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Creating a project in Visual Studio 2015 only shows a webpage

I'm a newbie in MVC and I'm trying to create an exercise project, but whenever I try to do so it only gives me a webpage, I can't find the folder structure that you would normally see after creating a ...
Kent Abrio's user avatar
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How to write @html.actionlink in CSHTML after fetching from database

I am very new to Trying to create a Dynamic menu in Visual Studio 2015. In my Database, I have stored full actionlink like this @Html.ActionLink("Leave Status", "Leaves", "Office") Here Is ...
Nurat Jahan's user avatar
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Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNet.Scaffolding.12.0' or one of its dependencies

After pulling an old project down from source control and attempting to run it, I'm getting the following error: === Pre-bind state information === LOG: DisplayName = Microsoft.AspNet.Scaffolding.12....
BLAZORLOVER's user avatar
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use installed vsix template in visual studio 2015 update 3

I had installed ng.Net.Template using tool -> extention and update external link ( and it is successfully installed ...
Amit Singh Rawat's user avatar
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Project builds but can't publish

I have an MVC project that for an uknown reason refuses to publish to a local folder in the PC. The log says the following: 3>------ Publish started: Project: Admin, Configuration: Release Any ...
Hrodger's user avatar
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Why would a dll not get created in the obj folder and how can I fix this?

Have a coworker who can't compile his MVC 5 solution. He's getting an error saying the dll in the obj/Debug folder doesn't exist. Any ideas what the problem may be? The solution has three ...
boilers222's user avatar
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Why would Visual Studio be trying to copy files from outside the project to the bin and how do I fix it?

I've got a MVC project using Telerik/Kendo controls running in Visual Studio 2015. I inherited a project form a coworker who passed it to me through Subversion/Tortoise SVN. When I compile ...
boilers222's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2015 project authentication is wrong when using custom template

I have created a custom ASP.NET MVC template in Visual Studio 2015 Pro that is supposed to use Windows authentication by default. I have noticed an odd behavior in that when a new project is created ...
SausageBuscuit's user avatar
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Visual Studio + ReSharper treating some Razor statements as errors

Current setup: Visual Studio 2015 Professional and ReSharper Ultimate 2017.2.2. I've started looking into ASP .NET MVC and I've found that ReSharper has been treating some Razor statements as errors. ...
Matt Clegg's user avatar
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3 answers

Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server on specific project in vs 2015

I have created new project and run, it was build successfully after that through an error.
Pradip Talaviya's user avatar
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Could not copy the files .... because it was not found error

I got a mvc project from my friend. This is her project but i need to work on it. So when i try to start it, there are some errors. Here is that errors; Could not copy the file "...
Flardryn's user avatar
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Compiler executable file C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe cannot be found

I had an application on .Net Framework 4.0 and MVC2 running on Visual Studio 2010. I decided to move this application to Visual Studio 2015. So First I've upgraded it to MVC3 and then Opened it with ...
Hosein's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2015 - an item with same key has been added

I recently installed Visual Studio 2015 update 3 (KB3095681). After installing update 3, I'm getting an error of An item with same key has already been added. I checked if the issue was in my ...
ISHIDA's user avatar
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Asp.Net create static HTML file from dynamic page

I have a CSS folder and I want that when I build the project it should be copied to my build folder. I know I can do this using Post Build events. However I don't know how to achieve the following: I ...
Tim Liberty's user avatar
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Visual Studio Copy the Project to an external drive

I had done a project by using ASP.NET MVC. How do I copy and paste the project to an external drive. I have to submit my project as coursework yet they request to copy the entire project to a CD/VCD. ...
H2O's user avatar
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