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What is the standard practice of writing test cases in spring MVC application? [closed]

We are developing new Spring MVC application in which we have DAO and service layer. which layer should i write test cases in junit or testNG ?. What is the standard practice for this ?
Hitesh Gopani's user avatar
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With TestNG+Spring, how to make @Bean configuration local to just one test?

I have added a @Configuration annotation and @Bean definition to one of my TestNG tests in order to override a deep @Autowired object with a mock. Problem is, this has messed up all my other ...
Alex R's user avatar
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Getting sequential logs while executing tests in parallel

We have been using testng with java to execute integration tests for our code. We have implemented a listener for the test execution as follows :- public class TestExecutionListener implements ...
Naman's user avatar
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Best methodology to test against multiple Java versions

I have multiple unit tests and component tests which I would like to test against several versions of Java (1.6, 1.7, 1.8, etc). I wonder what’s the best methodology to it? Should I run tests ...
nadavy's user avatar
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TestNG :- not able to get context.getCurrentXmlTest()

I have some other test context with custom logic to import and read "testConfigFile" But < I'm planing to iterate over multiple tests so, trying to read test data as @DataProvider(name = "...
Swapnil Kotwal's user avatar
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What is best tool for Android Mobile Automation Test [closed]

I want to automate test of my Android Application. I am wondering which will be the best tool which is may be recommended by Google for Android Mobile Application Automation Testing. Can any suggest ...
user2978042's user avatar
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Running test classes granularly in TestNG

I have my integration test suite running on TestNG and utilizing its annotations. In simplified case I have 3 test classes that contain 1 configuration test and some dependable on the configuration ...
Soid's user avatar
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JUnit vs TestNg - For a New Project that using Spring MVC

Looking at the latest versions of JUnit[v 4.11] and TestNg[v 6.8.5] as of today, I see no big differences in both the frameworks. If I am using Spring MVC in my project and have several layers and ...
jagamot's user avatar
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Run TestNG groups sequentially and tests in each group in parallel

I have several tests suites based on the functionality they test and I want to run them in parallel - to complete more quickly. It turned out that within one suite I need to put several tests that run ...
munch's user avatar
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TestNG @BeforeTest equivalent in JUnit

I found the comparison at How to prepare something like @BeforeTest in JUnit?
Thurein's user avatar
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