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How to check if a file or folder is available for moving?

Before moving a group of folders and files, I want to check that all files and folders are not locked for moving. They may be locked by an external process, they may be running, or perhaps an external ...
DmitryB's user avatar
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Connect to MongoDB Atlas using Delphi Firedac Driver?

I am struggling to connect to a MongoDB Atlas database using the Firedac component. I have the MongoDB Atlas connection string but am unsure how to setup the connection in Delphi. I note that the Data ...
Matt Ryan's user avatar
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DelphiVCL4Python TScrollBox implemented just for x64 [closed]

when I use x32 lib /Embarcadero/DelphiVCL4Python/tree/main/lib/Win32 then I try to use TScrollBox I find this not implemented in win32 lib but for Win64 /Embarcadero/DelphiVCL4Python/tree/main/lib/...
Ali Aziz's user avatar
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Correct handling of view change in TGrid

In the TGrid registry I have a BLOB SQL column that I display in TGrid as ImageStyle. Everything works fine, there are no errors. However, in TGrid I need to change the color of the rows. Selected row ...
Woj Tas's user avatar
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Problem connecting Delphi client application to service via TCP/IP

I'm trying to connect my client application written in Delphi to a service running on a server using TCP/IP. The service is also written in Delphi and uses TIdTCPServer to listen for connections. When ...
Amelia's user avatar
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Turbo explorer Delphi KeyPressed and ReadKey replacement

Just tried to receive some information about the keyboard when I noticed CRT is not delivered with Turbo Delphi Explorer... It is shipped under conio.h with Turbo C++ Explorer, but not with Delphi ...
David Harouche's user avatar
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How to move a group of files and folders while minimizing the number of intermediate errors? [closed]

I need to write code (Delphi or C++ Builder) in which, before moving a group of files or folders, check that all folders and files are available for moving, i.e. not locked by external processes and ...
DmitryB's user avatar
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TStringMetaData access by record in Delphi 11.1.5

I want to see the meta data for strings. I defined a record type and a utility class for this: type PStringMetaData = ^TStringMetaData; TStringMetaData = packed record codePage : word; // -12 ...
SOLID Developper's user avatar
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OnKeyPress not triggered in DevExpress component descendant

The code below defines a TcxDBBlobEdit descendantwith its own OnKeyPress. My issue is that this OnKeyPress ('breakpoint here') never gets triggered. What am I overlooking? type ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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TPopup menus are reversed from left-to-right to right-to-left after D2007 migration

TPopup menu layouts (Icons/Bitmaps, text alignment, three dots...) are reversed from left-to-right to right-to-left after migrating my source code from D7 to D2007. My system language is English. I ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to use Winapi.Dwmapi.DwmSetWindowAttribute API for rounded window corners with Delphi 2007

I found this excellent source code for Delphi XE to make form windows rounded. How can I convert this code to work with Delphi 2007 and older? It does not compile properly. My executable also needs to ...
Tom's user avatar
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Record's field as formal parameter for procedure for Delphi

I want to create a procedure witch makes some manipulation with variable record type. Globally, I have a array of record. I want to sort the array, but by record's field. I want to pass the field as ...
t232006's user avatar
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Delphi 6 textbox not showing Chinese character correctly [closed]

I have saved some data into a firebird table. The field has been set to GB_2312. When I retrieve the data to display in a textbox where the font keyset has been set to GB_2312, it does not show the ...
John's user avatar
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Debugging a component at Design-time with Delphi 12 doesn't work

I can't debug another instance of Delphi anymore. Up to Delphi 11, I can build my packages in debug, open my component .pas file and put a breakpoint in the first line of the Create procedure, then go ...
Eric Dumont's user avatar
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Smart Codeinsight in Delphi 12.2

I'm trying to setup Smart Codeinsight in Delphi 12.2 but when ever I'm calling it I just got "Not Found" as an answer. Example: {//************ Find Bugs *************** Not Found } I've ...
Jens Borrisholt's user avatar

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