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Questions tagged [newtheorem]

The `newtheorem` package is used to create environments appropriate for typesetting theorems, lemmas, corollaries and similar structures, which are used in mathematical texts.

3 votes
1 answer

Strange error during the use of `\newtheorem`

Yesterday I went back on adding more content to some informal notes I started to write long ago. The main file including the preamble with all definition used (and possibly something more) is shown ...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
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Connected counters

The basic idea is that I am going to have examples of english sentences and then alternative formalizations of them. I want an arabic counter (‘eg’ in MWE) for the english sentences and an ...
Ainsley Pullen's user avatar
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Define your own “list of …”

I'm currently working on a book, and I want to create a list of examples. I tried lots of solutions available online, but none suited me well - see for example:
shahroor's user avatar
4 votes
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Is possible to decrease the text margin of a theorem automatically?

I am writing a LaTeX document where I formatting a mathstatement environment as into the following code. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%...
Antonio Maria Di Mauro's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to add a "qed square" at the end of a definition?

I'm using the acmart documentclass for a conference paper submission. I've provided a simple example (code below) which currently renders to the following output: Questions: How can I change the &...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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\newtheorem with blank printed output?

Is there something I can write instead of Printed output, in \newtheorem{prg}{Printed output}[Theorem], to ensure a blank output, so that only the counted number is left after writing \begin{prg} \end{...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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Is possible to use declaretheoremstyle with newtheorem for modifying theorem style?

I'm typing some lecture notes I had with some theorems, propositions, axioms, etc., and I want to modify the style for such environments: add macros, shaded backgrounds, or any simple modification (...
Manuel E's user avatar
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Environment prop undefined and also already defined LNCS template

Trying to put my paper into LNCS format and I'm having a weird error if I comment out the line \newtheorem{prop}[theorem]{Proposition} it tells me prop is undefined but if I uncomment the line it ...
Hao S's user avatar
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Theorem environment counter incrementing section/subsection counter [closed]

I have the following theorem environment's set up: \usepackage[framemethod=TikZ]{mdframed} % Defined mdtheoremenv used below % I don't believe this affects anything with numbering, including just in ...
codeing_monkey's user avatar
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Defining new mathematical statements [closed]

I would like to define some new mathematical statements in my documents. With the capability of using some numbering system, I thought about using section as shown. But would like to know what ...
Veak's user avatar
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5 votes
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Problem expanding math in arguments of en environment

I want to redefine by hand a "restatable" environment for theorems. I have to do so because for some obscure reason the jloganal class (for the Journal of Logic and Analysis) mess it up: ...
Quentin G's user avatar
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Inserting a picture into the text of the theorem (using \newtheorem) [duplicate]

I need the text to wrap around the image. I tried to include \usepackage{wrapfig} and code was like this. \begin{theorem} \begin{wrapfigure}{l}{0.4\textwidth} \begin{center} \...
Mark Smirnov's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to center in the definition context?

I want to have several short definitions on the same line as the definition number. With that purpose in mind, how may one center A is B in the last definition? The MWE is: \documentclass{article} \...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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How to change theorem definition

Please my first theorem which I want it to be Theorem 1.1 happens to be in Chapter 2 and as thus it reads Theorem 2.1 as opposed what I want. I mean Theorem 1.1, please how can I change this? By ...
Memristor's user avatar
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Numbering equations with same counter as theorem environment

I want to have the equations of my document numbered in the same manner as the other newtheorem environments which share the same counter [section]. The usual approach is to use \numberwithin{equation}...
N.B.'s user avatar
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