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EDM4U error when resolving : NullReferenceException "IsGreater"

I'm stuck for too long on this one, I would really, really appreciate a hand. I'm on Unity 2022.3.47f1, on Android. Error occurs only when I use the "Custom main Gradle Template" and that I ...
Nicolas Granier's user avatar
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Unity ads blocked organization [closed]

I wanted to know why Unity ads blocks an organization when I download and install an applications on my phone while Unity ads are running on my phone? I was looking for a solution to this problem, but ...
user27189187's user avatar
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Massive crash spike in USRVWebViewCallback invoke

We're seeing a sudden massive crash spike in UnityAds across multiple projects on iOS. Our projects use UnityAds through AdMob mediation. We do not use Unity engine. 0 libobjc.A.dylib ...
Columbo's user avatar
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Unity Xcode iOS / Why is Unity Ads and mediation an Pod in my project?

I want to publish my Unity game to iOS, but when I tried to archive it in Xcode, I got this error: Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS $_UnityAds Other Projects of mine don't have this problem. So this ...
Berlin-Koeln's user avatar
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Undefinded symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_UnityAds in XCode, when i try to archive a unity ios project

i want to archive an unity ios project in xcode to upload it to the appstore. While archiving, i get the following two errors: Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_UnityAds Linker command failed with exit ...
Berlin-Koeln's user avatar
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Unity Ads Mediation and IronSource

Im installing Unity Ads Mediation to show ads in my game. I see the primary network is IronSource but you can install more networks. Also I see that on IronSource dashboard you can install more ...
David TG's user avatar
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How to Implement Unity Ads in a .NET for Android Project

I’m currently working on a .NET for Android project in Visual Studio and I’m trying to integrate Unity Ads into my application. I have the unity-ads.aar file, but I’m having trouble using it in my ...
Hesam Mohseni's user avatar
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Unity ads is showing in editor but not in real android phone in Unity Version

I am trying to add Unity ads in my game for Android (Unity Version 2022.3.14f). Ads are working in the editor but when I create a build and run it in my phone ads are not showing. AdsManager.cs using ...
Balram Thakur's user avatar
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Unity Banner Ads failed to Load

I have been trying to load Banner on Android studio Java, but It doesn't load, to my surprise Interstitial ads load well, Please I need help: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { ...
Clubz Friendship's user avatar
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CTA method in playable ad for Mintegral platform

I made a playable ad and now i want to make a build for Mintegral platform. As the whole point of playable ad is to redirect user to store, i need to implement a CTA (call to action) method, that will ...
Ratio's user avatar
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how to update unity ads above version 4.4.2?

Since version 4.4.2, unity ads cannot be updated via package manager, however, they continue to release unity ads updates and now the latest version is 4.7.1. How can I upgrade to this version? I ...
Cherry Games's user avatar
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Unity ADS don't load ad

Here is an example of the code I wrote. OnInitializationComplete is executed, it starts loading that does not call any of the OnUnityAdsFailedToLoad OnUnityAdsAdLoaded methods. From this, I concluded ...
GedJack's user avatar
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Unity - ShowListener is null, you will not receive any callbacks

I got this error message when I run the game on my real Android device but works fine on my Unity Editor. I saw some similar posts on how to fix and I followed but seems the issue still happens. I ...
Si Dang's user avatar
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I'm currently facing an issue with IronSource integration in my app

I'm currently facing an issue with IronSource integration in my app. Both the rewarded videos and banners from Unity Ads, which are integrated through IronSource mediation, are not working properly. I ...
Bobby Bobbyfly's user avatar
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Trying to call a Future<void> function() in onPressed option in Flutter

I am trying to show an Unity Ad when a button is pressed. I tried a few things but I can't fix it. Here are my code snippets: main.dart -> Align( alignment: Alignment....
Terrence Skill's user avatar

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