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How to copy a dll present in my Nuget package to a subfolder in the consuming project directory?

I have a requirement to create a NuGet package that contains an assembly and this assembly shall be copied in a subfolder of the consuming project *normally it would be copied in the base directory ...
Abhinav Mathur's user avatar
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How do you get the contents of a nuget package to auto deploy to the output folder of a project that is referencing it

I have a nuget package that I've built and uploaded to our Nuget repository. In it are 2 native dlls. One for 32-bit and one for 64-bit. I'll be referencing them in various projects (net472, net6, ...
Ultratrunks's user avatar
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How can I copy plug-in DLLs from a sub folder using NuGet

For a .NET Framework project (SDK style) I'm trying to create a Nuget package including code, documentation and additional plug-ins from a user control. After creating my NuGet package and using it in ...
AxD's user avatar
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Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, when creating nuget spec based on the assembly

I have a simple compiled library (compiled with very different TFs) that I want to provide for consumers via nugets. For this purpose I want to use nuget spec -a {libraryPath} command to create nuspec ...
Unnamed's user avatar
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How to build nuget package from nuspec without platform version?

I am trying to build a nuget package only for dependencies consisting of 3rd party packages. If I'd be starting from scratch probably adn empty project with reguired assemblies might be a better idea ...
WSK's user avatar
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Why is package manager ignoring the settings in the nuspec file

From my understand the nuspec file this should not be adding anything from the plugins folder, but all the files are still being added. I just want them in the pack, and not added to the project. ...
Ron Bowes II's user avatar
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Nuget package references and depencies problem

I have c# projects with packages and references in hierarchy like this Project-A package1 package2 Project-B package3 package4 Project-C package5 package6 So project A ...
SourCreamKun's user avatar
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why my nuget package triggers dependency dll downgrade when install?

I have a nuget package that consumed by internal teams. This is the dependency section in the nuspec file <dependencies> <dependency id="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory&...
daxu's user avatar
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How do i remove dll(s) from Nuget package?

Im using Visual Studio 2022 and created a Nuget Package using this article I run nuget pack and i see the nupg file and upload ...
He-Man's user avatar
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Excluding files from Nuget package

I have a few projects, which could be a console application, Web Application, WebAPI, MVC etc) and a normal Class Library (not Core/.Net 6) which contains Newtonsoft.Json dll (latest version). Each of ...
Computer's user avatar
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"Go to definition" doesn't work in Visual studio for resource dictionary items even with debug symbol files or .pdb files packaged within nuget

I have a project named Components which contains a resource dictionary name TestResourceDictionary.xaml . I am able to refer this Components library from my root startup project and access the ...
Rana prathap's user avatar
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Is there any way to use .net 5.0 nuget package with .net 4.5.1?

I've made a custom nuget package from .net 5.0 standard library. Is there any possible solution to Install this nuget with .net framework 4.5.1? This is the error message. enter image description here
Giorgi Lomtadze's user avatar
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NuGet spec command ignoring metadata from project properties

I am generating a NuGet package of a library in .NET Standard 2.0 using Visual Studio 2022. I go to Project properties and edit the project information as shown in the pictures. When i use the ...
antoprd's user avatar
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NuGet package dependency version clarification

In a NuGet package, in its .nuspec file, the package dependencies are specified on a per-target framework basis. E.g., in the System.Collections.NonGeneric package, here are its TF dependencies: <...
Brie's user avatar
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Create NuGet package that when installed copies content to $(OutputPath) regardless of machine

I am trying to get a content file that is included with my NuGet package to be copied to the $(OutputPath) (in my case bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1 where all the DLLs end up) of a target C# project when ...
Kit's user avatar
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