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Delphi 6 textbox not showing Chinese character correctly [closed]

I have saved some data into a firebird table. The field has been set to GB_2312. When I retrieve the data to display in a textbox where the font keyset has been set to GB_2312, it does not show the ...
John's user avatar
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A weird encoding problem in comments of Batch scripts

I added an announcement of AGPL-3.0 licence in the header of my Batch script (saved in UTF-8). In addition, for the convenience of Chinese developers, I also added a Chinese translation link below it, ...
Lurito's user avatar
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Adding support for gb2312 and shift-jis to newlib iconv

I have a requirement to convert UCS2 to following code pages Chinese: gb2312 Japanese: shift_jis Russian : cp1251 Hungrian, Polish and Cesky: cp1252 Default: cp1250 I could see that ...
Anas's user avatar
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Convert text value in SQL Server from GB2312 to WINDOWS-1251

I have a column in SQL Server with GB2312 Chinese_PRC_CI_AS encoding. How can I convert and save the text in WINDOWS-1251 encoding? I would like to do thing in a query on SQL Server. Any tips?
Vicc's user avatar
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How to encode cyrillic text to Chinese GB2312 in java?

I'm trying to save text files using a Chinese character encoder GB2312. According to this document, GB2312 supports Cyrillic characters. Unfortunately, java can't save Cyrillic characters in GB2312 ...
hurelhuyag's user avatar
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Read GB2312 encoding file with linecache.getline

I need to read specified lines in a GB2312 encoding file with given line numbers. Many people mentioned linecache.getline(file_path,line_no) is the right answer. But it raised UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-...
galaxy9064's user avatar
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Build a token for Simplified Chinese Identifiers

I'm trying to build a token for Simplified Chinese Identifiers. Simplified Chinese Identifiers are defined in the specification as follows: simplified-Chinese-identifier = first-sChinese-identifier-...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Decoding gb-2312 file in colab

I am trying to open a file in Colab that uses gb-2312 encoding. Here is the code I successfully ran in my IDE to read and decode: file = open(r'file.txt') opened = decoded = opened.encode('...
Benjamin Hull's user avatar
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Converting GB2312 Encoded MIME to Readable String

I apologize in advance for sounding ignorant when I ask this question, but I'm not very good at conceptualizing the concept of encoding and decoding data. As an example, I have access to a MIME ...
RedMageKnight's user avatar
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What is this text: =B0=A1=C1=CB ... and how to convert it to normal text?

I have found some text in this form: =B0=A1=C1=CB,=C4=E3=D2=B2=C3=BB=C1=AA=CF=B5=CE=D2,=D7=EE=BD=FC=CA=C7=B2=BB=CA=C7= =BA=DC=C3=A6=B0=A1 containing mostly sequences consisting of an equal sign ...
Siwei's user avatar
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Java XML Encoding for GB2312 with ISO-8859-1 on the declaration

I am working to migrate my code that creates XML from Java 1.4 to 1.8. From the old java code, it encodes the xml file into GB2312 and the XML declaraction is this <?xml version="1.0" ...
Glen's user avatar
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why iconv can not convert a character

I got this error. Do anybody know what is wrong? Thanks. $ wget -qO-| iconv -f gb2312 -t utf-8 > /dev/null iconv: (stdin):430:173: cannot convert
user1424739's user avatar
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how get correct Chinese when use rapidjson on macos develop qt app?

I developed a cross-platform qt app on macos and windows,I have a file named 'proj.json', it generated by rapidjson in my app on windows, and on windows its encoding-format is GB2312, now I use ...
Princekin's user avatar
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How to properly convert characters in GB2312 to UTF-8 in PHP?

I have variables with chinese words, their charset is GB2312. I want to convert them to UTF-8 because I want to save them to mysql table with utf-8 encoding. How to do that is PHP? I'm using PHP 7. ...
Surono's user avatar
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Strange Characters after downloading Chinese table from html

I am using MAC OS X 10.12 system. I downloaded a table from . The table was encoded with GB2312, however, I used GBK to ...
Yijiao Liu's user avatar

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