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Adafruit gps breakout output encoded bytes not NMEA sentences

Using python 3.7, and pyserial readline on an Adafruit GPS breakout only outputs encoded byte data. How do i decode? It is not utf-8, or ASCII. Here is a sentence: b'[}\xc5\xc5\xf5\x9d\x9d\x8d\x9f\x8d\...
Stuart Stahl's user avatar
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Why is my output buffer getting flushed in C++?

For what i know, the differences between this codes: #include <iostream> //CODE 1 int main(){ std::cout << "Hi there" << std::endl; while(1); return 0; } #...
Cblue X's user avatar
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why bracket change my out on line 3 in javaScript [closed]

While working with arrays in JavaScript, Here I tried to calculate average using reduce method. My question is at line 3: without using bracket avg + num/ arr.length gives correct output but using ...
Raja Mohamed's user avatar
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printf() prints only the first character

Recently I came across an example from the book "The C Programming Language" and decided to run it: #include <stdio.h> #define IN 1 #define OUT 0 int main() { int c, nl, nw, nc, ...
L1M80 54N's user avatar
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trying to print to command line in puppeteer from within page.evaluate

I am very new to puppeteer. I have a puppeteer script (node v20.15.0) and I'm trying to write/print to the command line from inside a page.evaluate that's inside an async function. I was following ...
raphael75's user avatar
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Am i using the scanf function properly

I am writing code using Scanf and i want it to take in three different inputs at once perform some computations using those inputs and give me an output but it is not working as i expected . Firstly ...
Olayo Martin's user avatar
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one of my code run perfectly but dont show the result in the terminal, although other code can [closed]

My code run perfectly and show the result a week ago, but today, when I run it again, it can not show the results as it was! and the path when I run it seem to be longer. I dont know what was wrong bc ...
user27254846's user avatar
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In Python, can I round all printed floats with a single command?

I am working with a Python script that prints many floating point numbers. Within each print command, I use round(x, 3) to round the printed number x to 3 decimal places before printing. Here is a ...
SapereAude's user avatar
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I need help printing the output of DHCP Powershell commands for logging

I am admittedly very new and not knowledgeable in PowerShell scripting. I am attempting to write a code that will parse through DHCP Scopes/Reservations looking for BAD ADDRESS reservations and then ...
Darius Burton's user avatar
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Suppressing warnings ALTS: Platforms other than Linux and Windows are not supported

Was getting this message in console for each output when running the python script] ALTS: Platforms other than Linux and Windows are not supported this resolved my ...
aamir mir's user avatar
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Extracting Exact p-values from the "did" Package Output in R [closed]

I'm working on a Difference-in-Differences (DiD) analysis with multiple periods and groups using the did package in R. The package provides significance information based on 95% confidence intervals (...
user26896348's user avatar
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A desktop widget that shows which audio output is currently being used

I bind my mouse DPI button to switch audio output. But when I press I don't know which audio output is using. I know you can check it from bottom right corner : Sound Settings. But I want to see it on ...
Aziz Mandıracı's user avatar
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Ungetc() Not Ungetting Character

My code is extremely simple, but I figure that's best to figure out what's going on in my program. For some reason, I can't seem to get ungetc() to work properly, nor can I figure out it's purpose. ...
Ratdude's user avatar
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Redirect the Output of a Function to a Variable

I need to redirect the output of a function to a variable, to be called later. I don't want the function output to show, except to the variable. Here is my code: #include <time.h> #include <...
cppcdude's user avatar
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How to pull information from output and turn into dataframe

I am building lots of logistic regression models, and I need to somehow export the OR, CI, and p-values plus the covariate/level information. I have been able to get the OR, CI, and p-values into a ...
Newtostats_24's user avatar

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