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Create Smooth Tabs transition using Material 3 on web

Reading the material 3 guidelines, I want to mimic this effect: Material 3 fix tab transition The effect: when moving the container below tab using swipe gesture, the fix tab moves, and not just ...
Yash Raj Bharti's user avatar
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Warning [NgxImageCropper] Could not find HammerJS - Pinch Gesture won't work

I am implementing the NgxImageCropper library in a project, but the following warning is displayed in the console Warning [NgxImageCropper] Could not find HammerJS - Pinch Gesture won't work Look on ...
CaNa's user avatar
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Call another function, hammerjs

I want to trigger the function (leftBtn) below if you swipe the carousel: const leftBtn = $('.carousel-controls .left-btn'); // Left Click $(leftBtn).on('click', function(){ if($('.ps-home .my-...
Anrich Vigus's user avatar
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Draggable div not being dragged using Hammerjs and Angular

In my angular app I have cards and spaces, me cards(divs) can dragged and relocated fine on desktop, and I'm trying to use hammerjs to get it to work on mobile. So I have added a (pan) event handler, ...
Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez's user avatar
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ngFor with Hammer JS swipe function in Angular 7 to slice a index

While using Hammer js swipe function with *ngFor in angular. The result expected was a swipe for particular index of tile and that tile will be removed. But by doing that the animation is not working ...
arjun m nair arjun's user avatar
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ngFor with Hammer JS swipe function in Angular 7

While using Hammer js swipe function with *ngFor in angular.The result expected was a swipe for particular index of tile and that tile will be removed. But by doing that the animation is not working ...
arjun m nair arjun's user avatar
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Python: splitting a text file by a # character and summarizing the total

main(), invoice.close(), and the print function just above it all throw an "invalid syntax" exception. I don't know anything about dictionaries or with functions (at this time), so this is the best ...
B9M8's user avatar
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Hammer js nested events?

I'm trying to some kind of pattern for my web app, so if the user swipes up and left, respectively it will trigger an event How to do that with hammer js? It seems like using recognizeWith() API but ...
Van Dominic's user avatar
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Pan events in ios 13 aren't behaving as expected

I'm trying to fix a bug that appears only on iOS13 with a horizontally scrolling image gallery. We're using Hammer.js, and users are able to swipe left (to get the next image) properly, but they aren'...
JJKorn's user avatar
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When I tap the screen, the function is called two times

When I tap the element, the callback function is called two times. I did try with a click event and there are no problems <template> <div> <div v-on:click="tap()">...
user2533184's user avatar
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How can I get Cypress to simulate a Hammer tap?

I have Hammer listener on a div, listening for tap and press. I'm writing tests with Cypress and I'm having a deal of trouble to simulate the tap. I'm fiddling with trigger(). I've tried trigger('tap')...
bbsimonbb's user avatar
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Hammer command in Puppet exec fails (foreman 1.20.1)

I am trying to use Hammer in Foreman 1.20.1 on Centos 7.6 to refresh proxy features (or just about any other command other than --version) in a Puppet exec. The command I am using works fine at the ...
xit's user avatar
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Making clone to swap to html elements with hammer.js

I'm trying to make swap between two divs, I mean, change one by other preserving events and everything. Both have hammer events to detect swipe. When I make a swap elements in my project, they lost ...
juanram0n's user avatar
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Elixir-Phoenix: disable Hammer's rate limiting in testing

I need to disable rate limiting (or substantially increase the limit) in a Phoenix app for the test mode (because the tests exceed the limit). I use Hammer library for the rate limiting. I'm looking ...
Nil's user avatar
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Hammer.js how to pan an element and scale it progressively?

I want to pan an element only vertically and it gets resized and minimized (transforming scale and origin) until reaching the bottom of the screen when I release the touch. This behaviour that I try ...
Alex Condur's user avatar

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