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Swipe Button with Javascript

I really am struggling to put a swipe functionality on my toggle button. I have tried hammer.js, jQuery Mobile and now I am trying to use regular javascript. I really need some help and guidance on ...
trees123's user avatar
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Hammers.js and table touch events

I have an idea to make some web page suitable for touch devices, and there I have a table with rows and columns. I planned to click on some cell and produce call to different pages or functions. I ...
Isma's user avatar
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hammer.js - jQuery Mobile event-conflicts

Using hammer.js and hammer.jquery.js the tap event is called twice: $('#button').hammer().on("tap press", function(e) { console.log('alert!°'); } This is because JQM also defines events that ...
Mick's user avatar
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jquery and hammer.js ghost click when panning

I'm using jQuery 191 and Hammer JS 204. I have the following example scenario <div> class="myDiv"> <div class="content"> <img> </div> </div> Example ...
seesoe's user avatar
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Trying to enable swipe left

The following is my code: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/hammer.min.js"> </script> <script> Hammer($(document)).on("swipeleft", function() { alert("Swipe ...
Robert's user avatar
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Hide div when mobile pinch zoom level > 100%

I would like to hide a div when the mobile zoom level (as initiated by a pinch zoom gesture on a mobile browser) is larger than 100%. E.g. when a user slightly zooms in on a webpage, the div ...
phillq's user avatar
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jQuery Mobile / Hammer.js working in iOS Safari, broken when launched from home screen

This is less of a code question and more of a library support question. (I know, I know... SO is for code debugging!) I am using Hammer.js within a jQuery Mobile web app. I have written some gesture ...
Patrick Moore's user avatar
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Hammer.js Pinch Event in Android

When using Hammer.js with jquery mobile, its "Pinch" event isn't working well in Android, but it's working well in iOS. I'm developing a mobile mail system like Gmail, so the detail page of an email ...
bigbigapp's user avatar
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hammer drag center

I'm using Hammers library for my app. How can I drag my element from any point that I touch and not by center ? thanks ! var hammertime = Hammer(document.getElementById('contentTab'), { ...
Antonio Martines's user avatar
3 votes
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Draggable drop-down menu in a website (display menu elements by touchslide)

I want to make a menu like the one in this image: On the left side there's the complete menu (where each button is a div), but the buttons are not displayed when I open the page. I want to display ...
user1899500's user avatar
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creating a touch slider using hammer.js

To give you a little background I have been working with phonegap and jquery mobile to create a native mobile app. When using the JQUI the response on android devices seems VERY slow. In previous apps ...
m_gunns's user avatar
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