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How to migrate jQuery libraries to Zepto.js in wordpress website?

I have a WordPress website with JQuery libraries and I want to migrate it to Zepto.js. How can I achieve this? Any Suggestions or guides?
Abdul Mannan's user avatar
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Getting Zepto undefined error when using it in a page. How to resolve this?

I am running a script on a page where I include my zepto.min.js file first and then use it. I get Zepto undefined error. Here is a code snippet: <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/my/...
SIVAKOSARAN's user avatar
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Lowering CPU consumption of animated particles inside the canvas

I'm using this library zepto.min.js to add some particles over a canvas. Here is the result on Codepen: I wonder if there is an option to: ...
foxer's user avatar
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I am unable to connect php code through ajax when zepto.js (or even jquery) when I am using a template from app.js

I am trying to create a mobile app with Cordova. However, I am unable to connect my file to the database (MySQL) since AJAX is unable to send the variable from the input to the PHP file that I have ...
Atharva's user avatar
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"using API key multiple times" error after adding API Key to an old Google Maps API project

Finally getting around to fixing the well-known problem "API Key" error on a Google map I created back in 2014 (before you needed an API key for Google Maps API). I obtained a key and put this in the &...
user1147171's user avatar
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Chart.js - Getting data from HTML

I am able to retrieve the data for the bar graph but I am unable to match the labels, and colors with the data. How do I change the function so that if each <canvas> has: data-chart="[1,2,3]" ...
Kyle Underhill's user avatar
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Usinf App.js Framework and trying to use photoviewer but App.load is conflicting

Hello please review below code i am using App.js framework to create a mobile web app and i want to show photo viewer when user clicks on some button. but i am unable to do so, the thing is App.load ...
Abdul Qadir's user avatar
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How to make multiple divs sortable on Zepto

I must use Zepto instead of jQuery (, Also I use drag'n'drop library for Zepto, zepto-dnd. No other 'big' libraries can be used. With the following code everything works fine. ...
DisplayMyName's user avatar
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zepto trigger not work

I bind a click event for '.a' div $('.a').on('click',()=>{ //something }); and another click event for '.b' to trigger '.a' click event: $('.b').on('click',()=>{ //something $('.a')....
michael.ray's user avatar
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Aliasing an external dependency (zepto as jquery) with Rollup

jQuery is imported by node_modules/backbone/backbone.js but I need use zepto instead of jQuery. How can I edit the exported name of the zepto module to jquery? rollup.config.js plugins: [ babel(...
pmnazar's user avatar
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Siema Ca indicator

I'm using the Siema carousel on my site with Zepto. I'd like to be able to indicate what slide the user is currently on. How do I do this if there is only an onChange event available? HTML <...
Leah's user avatar
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emulating app-like swipe to switch pages on mobile website

I recently got curious about an interesting behavior of one of frontend frameworks out there for WeChat (威信). If you look at using Chrome's Device Toolbar toggled on, and then select ...
Zerus's user avatar
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Weui hyperlink doesn't work on Android

I am using weui and zepto.js to create an Android app, the hyperlink works on my PC but not on Android. The code is as follows: > <a href="input" class="weui-tabbar__item"> <img > ...
ahmed MENAEM's user avatar
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@types/zepto prevents me from importing zepto itself

I have installed zepto and @types/zepto packages in npm. If I install only zepto without types and import it like this: import * as $ from 'zepto'; Everything works. But if I install @types/zepto as ...
Gherman's user avatar
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Why use (!fn || zid(handler.fn) === zid(fn)) to (!fn || handler.fn === fn) in zepto.js - event.js?

In event.js, to judge the same handler, here is code: return handler && (!event.e || handler.e == event.e) && (!event.ns || matcher.test(handler.ns)) && (!fn || ...
tomision's user avatar
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