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Nuget Package Re-Targeting In Web form app after upgrading the framework from 4.7 to 4.8.1

I Have Web Forms App projects and i upgraded target framework from 4.7 to 4.8.1 and i want to update nuget packages in same manner, i tried update-package -ProjectName {projectName} -reinstall, but it ...
ZukaEsakia's user avatar
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Visual Studio shows 'No package found" with Nexus Repository Manager OSS NuGet proxy configuration

I have installed Nexus 3.70.02-01 Repository Manager OSS on Ubuntu 22.04 and configured Nginx as a reverse proxy. I then accessed Nexus via the web, added a NuGet proxy, and configured the remote ...
ameni .elfarh's user avatar
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Nuget JFROG connection failed "Unable to load the service index for source"

Jenkins pipeline fails: Determining projects to restore... [2024-09-10T10:33:55.379Z] Restored /mnt/jenkins/workspace/e_Interaction_Engine_release_1.3/src/Core/name.CorePlatform....
daviti kenkadze's user avatar
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Why are my C# Azure SDK binding redirects not working?

I am making a DLL extension that uses the Azure SDK libraries in .NET framework 4.6 to an existing program. I had the program developers compile the program adding a reference to my DLL earlier, ...
Amaranth96's user avatar
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NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source, even after setting up Personal Access Token

Recently my Net7 build pipeline started failing with the error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source<mypartner>/<guid>/_packaging/mypackagename/...
Kirsten's user avatar
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How to solve this MAUI dependencies hell

I have a MAUI app which has these packages: I have updated all packages so there is nothing else to update. However, after some short time, the dependency Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility is ...
jstuardo's user avatar
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Problems with Reqnroll test generation

I have created a functional test solution for my .Net application using NUnit3 and Reqnroll (formerly SpecFlow: the project was initially created using SpecFlow, later migrated to Reqnroll). Solution ...
The Furious Bear's user avatar
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Detect if Nuget uses proxy

I am currently working with the nuget CLI tool in the office and at the homeoffice. In the office is use the following setting in my global Nuget.config: <config> <add key="https_proxy&...
Brudi_Voeller's user avatar
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How to configure Dependabot on Azure DevOps to create only one PR for minor/patch updates

We use dependabot-azure-devops by tinglesoftare to track updates of our dependencies and create pull requests automatically. The azure devops pipeline is rather straigh forward: trigger: - master ...
froeschli's user avatar
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Include file in nuget, when multitargeting frameworks

I need to embed specific dll in my nuget package. I know how to do it when my project targets only one framework, but i can't make it work when my project targets 2 frameworks. I'm using dotnet pack ...
BAXOM's user avatar
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Azure CI Pipeline Not Preparing Minified Files using BundlerMinifier into Artifact

Utilizing Azure CI Pipelines to help build and prepare my artifact for deployment, the minified files seem to be excluded from the prepared artifact. Looking at the build logs I can see the files get ...
Josh T's user avatar
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Could not load file or assembly 'MahApps.Metro, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies

I built an installer for a .Net application that contains MahApps.Metro dll for WPF forms. I added the MahApps.Metro DLL to the resource folder and referenced it from there in the project. The ...
ItzAsh's user avatar
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How to manage NuGet-packages in Visual Studio Code?

I want to be able to see which NuGet-packages in my .NET-solution (with multiple projects) are up-to-date and which aren't. And when they are not up-to-date, I want to select them and update them, ...
00Rhino's user avatar
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Why is Castle.Core being added as a dependency to my Nuget package?

I created a VERY basic .NetStandard2.1 class library -- a single class with a single interface. I built the solution and committed to Azure DevOps. I created a build Pipeline that compiles the ...
RHarris's user avatar
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MyGet .NET package builds not starting, only getting queued

As pictured below, our myget instance has apparently stopped building our packages. We have not changed anything in the configuration at all, but as of right now builds are only getting queued, and do ...
David's user avatar
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