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How to create a flowchart in mermaid with inputs from observable? Possibly done within Quarto for R

I would like to show a calculation process using a flowchart. In each node of the flowchart the result or the input given by the user should be shown. As I understand this should be possible using ...
G B's user avatar
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@Observable Macro: Will not marking properties with @ObservationIgnored cause any issues?

I'm migrating old ObservableObjects to the new Observation method with @Observable macro. What happens if I don't mark the previously unpublished properties with @ObservationIgnored? Would there be ...
S.Kr's user avatar
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XCode 16 - some changes to @Observable class not triggering redraw after "upgrade" to XCode 16

I have an application that draws shapes to the screen. The user can drag them around the screen. It works correctly when built using XCode 15 / Swift 5.x. But when it's built using XCode 16 / Swift 6, ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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@Observable class with a class array inside keeps hogging memory

I have an @Observable class in my SwiftUI project that has an array of other classes inside it. I create a slider in the main ContentView that is binded to a variable inside the observable class. This ...
Myreauks's user avatar
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Angular Login/Logout Behavior

I have a question. I have an application with Login and Logout which works, but with a hiccup. Here is the scenario. Using Observable, When user logins in it shows there user name, when they logout ...
user2280852's user avatar
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Observable Notebook VS code Extension fetch error Observable JS Gordon Smith

Trying to analyse several website content using ObservableHQ Notebook(Observable JS Gordon Smith) running on my laptop in VS code Windows 10 OS. here is the code line in a cell which is perfectly ...
Dmitriy Yugin's user avatar
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How to make a recurring timer publish changes to the main thread Swift?

I am wanting a check to be done every 5 mins. For this to happen there obviously needs to be a timer of some description running in the background. I have a timer func which calls a working func where ...
PW1990's user avatar
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DynamicData : Got an Add/remove instead of an refresh after a Or

I have a problem with the following dynamicData observation. At the end of the stream, I get Add/Remove instead of refresh notification. Register( // First data source ...
Gael's user avatar
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How can I test an Angular component property value updated by observable callback before finalize() is called?

I have a component property that is updated in the next method of an observable I subscribe to that represents the upload progress of an http event. When writing unit tests for this method, I want to ...
Rick's user avatar
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Why does my state observable tell me Type must have a [Symbol.iterator]()

Framework: Angular v18.1.0 Dependencies: RxJS v7.8.0 @ngrx/effects v18.0.2 @ngrx/store v18.0.2 Given the following RxJS architecture. I have a simple reducer with one state and an interface with a ...
Mark Hill's user avatar
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Is there a way to repeat an observable until other observable emits?

I'm trying to run an observable repeatedly until some other observable is emitted. I don't want to stop currently unfinished observable, I only want it not to repeat again. ts/rxjs I tried using ...
Darko Mitic's user avatar
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Can I use `@Binding` for `Observable` class instance rather than `@Bindable`?

In SwiftUI, @Bindable is used to create binding to mutable properties of observable class instances, ensuring synchronization between ParentView and ChildView. If I replace @Bindable with @Binding, ...
Hieu Nguyen's user avatar
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You provided 'undefined' where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, ReadableStream, Array, AsyncIterable, or Iterable

I have uploded my project to a docker, the project works very well at localhost:3000, but when I uploaded to the docker it sent the following message! [Nest] 151 - 08/20/2024, 3:44:48 AM ERROR [...
Akmal Khasanov's user avatar
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Detecting Click and DoubleClick using Observables

I have a stream of click events and I want to determine from that stream whether a single click or a double clicked was performed by the user. Currently I'm attempting to do this by buffering the ...
James B's user avatar
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18 views; is not propagating to the GUI in which cases?

I am going off a template and I have the following UserService @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class UserService { private _baseClient = inject(BaseClient); private _singleModel = ...
Dean Hiller's user avatar

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