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3 votes
2 answers

Hammer.js taps are slow on Android?

Situation: hammer.js 2.0.4, jQuery 2.1 on a Cordova cross-platform mobile app. I was running into well-documented (for example) issues with delay of click events, so I thought I'd try hammer.js for ...
Denise Draper's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

hammerjs pan event not working in cordova app

I'm using Hammer.js with the jQuery plugin in a Cordova app. I am also using zepto and zepto touch. The reason for having both (currently) is that I recently used only zepto. But the touch/gestures ...
user2123796's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Pinch to Zoom in Android with Photoswipe, Hammer.js and Transit.js

I've used hammer and transit, but still can get it work correctly. In detail: it zooms, but zooms ALL the images, not only the visible one, and moreover it's not draggable. I tried with several ...
Simona Adriani's user avatar