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Angular 16 RxJs Issue Updating Total on Header Component

Hello I have an question regarding my Observable. I have a cart as well as checkout that works fine when I add a another items to cart it handles total items as well as total cost. These components ...
user2280852's user avatar
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Why does RXJS Observable stops emitting after getting error

I am trying to access datas every time the user changes the input value. The search can return an error. In this case, I want to disable the use of AI (semanticDisabled) for future searchs and then ...
Nicolas Delahaie's user avatar
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Timeout stops stream rxjs Angular

Hi i want to keep getting data even after the timeout its reached i try some other way but no success (timeWith, repeatWhen ect) here my code. now, any help would be good goal: Device stops sending ...
Kevin Dias's user avatar
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Shield observable chain

I have this RxJS observable chain. I want to remove final error handling (since there is some error handling in chain which I need there) from chain and leave it to Global error handler. Whatever I ...
Ivan ho ho ho's user avatar
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rxjs 5 -> 6 migration: connect operator missing

We started upgrading rxjs from v5 to v6 (without using the compatibility layer, in case it makes any difference). The majority of the changes are straight forward and well documented in https://github....
XeniaSis's user avatar
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Angular module's provider service is acting as singleton even though that module is imported in other feature modules

As per angular document - If a module defines both providers and declarations (components, directives, pipes), then loading the module in multiple feature ...
user1441238's user avatar
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How to take some of the properties of an Observable and assign them to another Observable using RxJS operators

I have an employee$ Observable and a personalInformation$ Observable. personalInformation$ is a subset of employee$ and I want to map the matching properties of employee$ to personalInformation$. The ...
eleon's user avatar
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How to make my newly created observable subscribers to get a boolean?

I want to make an observable that when a subscribed to emits a boolean , i tried a lot of combinations but nothing seems to work. example: let myObservable = new Observable<boolean>(item => ...
Wissam's user avatar
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How to import firstValueFrom function from rxjs in Angular 13?

Module '"rxjs"' has no exported member 'firstValueFrom'.ts(2305)
Rishikesh Pawar's user avatar
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How do I combine two subscriptions in Angular?

Is there a way to combine the subscriptions for this.controls.attendanceDate and this.controls.type? I need to have access to both at the same time in order to call each of this....
Scott's user avatar
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RxJS operator equivalent of ((observableX | async) || (observableY | async)) in template

I have the following code in my component template <mat-spinner *ngIf="(($.isLoading | async) || ($.isLoading | async))"></mat-spinner> I want ...
shuffler's user avatar
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Call a method from inside of subscribe

Im trying to call a method from inside of subscribe in angular/ionic. But its not working. Here is my code: somemethod() { const browser = this.iab.create(''); browser.on('...
Jameel's user avatar
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Angular: intercept an HttpResponse and make other calls before propagate the response to caller

What i'm trying to do is to intercept a response and if here is a certain value (CHALLENGE), make a call to an other API and retry it 3 times if needed, then, if success, reply the first call and ...
Andrea Scarafoni's user avatar
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Subject import package difference

I got a warning when I serve my Angular app. depends on 'rxjs/internal/Subject'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts. But when I changed Subject import package.The warning ...
AlanZh's user avatar
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how to flatten the nested array in rxjs

I am using forkJoin to subscribe multiple inner observable. How can I flat nested array to single level array. const x$ = of([1, 2, 3, 4]); const y$ = of([2, 4]); x$.pipe( switchMap((t) => { ...
Indraraj26's user avatar
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