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Gradle Build Fails: Could not resolve com.bmuschko:gradle-docker-plugin:3.6.2

A problem occurred evaluating root project `'ngp'`. > Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration `'classpath'`. > Could not find com.bmuschko:gradle-docker-plugin:3.6.2. Searched ...
NaralaChetty Navitha's user avatar
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EDM4U error when resolving : NullReferenceException "IsGreater"

I'm stuck for too long on this one, I would really, really appreciate a hand. I'm on Unity 2022.3.47f1, on Android. Error occurs only when I use the "Custom main Gradle Template" and that I ...
Nicolas Granier's user avatar
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How to get dynamic rendering in Angular?

Previously, I used to get a build with angular universal as npm run build:ssr. Later, it was requested that each index be accessible separately. I got a build with npm run prerender. Unfortunately, ...
user27023959's user avatar
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Android Studio Gradle Build Error: Could not find dependencies

I recently updated Android Studio to Koala 2024.1.2. Gradle was also updated to 8.10.1. Plugins were also updated to 8.6.0. Now, during a project build 3 dependencies cannot be found: 'com....
RUSKIED's user avatar
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CoreGraphics.CGFloat errors after updating XCode to version 16 [duplicate]

I recently updated my mac to version 15.0 (Sequoia) so I was forced to update Xcode to version 16, since then I am having the following errors to build the project Steps I took to try and resolve the ...
Kaique Cardoso's user avatar
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OpenSearch not exiting gracefully in custom docker image and ends up locked

I am trying to build a custom docker image for OpenSearch based on the official image from the opensearch procect (version 2.16.0). My goal is to have an image for development and QA purposes that, ...
buddemat's user avatar
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How to build project as is but minify every HTML, CSS and JS files

I have this project structure: I need to build my project (red rectangle on image except .gitignore) as is keeping folder structure and all file names but I want to only HTML, CSS and JS files be ...
EzioMercer's user avatar
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DelphiVCL4Python TScrollBox implemented just for x64 [closed]

when I use x32 lib /Embarcadero/DelphiVCL4Python/tree/main/lib/Win32 then I try to use TScrollBox I find this not implemented in win32 lib but for Win64 /Embarcadero/DelphiVCL4Python/tree/main/lib/...
Ali Aziz's user avatar
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Keykloack docker enable features

I'm having trouble enabling certain features in my custom Keycloak Docker image—specifically scripts, impersonation, and passkeys. Despite following the recommended steps, these features aren't ...
Selanas of Amber's user avatar
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Quarkus build unsatisfied dependency and runtime issues

So i'm working in a serverless environment. I was using weld-cdi before using quarkus-cdi and was thinking about migrating my CDI. We are not really in a maven submodule architecture here. So i'm ...
Gold's user avatar
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Facing build Issue in the MLC-LLM Android App

I've tried to run the MLC-LLM Android App with the below link, I can't able to run the app due to the error which is shown in the screenshot below: Git Repository I've cloned and runned the MLC-AI/...
Ruban's user avatar
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How to override a behavior of __webpack_require__ function?

I encountered a problem with my project. For sharing modules, I use the require() function, which, as I know, evaluates the entire code of the module and encapsulates it in another function. However, ...
Dzmitry Yahorau's user avatar
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How do I fix an error while building Godot

I am attempting to build Godot and while doing that I got this error ERROR: modules\register_module_types.gen.cpp: In function 'void initialize_modules(ModuleInitializationLevel)': modules\...
Mildly Intelligent's user avatar
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How can I build cppm in cmake environment? [duplicate]

I'm posting this because importing the cppm file during make does not work well. The code is simple. ├── **CMakeLists.txt** ├── **Hello.cppm** ├── Hello.out ├── Hello.pcm ├── ├── **Use.cpp** ...
hundong2's user avatar
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Xcode 16.0 build Time significantly increased

I'm confused because of Xcode 16.0 build time significantly increased 1st build - 23 min (after updating Xcode) 2nd build - 35 min (without any changes) 3rd build - 34 min (without any changes) 4th ...
Jabson's user avatar
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