the home screen ...
Safiul islam's user avatar
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Flutter Geolocator fails to get approximate location

I have the following problem: I have a flutter application which uses Geolocator to determine users location. The application works perfectly well with Precise location, but when choosing Approximate ...
Stoyan Kirov's user avatar
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Facing an issue with the geolocator dependency in flutter Once add to the pubspec

I'm facing an issue with the geolocator dependency in flutter. dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter cupertino_icons: ^1.0.6 geolocator: ^12.0.0 dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: ...
Just AMAZING Cloud's user avatar
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Flutter Geolocator does not update location on Android 14

In my app I have to regularly check location of the device. I do this with geolocator plugin version 12.0.0. On iOS and Android below 14 everything works fine, but problem is when I test my app on ...
m-dnsk's user avatar
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How do I reduce latency for Flutter Geolocator on iOS?

I've built an app using Flutter that allows users to track how far they have travelled from a starting point, a bit like any map-based or sports tracking app. With the app, a high accuracy is ...
James's user avatar
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Flutter (IOS) How to prompt "Turn On Location Services to Allow <App Name> to determine you location" dialog?

Is there a way to prompt or maybe enable the Location Service programmatically or at least navigate user to Privacy & Security > Location Services page if the Location Service is not enabled on ...
Lyn's user avatar
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urllib3 warning ReadTimeoutError while connecting to Nominatim's geolocator

The code below code to extract pincodes, but raises the error below. How to work around this? def get_zipcode(df, geolocator, lat_field, lon_field): location = geolocator.reverse(str(df[lat_field])...
anagha s's user avatar
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flutter geolocator package showing kotline error

i'm trying to make weather app and i'm using geolocator package but after adding package project is not building. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses'. > ...
P A I N's user avatar
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Flutter geolocator checkDebugDuplicateClasses issue

I have a problem with adding the geolocator (v 11.0.0) Flutter package to my existing project. As soon as I add it to the pubspec.yaml file I get an error FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. ...
TheMixy's user avatar
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