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How to determine which Item on a Listview swiped in Delphi FMX

I would like to swipe Left & right an Item in TListView object in Delphi 11.1 Alexandra. I did choose Left & Right gestures from the Standard gestures and gesture works fine but I cannot ...
mesutuk's user avatar
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Flutter - ReorderableListView on drag

Is it possible to communicate to the children of a ReorderableListView that a drag/reorder attempt has begun? I have a ReorderableListView with custom widget children (not ListTile widgets) and I ...
Sisson's user avatar
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flutter Custompaint inside listview : ignore two fingers scroll

I have a stack with custompaint inside a listview. The problem is sometimes I can't draw because the listView is intercepting the gesture with one finger (which is use by the custompaint) and I get a ...
rach's user avatar
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Image tap gesture in Listview not responding

I have a Listview group header containing an image button - imgAdd - which is not responding to a tap gesture. I've tried various methods currently available on this topic but nothing seems to work.. ...
Avatar's user avatar
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How can I give a scrollablie listview gesture priority over a sliding panel in Flutter?

I have a sliding panel (sliding_up_panel 1.0.0 - that allows me to slide up a panel from the bottom of the screen and obviously back down to it'...
Andrew Stevenson's user avatar
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In listview, how to update all children widgets, when one is tapped?

What I have is comments for an article, and each comment is a seperate widget. Once a comment widget is tapped, its color changes, and editing options show up for that comment. But, how can I allow ...
petek's user avatar
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Gestures does not work for ListView Items on Android

I want to use "LongTap" and "PressAndTap" gestures for items of a TListView in a FireMonkey multi-device application, I have set OnGesture event of ListView as below : begin case EventInfo.GestureID ...
M.mhr's user avatar
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Gesture detection inside ListView

I have some data to be displayed in a ListView (user needs to scroll to see everything). Some items inside the ListView should support gesture detection, in my case onPanStart, onPanUpdate and ...
David's user avatar
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GridView selecting multiple items on gesture/swipe

I want to select mutliple items in the gridview on swipe left or right. Now swipe left or right works only on single item, while I want to select multiple items while swiping as far as swiping goes. I ...
ruben's user avatar
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Touchstart, -end and -move events on a View containing a ListView

I have basically this layout: <Window> <View id="header" /> <View id="content"> <ListView /> </View> </Window> now what i want is to animate the ...
Marcin's user avatar
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Add an item at a specific location in recycler view without refreshing the recyclerview completely

I need to show a list of data which can be expanded further. Here for showing the list, I've used RecyclerView, but I'm open to use any other widget too. This list should be able to do following tasks:...
Himanshu's user avatar
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Standard ListView with swipe feature

I'm trying to add swipe action to a standard WPF listview, but all I could find was support for swiping on UWP. Do you know of any framework implementations or 3rd party libraries that support this ...
omni96's user avatar
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How do I make a relative layout an item of my ListView? And detect gestures over my ListView?

I am trying to make a ListView that has relative layout items, one after another. Each relative layout consists of a Button view, followed by three TextViews aligned to the right of the Button, and ...
Upa Sundaram's user avatar
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WinJS listView gesture attaching/firing AFTER selection

I have a WinJS listview that I am attaching a MSGesture to that does not fire on the first tap/click. Once the items have been click/tapped they work on a single tap. This leave me to believe that it ...
Rob0today's user avatar
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Swipe on listView with tabs

Here goes the scenario: I have this activity with two tabs, each tab one fragment, in one of these fragments I have an Header ListView, and I want to hack it and got each line with an event of swipe (...
guisantogui's user avatar
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