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How add conditional Instalation Targets in manifest file in Visual studio

Using single manifest file i am generating two vsix. One will target 2022 version and other will target 2019 and before. The problem is if i double click on 2022 vsix or 2019 vsix, both are listing ...
Thejas Jain M j's user avatar
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How do I create a Visual Studio 2015 compatible extension in Visual Studio 2019?

How do I correctly create an extension for Visual Studio with backward compatibility up to Visual Studio 2015? If you use the standard Visual Studio 2019 template for extensions, then it uses DLLs in ...
Snowy Owl's user avatar
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DevEnvDir in VS2017 points to VS2015

In my extension project file I'v set Start Action to start Visual Studio by setting StartPrograms in my project file (.vbproj if that matters) <StartPrograms>$(DevEnvDir)devenv.exe</...
IvanH's user avatar
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How can I create an extension for Visual Studio that can interface with TFS directly?

I am attempting to create an extension that will periodically check to see if the user has the latest version of all files in a specific project or branch. This specific project/branch is going to be ...
DaDuStMaN20's user avatar
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How to include referenced nuget debugging symbols (PDBs) into .vsix package

I've read the How to include debugging symbols to .vsix package question and answer and Daniel Cazzulino's post but those ignore the fact that one's VSIX needs to include PDBs from other sources like ...
Zverev Evgeniy's user avatar
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Explain different components generated for CustomToolWindow in VisualStudio 15 extension template?

Whenever we create a CustomToolWindow in visual studio extension template it creates some files by itself , can anyone explain the significance of each file ? For example if create a CustomToolWindow ...
Dipankar Dey's user avatar
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How to create window form inside custom tool window in visual studio 2015/2017?

I need to develop one extension for visual studio 2015 and 2017 where I need to provide login form which connects to some application server and upon login it will show all the services available in a ...
Dipankar Dey's user avatar
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How to programmatically refresh VS code editor in VSIX extension

How can I enforce refresh of the Visual Studio's code editor? I have a VSIX extension which implements custom coloring via VS tagging mechanism. The extension has some settings, for example to turn ...
SENya's user avatar
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Visual Studio extension custom command error: "Object does not match target type"

I want to create a Visual Studio extension. More precisely an additional menu item. I used this tutorial as a guideline: Visual Studio Extensibility: Creating Visual Studio VSIX package extension ...
hegu_141's user avatar
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How to add C/C++ language service to a Visual Studio-based application?

I am trying to create a domain specific IDE based on Visual Studio shell. I followed the walk-through to create a basic Isolated Visual Studio Shell Application. Then I started the basic shell ...
smwikipedia's user avatar
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How do you extend the Code Review Window in Visual Studio

I would like to write an extension to Visual Studio that allows me to add additional UI elements to the existing code review window. This Stack Overflow question appears to define exactly what I would ...
Noel's user avatar
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Visual Studio - Is there any way to search a subset of code that can be executed?

Not sure if this is possible but given the way we can easily navigate to implementations of method calls (or at least a choice of possible implementations) and can even syntax highlight code coverage -...
aspirant_sensei's user avatar
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How to add menu to tools in Visual Studio?

I am quite new on developing extension for Visual Studio IDE. I'm learning it from official documents of Microsoft. However, I couldn't understand how to make new menu. I have already added to tool ...
Ahmet Gül's user avatar
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CreatePkgDef : error : BadImageFormatException

I have created extension for Visual Studio, which is working fine for Windows7. My extension is working perfect on windows 7. But on windows 10 its not working. (Problem is i am using IntPtr and on ...
Rahul Vasantrao Kamble's user avatar
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Adding a existing file to a project using visual studio command lines

I'm writing an visual studio extension and I'm creating a read me file that I want to add to the c# project. I'm running this visual studio commands var dte = (DTE2)ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(...
Victor A Chavez's user avatar

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