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Date filter in Primeng

I'm developing a SPA with PrimeNG's table to display records, and each column has a filter for its data. One of them is a date record, in my template i am currently having two date fields for filters ...
BoLT's user avatar
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Primeng calendar - setting width without scrollbars

I'm using the primeng calendar component in an angular app. I have it inline and showing 2 months side-by-side. When I try to set a width for it, anything less than around 800px simply brings up the ...
eflat's user avatar
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In primeng 17 if the value set in p-calendar and [maxDate] are same then the value is not showing

here is the demo i made in stackblitz , I tried to bind the date value in p-calendar it works for every date except it ...
Janmejay Ghosh's user avatar
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Issue with primeng ngmodel binding after upgrading to 16.2.0.even though i select the date ,it is not getting selected

When I select the date from the pop up ,it is not getting selected and none of the change event is getting triggered.I have upgrade primeng from 10.0.3 to 16.2.0 my html <p-calendar #calendar (...
Aria's user avatar
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inputmask doesn't work with primeng calendar + angular library

I'm trying to apply an input mask to the primeng calendar component. All this within a library of angular components but i'm having some problems. Some versions context: Angular 15 Primeng 15 ...
Sebastian5's user avatar
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PrimeNG p-calendar: display week of year in input field

I am using PrimeNG <p-calendar>: <p-calendar [(ngModel)]="mydate" view="date" dateFormat="MM yy" [readonlyInput]="true"> I would like to display ...
nharrer's user avatar
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set the month based on the route for the calendar month component

I have create a calendar component where I would like to select the default month or based on the route parameters that are getting for the component Here is the calendar <p-calendar [maxDate]=&...
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Primeng p-calendar range mode with empty start date

Currently developing a feature for date filtering and instead going with 2 date inputs would like to achieve to reduce to one date input in range mode. According to primeng documentation p-calendar ...
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NG8002: Can't bind to 'iconDisplay' since it isn't a known property of 'p-calendar'

Getting this error when using [iconDisplay] in p-calendar i should not get this error, the expected result is calendar icon should show without backgroundcolor and border. Tried updating to newest ...
user23476491's user avatar
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Disable specific months from selecting in p-calendar primeNG v16

I have a p-calendar component in which I want to disable specific months ( let's say all months except 1, ie If Jan, all the months other than January should be disabled for all the years.) and should ...
Rashad's user avatar
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Not getting the updated value of ngModel at custom validator in primeng p-calendar

I am trying to use an p-calendar with icon like this <p-calendar [showOnFocus]="false" [locale]="sw" ...
JITHIN_PATHROSE's user avatar
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I am encountering an issue with the PrimeNG calendar component where the minimum date setting for December then the minimum year to become disabled

enter image description here I am encountering an issue with the PrimeNG calendar component where the minimum date setting for December 2nd to 31st isn't working as expected, causing the minimum year ...
Felix's user avatar
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p-calendar with p-selectButton in header

I'm doing some kind of dashboard and I need to filter some stuff using a p-calendar. I want to make this component look like the other one: As you can see the problem in the first one is the ...
Ricardo Ruíz Alarcón's user avatar
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PrimeNg (v15.x) not clearing validation state when end date cleared after making a selection?

PrimeNg (v15.x) calendar onSelect not clearing error message & form validation state not reset when initially entering an incorrect value & then clearing the value! Please see the code snippet ...
Tim Kruger's user avatar
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How do I set shown month when using primeng calendar with multiple selection?

I have an inline primeNg Calendar with multiple selection. I want it to show the month of a date I included in the model and when I remove some date from the model I want it show the current date. I ...
Nelson Teixeira's user avatar

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