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React Native: Prevent Swipeable from Blocking Horizontal Tab Swipes in TabNavigator

I'm building a screen in React Native that contains a list of Swipeable cards, where each card can be swiped to the right to reveal actions. However, this screen is part of a TabNavigator, and the ...
Ido Aviram's user avatar
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swiftui application how to implement swipe to select items in lazyvgrid

I want to implement a function: swipe to select multiple griditems, just like the functionality in FileManager of IOS: an item with a Text("Hello") and a Text("World") are ...
xunyang's user avatar
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Google Maps with Multiple Styles?

I'd like to differentiate the shape of the Alberta region with a different google map style than the rest of the map. Is this possible? Are there any workarounds that might work for this? I've tried: ...
MF9's user avatar
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InteractiveViewer not working for child GestureDetector in flutter

I try to build pdf editor, where a feature that is user can draw, i already done this, but when i draw widget can't zoom, i want when user touch in one finger, its draw other wise its zoom final Set&...
Fuad Mostafij's user avatar
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ModalNavigationDrawer ignores PointerInputChange

Look at the following GIF. When the checkbox is checked, the green area (Column in MaxBox) detects swipes from right to left. Each such swipe increments the counter by one. When the checkbox is ...
sanitizedUser's user avatar
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In SwiftUI is it possible to use both .onDrag and .gesture(DragGesture()) simultaneously?

I have an item view that has a .simultaneousGesture(DragGesture()) modifier on it to handle dragging the item around a Canvas and updating its x and y position. I also want to add an .onDrag modifier ...
Matias Carulli's user avatar
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How can I disable Windows system-wide three/four-finger touch gestures in a Win32 application? [closed]

I'm working at a company which develops an application which can be used for drawing with multiple touch inputs at once. The problem is, when you swipe with three or four fingers upward or downward, ...
Dante's user avatar
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Simultaneous drag & long press cancels animation

I'm trying to create a view that can be both dragged and long pressed. At a high level, a basic Circle that: When pressed for N seconds, becomes a button that can perform some action. As the press ...
bli00's user avatar
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Swiftui Image - Magnify and Drag simultaneously with two touches

Setting simultaneous gestures with MagnificationGesture and DragGesture do not work together since drag gesture works on single touch and magnification works on two touch. I am either able to magnify ...
Yunus Gedik's user avatar
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SwiftUI gesture blocks UITouch

I have two views in my app - one that uses a SwiftUI view with a gesture (drag gesture), and another that uses UIKit multi touch. When the multi touch starts, I can continue to use the drag gesture on ...
sridhar_rajagopal's user avatar
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How to swipe forwards or backwards through an array using the fling gesture

I have a list of items that I want the user to be able to swipe through using the fling gesture. When the user swipes up or right they will move forward to the next item (1, 2, 3, etc). When the user ...
Tony's user avatar
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Flutter `GestureRecognizer` that only responds to two-finger gestures

How do I create a GestureRecognizer in Flutter that only responds to two-finger gestures, and passes single-finger gestures on to other widgets in the arena? In my Flutter app, I have a GoogleMap ...
Luke Hutchison's user avatar
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Emulate a four-finger swipe gesture using Raspberry Pi

There are some existing projects which help you to turn your Raspberry Pi into a USB keyboard or mouse, see this one for example. As far as I understand, they use the HID device (/dev/hidg0) under the ...
Mike's user avatar
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SwiftUI draw path by gesture when scale changed issue

I have an example of using gestures to draw on pictures. However, after zooming in on the picture, the position drawn by the gesture cannot correspond to the actual position on the screen. Or is there ...
Josh Chen's user avatar
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UIHostingController NavigationBar glitches when swipe gesture

It seems like an Apple bug because it only happens in newer devices like the iPhone 15 Pro. Using a coordinator as UINavigationController sets the UIViewController as the viewControllers. In the ...
Nick Liu's user avatar

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