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How to add a checkbox in the uninstaller (maintanence tool) of the Qt installer framework

I'm trying to add a checkbox into my uninstaller. I tried to add it at the installer too and it worked. I'm creating a .ui, adding it to my meta folder and adding it to the .xml. Then, I'm adding this ...
Bianca's user avatar
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Can you addWizardPage on Uninstaller (QtInstallerFramework)?

I am using QtInstallerFramework and I am trying to add custom page when uninstalling the app. I have custompage.ui file(simple text) and I am adding it in my package.xml: <UserInterfaces> ...
peco's user avatar
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At least one valid and activated repository is required to successfully complete this action

I tried to create an online installer for my project. While running the online installer, I get a error message: At least one valid and activated repository is required to successfully complete this ...
PietR26's user avatar
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Qt Installer Framework : Error code 1 is resulting on Warning pop up

I am trying to use Qt Installer Framework to create an installer of my package. I'm attempting to run a PowerShell script using the following command: component.addElevatedOperation("Execute"...
Fdo7's user avatar
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QT 5.15.11 installer

How to get installers for Qt version 5.15.11 or similar? I know that 5.15.x is a LTS branch and the latest patches are sent only to the ones with a commercial license. But I saw that sources for other ...
Pietro's user avatar
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Qt Installer Framework - Install new software version

Is there a way to install a new version of a software (with QIFW) on top of an existing one (also installed with QIFW)? I'm building a software for a fairly big office and I'd like my users to be able ...
Mathieu Monfort's user avatar
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How to disallow further installations in different directories with QtIFW

My QtIFW-Installer works fine so far. But I can install the same application multiple times in different Locations. How can I detect, that the application is already installed in another or the same ...
Martin Fehrs's user avatar
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Unable to access Qt 6.2.4 archive

Unable to access an older version of qt software from qt windows installer in the custom installation process. I am trying to install Qt (6.2.4) from the qt windows installer to build Wireshark, but I ...
Manoj K's user avatar
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Run a batch script before uninstallation using QT Installer Framework

I have a batch script that does some clean up, which is installed along the main application. However, I cannot seem to execute the batch file before uninstallation. Here is my install script: ...
Alp Erbil's user avatar
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Is there any way to allow a user to choose qt installer language?

Qt Installer uses system language as its windows' and the license's language. Is there any way to allow a user to choose the language? I.e., is there any way to change the language in a script? Note: ...
JenyaKh's user avatar
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QTIFW readFile(string filePath, string codecName), what codec?

On QTIFW I see there is a function to read a file string readFile(string filePath, string codecName) but what codec means? How to use this function?
KcFnMi's user avatar
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How to avoid antivirus during installation?

Just made an installer (using QTIFW) for my Qt project but when I tried to install it on other machine the 360 Total Security interrupted the installation process. It pops up and complains about ...
KcFnMi's user avatar
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Unlock password in Qt Installer Framework

I'm using Qt Installer Framework to install my Linux app in several OS like Redhat/Centos and Ubuntu. It works nice but for compliance reasons I have to add a step where the user is mandated to enter ...
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How to prevent Qt 6.0 Installer from crashing?

Here’s what happens I open the installer, choose the packages I want(I choose to install some 1.7 GB of components), everything goes well. But then when I click on the Install button, and Qt installer ...
Asdf's user avatar
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Qt Installer Framework environment variable

How to add an Environment variable ( a directory C:/test1/bin) in System variable path( not in User variable ) using Qt Installer framework? I have tried like this, component.addOperation ("...
Sreejith's user avatar

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